Using the Agent Portal
The AgileApps Cloud platform can be accessed from a tablet, a mobile device, or a computer workstation. Here, you'll find your way around the online interface.
When internal users log in, the first thing they see is the Agent Portal. Tabs listed across the top of the page provide a selection of views, while the sidebar on the right provides view selectors. (In many cases, a variety of action buttons appear above the view selectors.).
Tabs and Lists
Case Agents will spend the majority of their time in the Cases tab, to select a list of cases to view (current cases, generally). Other internal users will tend to spend their time in the Tasks tab to identify the tasks they need to carry out to advance the handling of a case. (The tabs you see may vary. The ones shown here are common.)
The sidebar gives you a selection of views, which determines the items that are listed. Here, the selection determines which Cases are shown. In a number of tabs, action buttons also appear at the top of the sidebar. Alternatively, you can search for particular records by typing in a value and clicking the magnifier icon: . Clicking the arrow at the end of the search bar lets you selet the objects to search. For example: Cases, Tasks, Accounts, and Contacts.
Top of the Page Options
Working from right to left across the top of the page, multiple options are available.
Gear Menu
- Users of a Database Application see the shortened version of the Gear menu:
- Users of a Dynamic Case Management application see an expanded version:
New Record Dropdown
Personal Settings
- Modify your Personal Settings, go to the Service Portal (Web Portal), or Logout:
Available Applications
- The item at the end gives the name of the application you are currently running.
- If you have access to multiple applications, clicking reveals a dropdown that lets you select the one to run:
Accounts and Contacts
Other tabs may appear. For example the Accounts and Contacts tabs show you the records that exist in each of those objects. Here is a list of accounts:
As always, you can search for a specific record, select one of several views shown in the sidebar or even create a new view to add to the list, if you have that privilege: