Form Scripts

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Revision as of 05:12, 17 May 2024 by Wikidevuser (talk | contribs) (→‎On Save Examples)
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About Form Scripts

Form Scripting lets you specify JavaScript code to execute when a Form is loaded or saved.

JavaScript code can be invoked at these form-level events:

  • On Load
  • This event happens when the form loads
  • By default, the On Load scripts are triggered on any record action (View, Add, Update)
Optionally, invoke the script on a specific action (View or Add or Update)
Learn more: Trigger on a Specific Action
  • On Save
  • This event happens when a user clicks the [Submit] button on a form
  • At this event, optionally perform custom front-end validations before sending the data to the server
  • Return false to cancel the save
  • Reusable Script Functions
  • Available to be called from the On Load or On Save event form scripts
  • Also available to be called from the On Change and On Focus event field scripts
Learn more:

Working with Form Scripts


Note: Please note that all the examples listed in this page are limited to the legacy AgileApps UI and not the new runtime AgileApps UI.

Editing Form Scripts

Follow these steps to add or change scripting in a form:


Note: To run the JavaScript in the LongJump UI and the legacy AgileApps UI, enter the script in the Legacy UI Script tab. To run the JavaScript in the New AgileApps UI, enter the script in the New UI Script tab.

  1. Click [Form Script]
  2. Click [Edit]
  3. Enter or change the JavaScript in On Load Script, On Save Script, and/or Reusable Script Functions
  4. Click [Save]

Writing JavaScript

Using JavaScript, you can

On Load Examples

These examples perform operations when a form is loaded.

Add a Help Button to an Arbitrary Form

This code works for forms in all objects, including Cases, Tasks, and custom objects. And it works when adding a new record, as well as when viewing an existing record. For information about adding a help button to a form, see the tech community article Adding a Custom Button to an Arbitrary Form using Form Script.

Convert a Date

Create readable date string from the current date for display in the order_date field.

var v1 = new Date(); 
var v2 = new Array('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tues', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'); 
var v3 = new Array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 
                   'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'); 
date_string = v2[v1.getDay()] + " " + v3[v1.getMonth()] + " " + v1.getDate(); 
setTextFieldValue(_sdForm, "order_date", date_string);

Trigger on a Specific Action

To invoke a script On Load + Action (View, Update, Add or Clone a record):


Note: For new UI, see the section Variables and Methods Introduced in the Revamped UI in JavaScript Field Type Reference for New AgileApps User Interface

Trigger on record View:

var action = _sdForm.get(0).a.value;
if ( action == "view") {
   // java script to be triggered on the view of the record only

Trigger on record Update:

var action = _sdForm.get(0).a.value;
if ( action == "update") {
   // java script to be triggered on the update of the record only

Trigger on record Add or Clone:

var action = _sdForm.get(0).a.value; 
if ( action == "add") {
   //java script to be triggered on the add or clone of the record only

On Save Examples

For examples related to the On Save action, see the tech community article Perform Custom Validations using Form Script in AgileApps.

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