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|Quartz||Enabled||Time keeper for all scheduled events.
|Quartz||Enabled||Time keeper for all scheduled events.
==== Configuring Backend Services at Installation ====
Backend services can be figured at installation, using the <tt>[[installation.properties]]</tt> file. It looks like this:
# Specify Java Home Directory
    java_home = /opt/jdk1.7.0_12
# Specify MYSQL parmaters
    mysql_port =  3306
    mysql_username = root
    mysql_password =  mysql123
    mysql_host = localhost
# Specify Services to be enabled at installation/upgrade [ 0 - disable / 1 - enable ]
    report_scheduler_server = 1 Kicks off scheduled reports and email.
    import_server = 1     Imports CSV data.
    export_server =  1 Exports data in CSV format.
    marketing_server = 1 Sends marketing emails.
    bounce_server = 1 Handles bounced emails.
    quartz_server = 1 Enables scheduling on the server.
    memcached_server = 1 Enables memcached, if it is installed.
After changing <tt>installation.properties</tt>, run the configuration script:
<pre># ./configure.pl</pre>

Revision as of 22:58, 18 September 2015

The AgileApps Cloud platform has several backend services. Each of them can be run on a different server, to improve performance and scalability. They can be disabled, as well, if they are not used.

It is highly recommended that the customer-facing web server is not used for the backend services. Instead, they should run in one or more dedicated instances of the platform, running on one more separate servers.


Important: Each of the services should enabled on only one server--not on multiple servers.

About the Backend Services

An Application Server instance can run one or more of the following services. Enabling and disabling them determines which instance they run in--or whether they are available at all.

Service Default Status Description
Report Scheduler Disabled Runs scheduled reports when they're due
Import Disabled Imports of data into the database
Export Disabled Exports data from the database
Memcached Disabled Data caching mechanism (installed separately)
Marketing Disabled Handles email campaigns
Bounce Disabled Handles bounced emails that result from such campaigns
Quartz Enabled Time keeper for all scheduled events.