Google reCAPTCHA

From AgileApps Support Wiki

What is reCAPTCHA?

reCAPTCHA protects the webforms from fraud and abuse without creating friction. It uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive challenges to keep malicious software from engaging in abusive activities on the webforms. For more information, view the Google reCAPTCHA article.

How to enable reCAPTCHA in webforms?

Note: The following workflow is applicable for OnPrem application.

Step 1: Generating Private and Public keys

  1. Go to the Google reCAPTCHA page.
  2. Click the v3 Admin Console button at the top.
  3. Enter a label for easy site identification (e.g.,
  4. Choose the desired reCAPTCHA type.
  5. In the Domains field, enter the desired domain (e.g., and click the + (Add domain) icon.
  6. If you have additional domains, add them in the next field.
  7. Read the terms and check the respective checkbox.
  8. Click the Submit button.
  9. The site key and secret key will now appear. The site key is the public key, and the secret key is the private key.
  10. Copy both keys. These keys need to be configured in LongJump.

Step 2: Configuring the public and private keys in LongJump

  1. Login to your LongJump account.
  2. Click Settings > Service Provider Settings > Service Configuration.
  3. Click the Edit button at the top.
  4. Under Basic Service Configuration, you can find the Recaptcha Private Key and Recaptcha Public Key fields.
  5. Paste the site key copied from the Google reCAPTCHA in the Recaptcha Public Key field.
  6. Paste the secret key copied from the Google reCAPTCHA in the Recaptcha Private Key field.
  7. Click the Save button.
  8. Under Security Headers Configuration, you can find that the CSP Whitelisted Domains and CORS Whitelisted Domains are populated automatically.

Step 3: Enabling Captcha in Web Forms

  1. Login to your AgileApps account.
  2. Navigate to GearIcon.png > Customization > Objects > {object} > Web Forms..
  3. Click [New Web Form] or open an existing web form.
  4. Check the Show Captcha checkbox.
  5. Populate the required fields.
  6. Click Save.
  7. The web forms will be available with the captcha.


Note: When a user has already enabled the captcha in the web form and the keys are removed, the user must update it again manually to enable the captcha visibility in web form.