
From AgileApps Support Wiki
< User:Aeric
Revision as of 19:53, 6 May 2014 by imported>Aeric (Text replace - 'mw_prod' to 'aawiki')

Configuration Notes

  • The wiki is hosted at Rackspace.
  • The server can be accessed with a VPN connection, using either FTP or SSH.
FTP gives access to all of the Wiki files, which is generally sufficient.
(Access details are in emails.)
  • DNS entries that point to the server are and
  • Location of any given wiki is /usr/share/mediawiki/{wikiName}
  • Multiple subdomains are set up using Apache, the DNS server, and LocalSettings.php.
  • The DNS entries determine which subdomains are known to the world.
  • The wiki name in the url determines which wiki is accessed. (E.g. /wiki)
  • The LocalSettings.php file in that wiki uses the subdomain to determine which skin is used.
  • The skin determines which logo is shown, which platform name to use, and the settings for several other variables, including the site name.
Organization of the mediawiki.conf Configuration File
  • There are two <VirtualHost> sections, one for each virtual server:
    ( and
  • Inside each virtual host, there is a <Directory> section for each wiki that can be accessed, as well as an Alias setting that maps the {domain}/xyz URL to the /usr/share/mediawiki/xyz wiki folder.
  • In the AgileAppsLive domain, the "/wiki" alias points to the aawiki wiki, as does the "/aawiki" alias.
  • When scripts/versionProductionWiki is run to make a versioned copy of the production wiki, a new directory-section and alias are created for it. E.g. "aa90".
  • Each <Directory> contains a number of URL rewrites that are needed to make the wiki work properly. Unfortunately, they need to be copied for each directory.
  • Attempts to do global rewrites failed, as recorded in notes at the top of the file. However, the rewrites were not attempted inside the <VirtualHost> headings, as those came later.
  • So it is possible that a clever configuration could cut down the size of the <Directory> segments.
  • But, as the notes in the file attest, the Apache rewrites frequently do not work as documented--so the actual semantics must be discovered by trial and error. (A rainy day project for sure, not worth the time given that we have a working system.)

Configuring Apache

  • The Apache configuration file is /etc/httpd/conf.d/mediawiki.conf.
  • Always preserve the original and edit a copy in /usr/share/mediawiki/apache_config
  • To edit, either:
  1. SSH to the server using PuTTY or the SSH shell, and use a line-oriented editor like nano.
  2. Use FTP to bring the file back to your workstation, and use a terrific editor like NotePad++

Maintenance Scripts

To use these scripts:

  1. Using PuTTY, log in to Rackspace
  2. cd /usr/share/mediawiki/apache_config


  • ./get_conf
Gets a copy of the three main configuration files, primarily for backup:
  • ./try_setup
Copies the current config file as mediawiki.conf_sav.
If no else is editing mediawiki.conf, then mediawiki.conf_new has the same content, and is ready to be edited. Otherwise, copy _sav to _new before you begin.
  • ./try
Put mediawiki.conf_new in place and restart the server.
For a quick test, refresh the page for each of the main wikis:
If you can see the page and the generated links are correct, the wiki is usable.
If you've done any work on the skins, then test the changes, as well
  • ./revert
Put mediawiki.conf_sav back in place, in case the _new version didn't work.
Apache References