Version 10.16 Installable (October 2022 - webMethods Suite Version 10.7)

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Revision as of 04:25, 17 October 2022 by Wikieditor (talk | contribs)

Release Notes for the installable version of the AgileApps Cloud platform.

See also:

About the Installable Version

The installable version of the AgileApps Cloud platform allows you to create and manage a private cloud behind your firewall. AgileApps Cloud platform also helps you to set up a public cloud with a shared application and global data.

Features in 10.16 Release (October 2022)

Following is the list of features that are part of the 10.16 release. The latest features are listed at the top:


Post installing AgileApps 10.16, if you want to use the Integration Server, it doesn't start as expected.
You may want to start the Integration Server using the webMethods Installer, perform the following step before starting the Integration Server.

  • Copy the file from the path {InstallDir}\IntegrationServer\instances\default\config\security\esapi to the path {InstallDir}\profiles\IS_default\configuration\tomcat\conf\RN\esapi

Software Support

  • MySQL 8.x
For more information, see Software Requirements and Hardware Requirements.
The feature provides the support of MySQL version 8.x with AgileApps Cloud Version 10.16 that is part of the webMethods Suite Version 10.7.


The feature is supported only in the AgileApps Cloud version for now. For on-prem customers, upgrade the AgileApps platform to version 10.16 as the first step, and for the upgrade of the MySQL database to version 8.x, reach out to the Product Management team.

New Installation

For new installation, see Quick Install Guide and Platform Installation Guide.


The installation and operation of the AgileApps Cloud platform requires Java 8. But, the custom code in Java Class continues to be validated against Java 6 syntax as the instrumentation engine responsible for monitoring resource utilization works only on Java 6 byte codes.

Upgrading an existing installation

AgileApps upgrade program supports the following AgileApps server upgrades:

For both Windows and Linux, you can upgrade to 10.16.0 from the following versions:

  • Version 10.9.x
  • Version 10.10.x
  • Version 10.11.x
  • Version 10.12.x
  • Version 10.13.x
  • Version 10.14.x
  • Version 10.15.x

Upgrade program

AgileApps Cloud uses an upgrade utility to update from an existing application server (above listed versions) to the target application server. This utility migrates the custom JARs from the existing application server to the target application server.

For more information about the upgrade program, see Upgrading to Version 10.16.

Multiple files attachment in a record for the new user interface

This feature enables you to upload or download multiple files to record attachments. Prior to this implementation, you could upload only one file at a time to record attachments using the file uploader dialog and download the file by clicking on the attachment file items listed in the right-side panel.

Bug Fixes

There are no bug fixes in this release.