Enabling and Disabling Backend Services

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Enabling and Disabling Backend Services

During installation, the networking.properties file is created. That file can be used to manually enable and disable backend services for an existing installation.


Important: Each background service should run on only one server.

To view the server list
  1. Open longjump_installation/tomcat/conf/RN/networking.properties
    Servers are listed in this format: xxxxx_manager_instance=1
    where "xxxxx" is one of "import", "report", etc.
To Disable a service
  1. Add a "#" character before the xxxxx_manager_instance=1 command
    # report_manager_instance=1
  2. Save the file
  3. Restart the Application Server
To Enable a service
  1. Remove the "#" character from the xxxxx_manager_instance=1 command
  2. Save the file
  3. Restart the Application Server

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