Additional Installation Step for RedHat 6

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 22:05, 10 April 2015 by imported>Aeric

Installations on RedHat version 6 that plan to enable Java Code Governors, need to ensure that the 32-bit version of the gcc library is found on the Java path. If the 64-bit version is found with Java Code Governors enabled, a StaticProbeInstrumenterException occurs when attempting to compile a Java class in the platform.

To eliminate that problem:

  1. Login as a root
  2. Install the 32-bit instrumentation library:
    yum install libstdc++.i686 libstdc++.x86_64
  3. Verify that it is working:
    • Go to ${TOMCAT_DIR}/bin/instrumentation/os/linux/x86 folder
    • Execute the binary: /probeinstrumenter
      You should see usage instructions for the probeinstrumenter.