ServiceDesk Objects

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 03:58, 15 May 2013 by imported>Aeric

About Objects

Objects are not only powerful, they are incredibly customizable. You can add and modfiy fields, modify the forms that input and display object data, and do many other things.

To get an idea of just how customizable they are:

  1. Go to GearIcon.png > Customization > Objects
    A list of objects is displayed. These are the objects that comprise the application.
  2. Select one of the objects.
    You are now at a page that shows you the many options for customization.
  3. Click any of the headings to visit the page that lets you do your customizing,
    or click [Learn More] to get additional information on that subject.
When you have permission to customize objects, the Gear menu expands to include many shortcuts to these options. For example, the diagram below shows the shortcuts for the Cases object in a Dynamic Case Management application.
Learn more: Object Aspects

The Main ServiceDesk Objects

When you are building a Case Management application, you are primarily concerned about Cases and Tasks.

Common Customizations: Fields and Forms

The most common customizations for all objects are to the Fields and Forms. For example, you may add a field to the Contacts object to record additional data you need for your customers. For example, you could create a Products object and create links to its records in your Contacts, by adding a Lookup field.

Having added such a field, you would then want to modify the Contacts form to display it, so it can be filled in when adding a new Contact. Then, when customer "X" files a new Case, you can easily find out which product the customer is using.