Lookup-Derived Fields

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Revision as of 00:27, 13 July 2011 by imported>Aeric (Text replace - 'Form Layout ' to 'Form ')

Lookup-Derived Fields are based on Lookup fields, and allow record data from a second object to be displayed in the first object. Lookup-derived fields are presented as "read-only" data in the object, and cannot be modified.

For example, when Object B contains a Lookup field that relates to Object A, Lookup-derived fields can be selected that display as read-only fields (from Object B) within a record in Object A.

  • Display a Customer Address in an Order record
  • Show a list of components associated with a service or product merchandise
  • Show the contact information for an Employee assigned to an IT asset

To add Lookup-Derived Fields:

  • Click Designer > Data > Objects > {object} > Fields tab > {lookupField}
  • In the Additional Fields to Display section, select additional fields from the Available Fields list, and move them to the Selected Fields column

Example: Display Read-Only Customer Fields in Orders Records

The following example describes how to display read-only fields from the Customer object in an Orders record. To do this, a Lookup Field is added to the Orders object, that is based on Customers. Next, Customer fields are selected to be available for lookup. Finally, the Lookup-Derived Fields are placed in a Form in the Orders object.

  1. To add a Customer-based Lookup Field to the Orders object:
    • Click Designer > Data > Objects > Orders
    • Click the Fields tab and add a Lookup Field (see instructions at Add a Lookup Field). Use the following parameters, and click the [Save] button to save your changes.
    Display Type
    Object Name
    Field Name
    The field for the lookup
  2. To select the Customer fields to be available for lookup:
    • Click the Fields tab to open the fields list
    • Select the Customer field
    • In the Update Custom Field window, select the desired fields
    • Click the [Save] button to save your changes
  3. To add Lookup-Derived Fields to the Section
    • From the Elements Sidebar, click the Pick Existing tab to see the list of Customer fields available
    • Click and Drag the fields from the list into the desired section
    • Arrange the fields as desired
    • Click the [Save Changes] button to save your changes
  4. From the Customer object, add an order, which adds a new record to the Order information section
In the Related Information section of the Customer Object, see the orders listed:
Order Information in the Customer Object
Open an order to see the Lookup-Derived Fields
Lookup-Derived Fields