Visibility Controls

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 22:37, 15 October 2012 by imported>Aeric

Visibility controls are an extension of Data Access Permissions that determine whether User data is available to other users.

Visibility controls are available for the following elements in the platform:

Element Visibility Visibility Control and Sharing
Applications Yes
Documents (all file types, including Photos) A Public flag option creates a URL that can be viewed by anyone (no account/login is required)
Document Folders

(Folders in the Documents object, including Export Folders)

Home Page Yes
Notes Yes
Report Folders Yes
Views and Reports Yes



Users that have the Make Views/Reports Visible to Others permission can modify Visibility settings 

To specify visibility settings, select one of the options from the dropdown to specify who has access:


Visibility Control and Sharing

Visibility Control and Sharing