Pass Through Authentication

From AgileApps Support Wiki

Pass Through Authentication (PTA) lets a user go straight to the platform from an organization's web page or application, without having to log in again.

How it Works


User... Platform... Your Organization's Web Service...
1. Provides a web page or application
2. Visits the page or application
3. Clicks the link that goes to the platform's PTA service

Enabling Pass Through Authentication

  1. Click Settings > Administration > Single Sign-On
  2. Click the [Edit] button
  3. For Single Sign-On Settings, choose Pass Through Authentication
  4. Fill in the Pass Through Authentication Settings:
    Third party Authentication Service URL
    Location of the authentication service. The platform uses this URL to authenticate the USER, passing the appropriate pay load in the HTTP request.
    Success page URL
    The default page the platform sends the user to when authentication succeeds. (Can be overridden dynamically in the HTTP request.)
    Error page URL
    The page the platform sends the user to when authentication fails.
    The default destination is the platform’s Login-error page.
  5. Click [Save]

Pass Through Authentication Settings