Difference between revisions of "Field Display Types"

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|Radio Buttons||A list used to limit user selection to a single, specific value from a supplied list of values
|Radio Buttons||A list used to limit user selection to a single, specific value from a supplied list of values
<span id="richtext"/>
<span id="richtext"></span>
|Rich Text Area
|Rich Text Area

Revision as of 21:36, 15 June 2011

When a field is added to an object, the Field Display Type must be defined, as well as parameters specific to the field.


A Picklist might have these options:

  • Yes | No | Maybe
  • Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Not Sure | Agree | Strongly Agree
  • OK | Good | Better | Best
See Picklist for more information

A Date field might include:

  • Date only: 10/27/2008
  • Date and Time: 10/27/2008 11:30pm
See Date Format for more information

A Checkbox field is used for a Yes / No or True / False choice.

Supported Field Display Types


Note: The field types listed below are types you can choose when creating a field. In addition, there is a Multi Value Lookup type, which automatically appears in the Form Layout field-list whenever two objects are joined by a many-to-many relationship.

Field Display Types Description
Auto Number
  • Generates a unique number based on simple format rules and provided with a starting value
  • Auto Number fields default to YYYY-MM-DD-{0000}, where the number between the curly braces {0000} increments automatically.
  • Curly braces {} are required to generate an auto number
  • The YYYY-MM-DD- prefix is optional. It generates values for year, month, and day.
  • Any prefix can be used.
  • A single check box, where the checked value is "Yes/True" and unchecked value is "No/False"
  • To apply a filter to a checkbox, or import a checkbox field, use:
Yes/True = 1 or No/False = 0
Currency Displays currency in the format determined by the user's locale.
Custom Control Custom Controls can be either: Components or Pages
  • Components are created using HTML and JavaScript to extend the functionality of web pages, objects, and their operations
  • Pages are built using HTML and JSP to display custom web pages
Date A date.
Date time A date and time.
Dependent Picklist
  • A picklist that is dynamic based on values provided in another field
  • For example, Adult T-Shirt might include S / M / L / XL / XXL, and Child T-Shirt might include: 0 - 6 mos. / 6 - 12 mos./ 1T / 2T / 3T
Email Address A text string of the form {name}@{domain}.{type}. Example: friend@somewhere.com
File Field Allows a file to be uploaded as part of the record
Global Picklist
  • A Global Picklist is a type of field that contains a list of values, and performs much the same as a Picklist field
  • Global Picklists contain the kind of default values commonly used in all applications
Example: US states, status level, priority, hat size, apparel size, component part numbers, etc.
  • These predefined fields save time and can be used in any object, or modified as needed to meet your unique business needs
Image Field Allows an image file to be uploaded as part of the record
Multiple Checkboxes
  • Multiple checkboxes are displayed and are associated with a single field.
  • For example, choose your favorite movie genres:
Action / Adventure / Animation / Comedy / Drama / Romance / Documentary / Children's / Fantasy / Sport / Thriller / Western
  • Multiple checkboxes can be selected, for example: Comedy, Romance, Western
Multi Object Lookup A two stage-lookup where the user first selects the object to use, and then looks up a record in that object.
Multi Select Picklist

(Multi Select Global Pick List)

  • A picklist containing multiple values from a Global Picklist
  • Multiple values can be selected from the list and associated with a single field
Number A numeric (integer) field, for which you specify minimum and maximum values.
Number with decimals A numeric field, for which you specify the number of decimal digits.
Percentage A decimal field in the range 0 to 1, for which you specify the number of decimal digits.
Phone/Fax A string of digits. Format is automatically adjusted, depending on the number of digits entered. So "1234567" displays as "123-4567", while "1234567890" displays as "(123) 456-7890".
  • A picklist is a type of field that contains a list of values, usually presented in a drop-down list; Examples:
  • Types of things: Animal, Vegetable, Mineral
  • T-Shirt Size: Extra Small, Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large
  • A single value can be selected from the list
Radio Buttons A list used to limit user selection to a single, specific value from a supplied list of values

Rich Text Area An HTML-formatted text area
  • HTML formatting can include font styles, such as Bold, Italics, numbered lists and bullets or images (logos or art)
  • Formatting tools are provided


  • <wbr> and </wbr> tags are not supported, as they are problematic when switching between edit and display modes. (To prevent issues, those tags are therefore removed before the content is displayed.)
Text Area
  • A multi-line Text area that can contain alphanumerics (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) and special characters: / @ . - $ %
  • Height and width are defined when the field is created
Text Field
  • A single-line Text that can contain alphanumerics (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) and special characters: / @ . - $ %
Time A time.
URL A web address. For example: http://yourCompany.com