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(11 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 788: Line 788:
Use the following code to render the component:
Use the following code to render the component:
<ace-record-task-view object-id="cases" record-id="23232234"></ace-record-task-view>
<ace-record-task-view object-id="cases" record-id="23232234" [safeFlag]="'true'"></ace-record-task-view>

Line 801: Line 801:
| record-id <span class="mandatory">*</span> || Provide the record ID.
| record-id <span class="mandatory">*</span> || Provide the record ID.
| [safeFlag] || Use this parameter to complete or approve any task depending on the user role. </br>Available Types: 'true'; 'false'</br>Default value: 'false'
| hide-header || Use this parameter to hide the Task Header which includes the + icon. </br>Available Types: 'true'; 'false'</br>Default value: 'false'
| hide-header || Use this parameter to hide the Task Header which includes the + icon. </br>Available Types: 'true'; 'false'</br>Default value: 'false'
Line 1,633: Line 1,635:
'''Note''': Only the properties mentioned here are supported.
==owner assignment==
Use this component to assign a record to a user or a team or to assign the record to yourself. It auto suggests the names while typing in the Assignee field. The <b>Assign to me</b> link assigns the record to the logged-in (current) user.
'''Selector''': <code><ace-change-ownership\></code>
Use the following code to render the component
<ace-change-ownership object-id="cases" record-id="1554361346"></ace-change-ownership>
Following attributes are available for ace-change-ownership tag:
:{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"|
|- align="center"
! Attribute !! | Description
| object-id <span class="mandatory">*</span> || Provide the object id.
| record-id <span class="mandatory">*</span> || Provide the record id.
| show-users || It decides whether to show the users list or not. <br>Available values: 'true'; 'false'. <br>Default value: 'true'
| show-teams || It decides whether to show the list of teams or not. <br>Available values: 'true'; 'false'. <br>Default value: 'true'
| show-claim || It decides whether to show the ''Assign to me'' link or not. <br>Available values: 'true'; 'false'. <br>Default value: 'true'
| css-classlist || It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate multiple css classes.
{{Note| * indicates required attributes.}}
Following events are dispatched by the ace-change-ownership tag:
:{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"|
|- align="center"
! Event !! | Description
| assignrecord || Event dispatched on owner change.
| load || Event dispatched on loading the component. This event provides the user with the details of the assigned user for the particular record.
<!-- Following are the tag instance methods:
:{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"|
|- align="center"
! Method !! | Description
| assignRecord() || Use this method to assign the record to a user or a team only.
| claimRecord() || Use this method to claim the record to the currently active user.
|} -->
===Sample code===
<code><a id="assignrecord"></a></code>
<ace-change-ownership id="ownerAssign" object-id="cases" record-id="1554361346" show-users="true" show-claim="true"></ace-change-ownership>
const ownerComponent = document.querySelector('#ownerAssign');
ownerComponent.addEventListener('assignrecord', function (event) {
    // perform the action after assign record.
    message: "Record assigned successfully.",
    data: "${recordId}"
<code><a id="load"></a></code>
<ace-change-ownership id="ownerAssignRef" object-id="xxxx" record-id="xxxx"></ace-change-ownership>
document.getElementById('ownerAssignRef').addEventListener('load', (event) => {console.log(event['detail']);
name: "john john"
thumb_photo_id: "fd317c1c10a64a56883e937663605cde"
id: "4f4fed76497d4591924b4f8edaec225a"
owner_type: "U"
email: "johnjohn@softwareag.com"
<!--**Component Instance Methods**
<a id="assigned-record-method"></a>
### assignRecord()
<ace-owner-assign id="ownerAssign" object-id="cases" record-id="1554361346"></ace-owner-assign>
<button id="assign-record">Assign</button>
const assignButton = document.querySelector('#assign-record');
const ownerComponent = document.querySelector('#ownerAssign');
assignButton.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
  // Assign record.
