Record Owners

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 18:55, 8 June 2011 by imported>Aeric

A Record Owner is a User who owns a record in an object. Records are assigned to an owner. The owner can be the person who created the record, or has been assigned ownership by another user who has permission to transfer ownership. For example, a team member or team manager might assign a task to a user. In that case, the task is a record, and the user has ownership.

Compare to: Record Creator


Learn More

About "My Records"

In many areas of the platform, (Views, Reports and Filters, for example) a My Records option is displayed. Choosing My Records includes all records assigned to the User who is logged in (i.e., the records owned by that User). As record ownership is changed, the records displayed via the My Records filter will also change.

When a User creates a record, that User name is displayed in the Created By field, which cannot be changed.

Owner Fields Management

By default, the Record Owner field is displayed in the Basic Information section. Optionally, the Record Owner field can be moved to any section in the Form Layout, or deleted from the layout.

Change Record Ownership

To transfer record ownership:

  1. Visit the record to be transferred.
  2. In the sidebar, click the arrow next to the Owner.
    (Alternatively, click the Actions dropdown.)
  3. Choose the assignment option:
    • Claim - This option appears for records that are unassigned or assigned to a team. Use it to take ownership yourself.
    • Assign to User- Make another user the owner.
    • Assign to Team- Give ownership to a team. Any member of the team can then claim the record.
  4. For Cases and Tasks, you can also add a comment.
    The comment becomes part of the case record, and is included in the notification message that goes to the new owner.


Tip: Drag the bottom right corner of the box to make a larger area to type into.

Learn more: Transfer Ownership for a Group of Records

About Owning Teams

Records are visible to Team Members in Views and Reports, based on their Role.


To allow users to view records they do not own, consider creating a Data Sharing Policy.