General FAQs

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General Questions

What is Platform-as-a Service (PaaS)?

A hosted software platform for database applications that runs as a service on the web. The actual application and data is hosted on secure remote servers to facilitate a low-risk entry point into using the applications. It's very similar to if you have ever used web-based email application such as a Yahoo! or Google Mail account. Applications on the platform can be customized by changing fields, adding dashboard widgets, building reports, or even creating entire applications from scratch.

What kind of applications does the platform provide and support?

Virtually any application that incorporates structured data can be built using the platform. Two the most popular that already exist are Sales Force Automation for customer relations management (CRM) and HelpDesk for service and support.

Are catalog applications free?

Applications on the catalog are free depending on the service plan you are participating in. For more information, see the Pricing page.

Can I access my data when I am not connected to the Internet?

Unfortunately, no. The platform is only available in an online service.

Can other departments in my company benefit or use the platform?

Yes, other departments including marketing, accounting, support, human resources can all benefit from the application. Basically anyone in the company with data or knowledge management needs can use the platform to centralize their information and work together.

What are the minimum hardware and network requirements?

In order to access the platform, the following are required:

  • Computer
  • Broadband network connection (DSL or better)
  • A Login account
    (Trial accounts can be created for new users, which can then be converted after the trial period.)

Minimum Client Requirements

PC Mac
Operating System Windows XP or Vista OS X
Memory (RAM) 512MB+ 512MB+
Browser IE 11.0, Firefox 2.0 or above Firefox 2.0 or above

What web browsers do you support?

For information on supported browsers, see Software Requirements.

User Access Questions

Can your partners/resellers access data in our instance of the platform?

If you grant them access they can. You can do this by adding them as a user and modifying or limiting their access to only information that you want them to view.

Can more than one individual access or modify my data? How will I know if this happens?

Only an individual who has been granted access to manage your data will have the ability to edit your data. If any type of modification is made to your data, an Audit Log will be established.

If a user leaves our company can I simply delete his/her user account?

No, deleting a former user would disconnect all of his or her data. Instead you'll make their account inactive. This can be done by your administrator in the Setup, Administration section of the platform. You can then perform a mass change in ownership. Learn More: Deactivate a User

Reporting / Views / Widgets

What is the difference between reports, views, and widgets?

In the platform, a Report is any data that also includes grouping, summary, or basic calculation of data. This is ideal for business analysts or management to see their status. Views provide filtered information that can be acted on (for example, deleting records or logging calls) without any complex data queries. Widgets on Dashboard provide a view or report in a convenient dashboard format so you can see status at a glance.

Are there any special tools or classes that I need to learn in order to write a report?

No, as an end user or administrator no special tools or classes are required to learn how to generate a report. In addition, reports can be exported to Microsoft Excel for more extensive calculations.

Data Security

How is my data protected?

Data is secured using role-based access control and data sharing policies. Every user account is associated with a pre-defined Role in the platform. When you log in, your Role determines the kind of data you can see.

How can I protect data security of my records?

It is very important that you do not share your Account ID/password information. This combination of account identifier and password are the key to keeping your data safe.

Can I grant a client access to part of my database, and keep my data separate?

Yes, you can create different user logins with specific and restricted access control, based on the Roles you can create. Your client only sees the part of your website you want them to see. A good example of this might be to create a Role that has viewing capability for a select set of reports.

What backend processes/hardware, etc. are required?

None! Just go to our website, register for a free account and get started building your custom business application.

User Access Questions

Can your partners/resellers access data in our instance of the platform?

If you grant them access they can. You can do this by adding them as a user and modifying or limiting their access to only information that you want them to view.

Can more than one individual access or modify my data? How will I know if this happens?

Only an individual who has been granted access to manage your data will have the ability to edit your data. If any type of modification is made to your data, an Audit Log will be established.

If a user leaves our company can I simply delete his/her user account?

No, deleting a former user would disconnect all of his or her data. Instead you'll make their account inactive. This can be done by your administrator in the Setup, Administration section of the platform. You can then perform a mass change in ownership. Learn More: Deactivate a User

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