Service Configuration

From AgileApps Support Wiki

Service Provider URL: http://{yourDomain}/networking/Service?t=1&targetpage=ViewPort.jsp
Settings > Service Provider Settings > Service Configuration

Basic Service Configuration

These values define the basic service configuration:

First-Time Service Configuration

Configure the Service Settings and specify Service and Domain names:
Parameter Description Typical Value
Service Name Name of the service provider Financiocorp Services
Prefix for Service Domain Optional subdomain name

Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - (alphanumeric, plus hyphen)

Example: service

Service Domain The Domain Name part of the URL
Domain URL

Read Only
Automatically populated as:

Prefix + Service Domain

Subsequent Configuration

These additional parameters become available after the initial configuration is complete.

Parameter Description Typical Value
Recaptcha Private Key After signing up for Google's reCaptcha implementation of the Captcha service, enter the public and private keys here. (They are used to interact with that service.)
Recaptcha Public Key
Copyright Notice Copyright notice, appears at the bottom of all pages Copyright 2010
Space Notification Email Address An email message is sent to this address when Storage Space limits are reached
Error Notification Email Address An email message is sent to this address when errors occur
Help Domain Required field; Domain name for user help; This page is opened in a new browser window when Help is invoked from the platform
Custom Help Domain Optional; If present, it is the domain name for user help;

Can be used with a custom Help URL in Custom Object

Or, with Help URL

Temp Directory Used as a temporary storage location /temp/
Supported Languages Languages that are supported in this instance of the platform, and are available for selection by tenants.
Learn more: Translation Workbench

Service Domain

The Service Domain is required, and must comply with the following guidelines:
  • The Service Domain name must be unique
  • Service Domain names can contain the following characters:
  • alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
  • hyphen (-)
  • period, dot, full stop (.), used as the delimiter in the Prefix for Service Domain

Prefix for Service Domain

About the Prefix for Service Domain

Help URL and Custom Help Domain

As a Service Provider, you might create a help website to align with a customer's branded instance of the platform. In this case, the URL of this help website would be used as the default Help Domain. When a user clicks the Help link in the platform, this default Help Domain opens in a new browser window.

Custom Help Domain

Support Service Configuration

This information is published for users to contact you regarding your service.

  • When tenants publish Packages, this email address receives the notification
Parameter Description Typical Value
Support Organization Name of the Support Organization Service Provider Support Team
Support Email Email address to send support requests
Available Case Types Picklist of types of support cases

Email Configuration

Configuration for all the emails sent from the AgileApps Cloud platform.

Parameter Description Typical Value
Alternate Service Domain No Reply Email Address The "reply" address for emails sent from the platform. no-reply@{platform}.com
Hostname For Relay Server Hostname localhost
User Name User/login name for the email-relay service
Password Password related to the user/login name for the email-relay service

Service Theme and Stylesheet

Parameter Description
Theme Select a default Theme; Defines the color for the tabs, background and highlight colors
Allow Users to Change Colors Optionally, allow users to personalize the color scheme for their pages. Checkbox: Yes/No
URL for Custom Style sheet Specify the URL for a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) that is applied to all pages
UI Container Scripts CSS style sheet declarations, javascript declarations, or any other HTML elements to be included in the header of each page.

Develop Configuration

Java code running in a tenancy is subject to strict limits--or governors:

  • Some settings put limits on the number of resources that tenants can use, to prevent infinite loops and other kinds of runaway programs. The limits apply to each tenant execution interval--from the time that the platform application instance gives control to tenant code, until the time that control returns to the platform. Up to that limit, an application can use as many resources as it wants. But once a constraint is exceeded, the executing code aborts with an exception.
  • Other settings restrict the kinds of Java classes that can be used, to prevent unwarranted access to the server and/or security violations.

The Service Provider Settings can be used to tighten those restrictions, ameliorate them, or lift them entirely.

  • Settings are global. They apply to all tenants in the platform instance.
  • Settings apply to scheduled (background) jobs, as well as foreground applications.
  • The minimum for all numeric settings is "1".
  • Changes to these settings take effect only when the platform application instance is restarted.

