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Revision as of 01:28, 19 August 2011 by imported>Aeric

Designer > Data > Objects > {object} > Forms > {form} > {grid section}

Grid sections display related records (records that have a Lookup to the current record).

For example, Grid Sections might present this kind of information in a record:

  • Expense line items in an Expense Report object
  • Line items in a proposal or invoice
  • List of available inventory items

To Add or Edit a Grid Section:

  1. Click Designer > Data > Objects > {object} > Forms > {form}
  2. Choose one of the following options:
    • To add a new grid section, click the New Grid Section link (located in the Elements Sidebar)
    • To edit an existing Grid section, click the Edit link in the section heading
  3. Complete the following information:
    Section Name
    Section Type
    Pre-populated (do not change)
  4. Define the grid section by selecting an Object Name and Linking Field
    Object Name
    Select an Object
    Linking Field
    Select a Lookup field from the available options
    Number of Rows
    Specify the number of rows to display in the Grid section
    • This is the minimum number of number of rows to display.
    • It defaults to 5 rows. You can specify any value up to 100 rows.
    • If data exists, then all available data is shown, plus an additional 3 empty rows.
    Header Image
    Optionally, select an image to display at the top of the section
    Footer Image
    Optionally, select an image to display at the bottom of the section
    Left Side Image
    Optionally, select an image to display to the left of the section
    Right Side Image
    Optionally, select an image to display to the right of the section
  5. Use the Arrow Buttons to move fields from the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields list, and to specify their order.
    The selected fields are displayed in the Grid Section when the form is displayed.
  6. Click [Next]
  7. Optionally, specify summaries (Vertical Totals) for selected columns in the grid and Enable additional computation on a selected field.
  8. Click [Save]

Specifying Vertical Totals

In the Vertical Totals part of a grid section, the numeric and currency fields appear:


If you choose one more currency fields, an additional choice appears that lets you specify additional computation for one of them:


When you choose to enable additional computation, an additional set of options appears:

  • Surcharge - Adds a surcharge percentage field to the form.
  • Discount - Adds a discount percentage field to the form.
  • Tax - Adds a tax percentage field to the form.
  • Shipping - Adds a field for a shipping charge.

Each selection adds the appropriate fields to the form layout, and does the appropriate calculations:

  • All numeric and currency fields are listed (and only those fields).
  • Vertical Totals can be specified for one or more of those fields
  • The Enable Additional Computation option can be applied to exactly one of them.
  • That option only appears when a Vertical Total column has been selected for a currency field.
  • Only currency fields can be selected for additional computation.


Note for Developers: Vertical Totals and additional-computation fields are added to the original object (the object the grid section is defined on). The field names have the form grid_{name}_123456..., where the name might be "discount", "net_total", or "comptn" (for a vertical total), and where the number at the end is a unique identifier in the platform for the grid section in this form.