Using Logical Operators and Parentheses

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Logical operators combine subexpressions into a larger expression, to specify multiple conditions and complex criteria.

<subexpression1> <Logical_operator> <subexpression2>...


Logical operators can be used to build more complex expressions.
The logical operators are:
  • Two subexpressions joined by a logical operator form a logical expression.
  • Logical expressions resolve to a Boolean value: 1/0 or TRUE/FALSE.
  • Use parentheses--()--to group expressions logically and to join multiple expressions.
  • Parentheses are used in pairs; each open parenthesis "(" requires a closing parenthesis ")".
  • For example:
((<expression1> AND <expression2>) OR (<expression3> AND <expression_4>))


Expressions are evaluated in this order:

  1. expressions within (parentheses)
  2. expressions with && (Logical AND)
  3. expressions with || (Logical OR)
If the expression is not clearly annotated with parentheses, then && (Logical AND) takes precedence over || (Logical OR)


Tip: For any complex expression, always use parentheses. That way, you're sure to get what you expect, and the meaning is clear when you or anyone else reads it later.


Expression Description
(Number of Employees <50 && Area_Code = '408') || (State = 'CA' && Industry = 'Construction' This expression finds all accounts that have fewer than 50 employees located in area code 408 or accounts in the construction industry in California
(State = 'CA') || (State = 'NV') || (State = 'WA') This expression finds all accounts where the state is either California, Nevada, or Washington
(State != 'CA') && (State != 'NV') && (State != 'WA') By contrast, this expression finds all accounts where the state is not California, Nevada, or Washington
((State = 'CA') || (State = 'NV')) && (Industry = 'Construction') This expression finds all accounts in the construction industry where the state is California or Nevada
State = 'CA' || State = 'NV' && Industry = 'Construction' Taking the example from above, but removing the parentheses finds accounts in the State of California or accounts in construction in the state of Nevada
State = 'CA' || (State = 'NV' && Industry = 'Construction') Note that the AND (&&) operator implies parentheses
contains(Acct_Name, 'Equipment') && (state = 'CA' || state ='TX') This expression finds accounts in California or Texas where the account name contains "Equipment"
contains(Acct_Name, 'Equipment') && (state = 'CA') || state ='TX' This expression finds accounts in California where the account name contains "Equipment", or any record in Texas.