Here are the default settings:

Parameter Description Default Value
Apply Governors in Java Code? Whether or not governors are applied to this platform instance. A development instance may want to turn them off, in some cases. Any multi-tenant production instance will want them on, to ensure that a runaway program in one tenant does not interfere with other tenants.


Note: Currently, the code governance is available for Linux installations only.

Max Number of Statements allowed The maximum number of Java code statements that can be run during an execution interval. 10000

Maximum String Length allowed The total size of all strings allocated in the Java heap space during an execution interval. 30000

Maximum CPU Time allowed (milliseconds) The maximum number of CPU milliseconds that can be consumed during an execution interval. 60000

Java classes not allowed in code There are certain Java classes which are disallowed in tenant classes, to prevent access to the server and any compromise of server security. (They are, however, allowed in global classes developed by the ISV for use by all tenants.)

In order to protect the security of the server, enter a comma-separated list of fully qualified Java Class Names for this option. At compile time, application will check if any of these classes are referenced in the user code and throw an exception if they are. Note that this will take effect only after the server is restarted.


Libraries supported in Java Code

When compiling user-defined code, the platform allows certain libraries like jars or internal java packages:

  • If a custom library is required, the jar can be placed in the ../tomcat/lib folder of the Apache Tomcat installation
  • To include these library files, enter a comma-separated list of such jar files for this option
  • Note that this will take effect only after the server is restarted.

No. of Objects in Database Views

Database Views allow the creation of custom categories that join multiple objects

  • These database views can be used as the base category for a Report
  • The maximum number of tables that are allowed is five (5), with a default value of three (3)
  • The number of joins in these tables is restricted to the maximum number + 1
Default: 3, Range is 3-5
Maximum rows in a List View

Maximum number of rows that are fetched in a List View for an object is defined by this option

  • This number is limited by the maximum int value supported by Java/MySQL i.e. 2^16 = 4G
Maximum rows in a report
  • Maximum number of rows that are fetched in a report
  • This number is limited by the maximum int value supported by Java/MySQL i.e. 2^16 = 4G
Maximum rows in a Scheduled Report
  • Maximum number of rows that are fetched in a report that runs in the background queue.
  • This number is limited by the maximum int value supported by Java/MySQL i.e. 2^16 = 4G
Maximum Savepoints Intermediate placemarks, which identify points at which the data fields contain intact, legitimate values 5
Maximum Recursions in Java API Allow a function to call itself the specified number of times 10

Tenant Configuration

This section is used by:
Allow Unauthenticated Tenant Creation
Allows any prospective customer to create a new tenancy (a trial account).
  • Unchecked by default
  • If checked, trial accounts can be created by unauthenticated users who have a computer and network connection that meets the Minimum Client Requirements
Enable Tenant Subdomains
This setting lets customers specify a URL subdomain when registering, giving them a unique URL they can use to access their platform applications.
Learn more: Tenant Subdomains

Instance Configuration

This section is used by ISVs who have multiple instances of the Installable Version of the platform.

Instance Type
Identify the current instance as Development, Testing, or Production.
(For Development and Testing instances, the instance type is part of the generated namespace.)

Catalog Configuration

Catalog Configuration

Catalog Considerations

Community Site Configuration

A Community can be created to support community applications like Support Portal, Answers, Ideas, Social Networking. When enabled, all Users in all the tenancies (under a single ISV) can share knowledge and collaborate, without requiring a separate login to the platform.

Enable Community
Community Tenancy ID
Enter the Tenant ID
Community Site Name
Enter the Site name for the community; this name is displayed on each page

Custom Authentication Configuration

Provide URL for a custom Login Page. Leave this field blank if you are using the default AgileApps Cloud platform login page.

Custom Login Page URL

Registration Configuration

Choose the default settings for new tenants: Registration Sidebar

App Center Sidebar

Enable App Center

URL for Terms of Service

Application Container URL

Starting Application Configuration

Starting Application Configuration

Field Encryption Settings

Specify a Field Encryption key to use when storing sensitive data. The key is unique to this instance of the platform. Once specified, it does not change.

Generate Encryption Key
This button is available when editing Service Provider Settings. Clicking it generates a new, unique key that is used by the AES128 algorithm to store encrypted data in secure fields.