Template Variables in Email Templates

From AgileApps Support Wiki

Response Messages

This variables are available in Email Templates attached to a Case that has a record of the message that caused the Case to be created:

The "to" line from the message.
The "from" address from the message.
The "cc" (carbon copy) line from the message.
The subject line from the message
The body of the message
The "replyTo" address from the message.
The size of the message
The message headers (generally only used for error messages, or for debugging by programmers)

Task Messages

New/Edit Task Email

Due date
A record in the Related Object
Subject of the message
Task Description
Time zone of the user who created the task
URL to view details of the task
Record Creator, the User that created the record

Task Completed Mail

A record in the Related Object
Subject of the message
Task Description
Record Creator, the User that created the record
Date that the task status changed to Completed
New Status of the task
Previous status of the task
URL to view details of the task

Task Reminder Email

URL to view details of the task
URL to mark the task as attempted
URL to mark the task as completed
Due date
Subject of the message
Action type
Priority, Default: Normal, High, Low
Name of the object associated with this task
Name of contact associated with this task
Phone number of the contact associated with this task
Email address of the contact associated with this task
Record Creator, the User that created the record

Project Task Reminder Email

URL to view details of the project task
URL to mark project task as completed
Start date
Subject of the message
Priority, Default: Normal, High, Low
Name of the project associated with this task
Record Creator, the User that created the record

Send Note Email

Subject of the message
Body of the message
Name of the Related Object
A record in the Related Object
Completion date
URL to view details of the task/appoitment/activity

Appointment Messages

New/Edit Appointment Email

Start date
A record in the Related Object
Subject of the email message
Description of the Appointment
Time zone of the user who created the appointment
Record Creator, the User that created the record
Duration, in hours and minutes
Email address of the Record Creator
Name of the Related Object
URL to add this appointment to Outlook

Appointment Reminder Email

URL to view details of this appointment
URL to mark this appointment as attempted
Due date
Subject of the message
Action type associated with this appointment
Priority, Default: Normal, High, Low
Name of the object associated with this appointment
Name of contact associated with this appointment
Phone number of the contact associated with this appointment
Email address of the contact associated with this appointment
Record Creator, the User that created the record

Status Messages

Export Status Email

Name of backup file
URL to download the backup file
Start date
Completion date

Mass Operation Status Email

URL to Mass Operation status page
Name of operation
Name of the object
Name of the View
Start date
Completion date
Count (number) of processed records
Count (number) of ignored records
Is TRUE, if the reason is known
Reason that records were ignored (not processed)

Import Status Email

Name of file to import
Count (number) of records in the file
Count (number) of processed records
Count (number) of new records added
Count (number) of records merged
Count (number) of records ignored
Count (number) of records deleted
Reason for rejecting records
Date created
URL to view details of this import task

Report Status Email

Body of the message
Subject of the message

Translation Export Status Email

Name of file that contains the translations
URL to download the file
Start date
Completion date

Other Messages

Ownership Change Mail

Name of the Object Type that of which ownership was changed
Name of the record to which ownership change was applied
Notes, if processed, at time of ownership ownership change
Name of the user who initiated the ownership change
URL to view the details of the ownership change