Version 10.5 Installable (Oct 2015)

From AgileApps Support Wiki

Release Notes for the installable version of the AgileApps Cloud platform.

See also:

About the Installable Version

The installable version of the platform lets you create and manage a private cloud behind your corporate firewall. It can also be used to set up a public cloud that serves multiple clients--generally with a shared application and global data. This page highlights changes to the installation process, along with features of the new release.

Platform Functionality

New Platform Features

In addition to bug fixes, this release contains features that have been added to the cloud platform, as described in the Release Notes.

Installable Version Functionality

These new and changed features are of interest to those who maintain an instance of the platform's installable version:

Promotion Codes

Platform administrators can create promotion codes for new tenants, "sweetening the pot" for a specified period of time to encourage new business.
Learn more: Promo Code Configuration

Promotion Code APIs

Along with the new promotion codes comes the ability to manage them using APIs. So it becomes possible to define a custom interface, rather than requiring the sales organization to use the platform admin interface.
Learn more: REST API:promoCode Resource

Installing and Upgrading

Installation Notes

Ensure that Software Requirements are Met

Before starting either a First-Time Installation or a platform upgrade, ensure that dependent utilities are at the minimum levels specified in the Software Requirements.
In particular, note these required upgrades:
  • MySQL 5.6
  • JDK 8


Note: While the installation and operation of the platform requires Java 8, custom code in a Java Class continues to be validated against Java 6 syntax -- in part because the instrumentation engine responsible for monitoring resource utilization only works on version 6 byte codes.

Learn More