Email Templates

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Revision as of 22:50, 22 August 2012 by imported>Aeric (→‎Create an Email Template)

Workspace > All Items > Templates

Email templates define a standard look for Email correspondence that can be customized for individual messages.

About Email Templates

Email Templates are used in Campaigns and in general correspondence.

Templates are created using an online editor, or by pasting in HTML created in an external editor.

Templates can also include variables to information so you can personalize each email that goes out.

Working with Email Templates

Create an Email Template

  1. Click Workspace > All Items > Templates.
    The Templates object opens.
  2. Click the [New Template] button.
  3. Select your template design method.

;Email-to-Case Interactions: With this option:

  • The template is available for use automated responses and customer-notifications in Email to Case settings (and is only available in that context).
  • The following variables become available in the template, derived from the initial email that created the Case (in addition to the normal Case variables):
Email To, Email From, Email Cc,
Email Subject, Email Body, Email Reply To,
Email Size, Email Headers
Design Methods


Use the HTML Editor Toolbar

The toolbar appears when using the free-form HTML editor.

Editing Toolbar

Add Template Variables

Use Template Variables to personalize email templates:

  • From any template editor, Click the Show Template Fields link.
    The Template Variable Tool pops up.
  • Select a category and a field.
    The name for the field appears in the Variable column. (For example:$
  • Copy the variable name, close the popup, and insert the variable into your template.
For a list of Template Variables, see: Template Variables in Email Templates

Add Personalized Merge Fields

Create Personalized Merge Fields in custom email templates.

Personalized Merge Fields

Add Images

In HTML, an image is referenced using a tag that has the form: <image src"...">, where the src attribute contains an absolute or relative path to the image. That path can be a file path like ../images/local_image_file.jpg or it can be a URL of the form http://....

When the email arrives in a recipient's inbox, file paths are obviously of little value. (They would only work if recipient happened to have all of the right images at the right locations on their local system. Small chance!) So Http URLs are used to access the images.

To generate those URLs, the images to be included in the URLs need to be uploaded to the platform as Public Documents. URLs for those images become available when they are made public. You then insert those URLs into the <image src"..."> tags.

The resulting tag as the form <image src="https://{yourDomain}/networking/...">. The link then works in the recipient's email, because the image is publicly available.

Sample Templates

These samples are simplified versions of the default templates created by the platform. Use one of them as a starter for the body of a new email template you create (or copy the source from one of the default templates).

Sample Template for use with Email-to-Case

When an email is sent using this template, the recipient is prompted to reply in a way that allows their comments to be recorded as part of the case.

<p align="center">Please type your response ABOVE THIS LINE when replying. </p>
<hr />

<p>For the fastest follow-up, reply to this email, which references Case #$Case.case_number.</p>
<hr /> 
<b>Previous Messages</b>
<hr /> 

#foreach($Previous_Notes_Item in $__previous_notes__) 
<td colspan="2"><p>$Previous_Notes_Item.date_modified<br />
 $Previous_Notes_Item.created_by_name <b>replied</b><br />
</p> </td> 
<td width="30">&nbsp;</td>
 <td width="739">$Previous_Notes_Item.message</td>
<td colspan="2"><hr /></td> 
<p align="center"><font size="-1">This message was sent to $Case.from_address in reference to Case #$Case.case_number</font></p>

Sample Template for use with Service Portal

When an email is sent using this template, the user is informed that they can use the Service Portal to follow up on their case.


<p>For the fastest follow-up, use the <a href="__URL HERE__">Service Portal</a> and reference Case #$Case.case_number.</p>
<hr /> 
<b>Previous Messages</b>
<hr /> 

#foreach($Previous_Notes_Item in $__previous_notes__) 
<td colspan="2"><p>$Previous_Notes_Item.date_modified<br />
 $Previous_Notes_Item.created_by_name <b>replied</b><br />
</p> </td> 
<td width="30">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="739">$Previous_Notes_Item.message</td>
<td colspan="2"><hr /></td> 
<p align="center"><font size="-1">This message was sent to $Case.from_address in reference to Case #$Case.case_number</font></p>

Combined Sample Template

This template assumes that both Email to Case and a Service Portal have been configured.

<p align="center">Please type your response ABOVE THIS LINE when replying. </p>
<hr />


<p>For the fastest follow-up, reply to this email, or use the <a href="__URL HERE__">Service Portal</a> and reference Case #$Case.case_number.</p>
<hr /> 
<b>Previous Messages</b>
<hr /> 

#foreach($Previous_Notes_Item in $__previous_notes__) 
<td colspan="2"><p>$Previous_Notes_Item.date_modified<br />
 $Previous_Notes_Item.created_by_name <b>replied</b><br />
<td width="30">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="739">$Previous_Notes_Item.message</td>
<td colspan="2"><hr /></td> 
<p align="center"><font size="-1">This message was sent to $Case.from_address in reference to Case #$Case.case_number</font></p>