
From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 20:38, 4 April 2012 by imported>Aeric (→‎Additional Options for Bar Charts)

Charting options provide the ability to create graphical representations of your data in Reports.

Add a Chart to a Report

  1. In a new or existing Report, click the [Group] tab
  2. In the Row Group section, select one or two fields to define grouping
    • Charts can contain information grouped by one or two levels
    • Column grouping is not used in Charts
  3. Click the Chart tab and select the type, size and location for the chart you want to display
    Learn more: Customizing Charts
  4. Enter Title, Size and Legend information
  5. Click the [Preview] button to check that the chart displays as intended
  6. Click [Save]

Customizing Charts

The following features are available in charts:

  • Choose the chart type: Pie, Doughnut, Funnel, Line, Area, Bar Chart, Meter Gauge
  • Choose the data set to include in the chart (X-Axis and Y-Axis)
  • Choose the chart size (height and width), title, legend, orientation, location, etc., as appropriate for the chart type

Chart Formats

Available chart formats for Reports:

X-Axis and Y-Axis in Charts


  • The X-Axis displays values horizontally (left-right).
  • X-Axis options in charts are defined via the Group tab

To select X-Axis Options:

  1. From the Fields tab, select fields to display in the report
  2. From the Group tab, use the Row Group section to create X-Axis options


  • The Y-Axis displays values vertically (up-down)
  • Y-Axis options in charts are defined via the Compute tab

To select Y-Axis Options:

  1. From the Compute tab, click the checkbox Checkboxicon.gif icon to select available Y-Axis field(s)
    • Fields that have a Numeric Return Type (i.e., Number (integer or decimal), Percent or Currency) are displayed in the Compute grid, and become available as Y-Axis options
    • The options for these fields are Total, Average, Minimum, and Maximum

Advanced Options for Charts

The choices in the Advanced Options section depends on the type of chart.

Common Options

These options are available in every chart:

  • Title: Chart Title
  • Size: The chart size: Small, Medium, Large or Custom
If Custom is selected:
Height: Height of the chart, in pixels
Width: Width of the chart, in pixels

Options for Line and Bar Charts

  • Chart Location: Above or Below the data table
  • Chart Font: Style of the font used in the chart
  • Chart Font Size: Size of the font used in the chart
  • Value Labels: Show or hide the labels
  • X-Axis Label: Show or hide the label
  • Y-Axis Label: Show or hide the label
  • Y-Axis Ticks: The number of ticks displayed
  • X Axis Tick Angle
  • Y-Axis Maximum Range: The largest value displayed on the Y-Axis
  • Y-Axis Minimum Range: The smallest value displayed on the Y-Axis

Additional Options for Line Charts

  • Trend Line: Show, Hide
  • Markers: Show, Hide. Empty or filled Circle, Diamond, or Square
  • Shadows: Show or hide shadows

Additional Options for Bar Charts

  • Bar Color: Different color, Same color
Determines whether each bar in the chart displays with the same or a different color
  • Color Palette: Comma separated list of one or more hexadecimal color values, used one after the other for bar chart colors. For example: #ff0000,#0a68dd,....
Learn more: HTML Colors
  • Bar Width (px): Width of each bar, in pixels
  • Bar Padding (px)
  • Bar Margin (px)
  • Y Padding
  • X Padding
  • Y Axis Number Format: Shown for vertical bar, line, and area charts
  • %% - a percent sign
  • %c - a character with the given number
  • %s - a string
  • %d - a signed integer, in decimal
  • %u - an unsigned integer, in decimal
  • %o - an unsigned integer, in octal
  • %x - an unsigned integer, in hexadecimal
  • %e - a floating-point number, in scientific notation
  • %f - a floating-point number, in fixed decimal notation
  • %g va floating-point number, in %e or %f notation
  • X Axis Number Format: Shown for horizontal bar charts
Options: Same as those show for Y Axis Number Format, above
  • Edge Tolerance
  • Display value as stacked: Show values stacked on top of the other, rather than as adjacent bars
  • Hide Zero Point Labels: If the value is zero, don't show it.
  • Point Label Location Where the value is displayed, relative to the end of the bar

Meter Gauge Options

  • Chart Location: Above or Below the data table
  • Value Labels: Show, Hide
  • Gauge Start Value
  • Gauge End Value

Options for Pie, Doughnut, and Funnel Charts

  • Chart Location: Above or Below the data table
  • Chart Labels: Show Values, Show Percentages, None
  • Chart Border: Show or hide the chart border
  • Chart Label Position: Offset of each label from the corresponding chart segment, in pixels. (Not an option for a funnel chart)
  • Shadows: Show or hide shadows
  • Legend Position: Left, Right, Bottom, Hide
  • Legend Placement Outside Grid, Inside Grid, Outside,
where the "grid" is the box the chart is displayed in.
  • Legend Columns: The number of columns in the legend