Designer FAQs

From AgileApps Support Wiki

Questions about Customizing

Can we customize the screens?

To some extent you can. For example, the Home pages or form layouts are all customizable. If you have more extensive customization, we ask that you contact the support team for more information about Professional Support Services.

If I need a specific or unique field added to the platform do I need to contact customer support? Or can I modify/add this field on my own?

Customization can be done by your System Administrator by managing platform Settings.

Learn More: Role Based Access Permissions

Can I change the Date Format?

You can specify your default date format in the Company Information setup area.

Can I change the Currency?

You can specify your default currency format in the Company Information setup area.

I work in a different time zone, can I change it?

You can specify your default time zone in the My Information setup area.

Can I add my company logo to a Template I Create?

Yes, to set up your template with a logo, see Create an Email Template for details on customizing a template with your company logo.

How do I change the default Search method?

By default we will search only in the tab that the user is currently on. This was done to move away from the global search which was being done by default. The default search setting can be personalized by the user to change to 'All' if required.

How can I add or move tabs?

Use Personalize Tab Settings to customize the tabs for your use.

Can I Create New Applications?

Absolutely. For more on this, see the Application Design Guide.

I have a B2C business, I work with Contacts, and have no need for Accounts - what can I do?

Customize the Contacts tab (Designer > Data & Presentation > Objects > Contacts > Form Layout > Related to), and change the Related To Field Attributes from 'Required' to 'None'. This will disconnect the Accounts tab from your Contacts, and you can use the Contacts tab to manage your clients.

Questions about Templates

How do Print Templates work? Do you have any samples?

You can use Print Templates that will allow you to set up a document that pull information from a specific object (or tab). You can use these print templates to set up standard proposals, queries, contracts, invoices, etc. Below is a link to help you get started.

The email template does not seem to be working

Check the variable name(s) you are using in your template. The variable name should match the tab you are using. For example, for a view from the Contact object, use the variable name $contact.first_name.

How can I add the Forecast Tab to my SFA application?

The Forecast tab is not a visible tab. You can manage your forecast within an Opportunity or by logging a call. See Forecast for more information.

What is a database?

See this article for more information.

How do I create a dynamic list (view)?

Views created with criteria like Contacts belonging to a specific industry are fluid in nature, New contacts added within that industry will automatically become part of the industry specific view. A view is dynamic, unlike a list, which is a static group of records that you can edit as needed.

How do I add contacts to lists?

You can create lists by going to Contacts View, Checking those contacts that you want to add to a list and then clicking on Group Operations->Create View on the Left. The list that you saved will be saved as a View in Contacts tab which can be edited any time. Lists are static, unlike Views, which find all records that meet the filter.

How do I create a webform?

You can create a web form that you can post onto your website and once a user fills it out and submits the form, it will generate a record into the platform. For detailed information, see Web Form.

How can I delete a large number of records?

See Mass Operations

Can my users each have different subcription/ service plans?

No, you can only have one service plan for your account. If you add more users, they need to be added under this service plan.

Troubleshooting Questions

Why can't I save contracts?

End Date is a required field when saving a contract. Enter an end date and save the contract.

Why is my picklist not showing the right values?

Please make sure that your picklist does not contain periods or commas as selectable values

Why can I not change ownership for a related contact?

Before transferring the related objects to the new owner, We explicitly check if a user is a licensed user. And we only transfer if it is a licensed user. We do transfer the Account/Template:Leadprospect objects to the unlicensed user but not the related objects pertaining to these Base objects.

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