Get a View ID

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 01:16, 29 December 2011 by imported>Aeric (moved Get a Form ID to Get a View ID)

To get the ID for a view:

  1. Go to Workspace > {object}
  2. Use your browser's page-inspection tools to retrieve the ID of the view. For example, assume that the view you want is called "Open Orders". Then:
    • In Chrome:
      1. Click the dropdown next to the View: label (just above the list of records, in the left corner).
        The dropdown list is now open.
      2. Right click the view label and choose Inspect Element.
    • In FireFox, using the FireBug plugin:
      1. Right click and choose Inspect Element.
        The FireBug panel opens.
      2. Click the dropdown next to the View: label (just above the list of records, in the left corner).
        The dropdown list is now open.
      3. At the top of the FireBug panel, click the Inspect Element icon at left.
        (You have to use that one. The right-click option won't work, in this case.)
      4. Move the mouse over the name of the view ("Open Orders")
    • In all browsers, display the page source and search for the name of the view ("Open Orders").
  3. You are now displaying a call that looks like this:
    <a href=​"javascript:​lj_changeCurrentTabView('Service?s=1139&a=...&id=...
    &show_layout={form_id}&object_id=...')​;​" ...>Open Orders​</a>​
  4. Extract value of the form ID from the show_layout parameter.