Software Requirements

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 21:57, 29 May 2013 by imported>Aeric

Software Requirements

Before beginning the installation, download the required third-party libraries to a folder of your choosing. You'll provide the location of that folder during the installation, so those libraries can be integrated into the system.

Operating System
  • RedHat Linux Enterprise Server (ES) Release 5 (Kernel version greater or equivalent to 2.6.18-xx) or any other distribution of Linux with kernel version greater or equivalent to 2.6.18
  • 64 bit OS recommended
  • With Perl Installed (compatible with MySQL Server)
  • J2SE 7.0 (JDK version 1.7.0, release _06 or above)
MySQL Server
  • MySQL Version 5.5.xx (Community Edition or Community Enterprise Edition)
  • MySQL Client
  • MySQL Shared libraries
  • MySQL Shared compatibility libraries
  • MySQL Headers and libraries
  • Required configuration for the platform. (See: Configuring the MySQL Server)
Mail Server
Mail Server Configuration
  • Choose any of postfix, sendmail, etc.
  • This mail server should run on TCP Port 25
  • The mail server should always be up and running for the platform functionality to work as expected
  • Test and verify the Mail Server MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) with this command:
echo "test mail" | mail -s "hello"
An email message should be received at the specified address. If the confirmation message does not arrive, check the mail log to discover the cause.
Open Office
Open Office 3.2.0 or higher
  • This utility is used when generating PDFs
  • Install the appropriate version of Open Office for your system from
  • Add the following command to your system startup process:
soffice -headless -accept="socket,host=,port=8100;urp;" -nofirststartwizard


Note: If you have a problem with glibc library version incompatibility while installing OpenOffice 3.4.x (usually happens on RedHat with version 5.6 and lower), you should download and install OpenOffice 3.20

Memcached 1.4.10 or later for caching
Web Server
Optional, but Recommended
Apache HTTP server 2.2.21
  • The following modules must be compiled into Apache during installation:
  • Instructions are provided on how to configure the Apache HTTPD server so that it can be in front of the Tomcat server to serve static content
Installing and Configuring Apache for Use with the Platform