Application Properties

From AgileApps Support Wiki

This page displays an application's settings.


Users in roles that have the Manage Applications permission can Add, Update or Delete Applications in the platform. 

Action Buttons

Modify application settings.
Launch the application.
This button appears for a application that has been created natively in the tenant. When clicked, you can choose to delete selected objects and web tabs that are part of the application, as well. (The application is deleted forever. Deleted objects and web tabs are put in the recycle bin.)
Delete Application Package
This button appears for a subscribed application. Clicking it takes you to the Package Delete page.

Application Information

This section displays the name of the application and any objects and/or web tabs it contains.

It also shows the visibility settings (who can see the app), the start page, and a record of the last modification.

Workspace Display Order Preferences

Use this section to control the order in which objects are displayed in the application workspace.

Default View Preferences