<a id="claim-record-method"></a>
### claimRecord()
<ace-owner-assign id="ownerAssign" object-id="cases" record-id="1554361346"></ace-owner-assign>
<button id="claim-record">Claim</button>
const claimButton = document.querySelector('#claim-record');
const ownerComponent = document.querySelector('#ownerAssign');
claimButton.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
'''Note''': Only the properties mentioned here are supported.
==record actions==
Use this component to list all the record actions such as Basic (Delete, Merge, and Print), Macros and Custom Form Actions (CFA).
'''Selector''': <code><ace-record-actions\></code>
Use the following code to render the component:
<ace-record-actions object-id="cases" record-id="810599828"></ace-record-actions>
Following attributes are available for ace-record-actions tag:
:{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"|
|- align="center"
! Attribute !! | Description
| object-id <span class="mandatory">*</span> || Provide the object ID.
| record-id <span class="mandatory">*</span> || Provide the record ID.
| css-classlist || It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate multiple css classes.
| types || Use this parameter to display the various action types in a group.</br> Available types: "BASIC"; "MACRO"; "CFA"</br> Default value: All types are listed by default.
| hide-actions || Provide the actions IDs that you want to hide from the list of actions. Use comma separated values while specifying the IDs. IDs for basic actions are as follows:</br> > Delete: 1 </br> > Merge: 3 </br> > Print: 12 </br>For example, hide-actions = "1, 3"
| confirm-actions || Provide the actions IDs for which you want to show the confirmation dialog box. By default, it is always enabled for the '''Delete''' action. This is applicable for the following types of actions:</br> > Macro </br> > Custom Form Actions excluding Invoke page.
{{Note| * indicates required attributes.}}
Following events are dispatched by the ace-record-actions tag:
:{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"|
|- align="center"
! Event !! | Description
| executedaction || Event dispatched on executing the action. This provides the JSON object with status information for the executed action.
| load || Event dispatched on loading the component. This provides the list of actions for the corresponding record.
<!-- | [hide-action-types](#hide-action-types) | Provide the action types which are to be hidden with comma separated values. </br><b>Available values:</b> 'Standard' \|'Macros'\|'CFA'.|
| [hide-options](#hide-options) | Provide the action display names that are to be hidden with comma separated values. |
| [show-confirm-dialog](#show-confirm-dialog)| Show confirm dialog box before executing any action. </br><b>Available values:</b> 'true'\|'false''. </br><b>Default value:</b> 'false'.| -->
===Sample code===
<code><a id="executedaction"></a></code>
<ace-record-actions id="recordActionsRef" object-id="cases" record-id="810599828"></ace-record-actions>
const recordActions= document.querySelector('#recordActionsRef');
recordActions.addEventListener('executedaction', function (event) {
// perform the event after execute form action
id: "6090657b58ca4766a2e500964eceb6c9",
name: "Macro Send Email",
status: "Success"
<code><a id="load"></a></code>
<ace-record-actions id="actionsRef" object-id="xxxx" record-id="xxxx"></ace-record-actions>
document.querySelector('#actionsRef').addEventListener('load', (event) => {console.log(event['detail'])});
standard: [
{name: "delete", type: "standard", title: "Delete", id: "1"},
{name: "merge", type: "standard", title: "Merge", id: "3"},
{name: "print", title: "Print", type: "standard", id: "12"}
macros: [],
CFA: []
'''Note''': Only the properties mentioned here are supported.
==record form==
Use the Record Form tag to create or update a record for a supported object in the AgileApps application.
'''Selector''': <code><ace-record-form\></code>
Use the following code to render the component:
<ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="43334342"></ace-record-form>
Following attributes are available for the ace-record-form tag.
:{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"|
|- align="center"
! Attribute !! | Description
| object-id <span class="mandatory">*</span> || Provide the object ID.
| record-id <span class="mandatory">*</span> || Provide the record ID. In case of a new record use "-1"
| css-classlist || It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate multiple css classes.
| layout-type || Display mode for form sections</br> Available values: 'accordion'; 'tab'. </br> Default value: 'tab'
| layout-id || This is the layout ID for a form. You can obtain the form layout from the Designer screen. To view the form layout, go to '''Settings > Customization > Objects''' > {object} > '''Forms''' > {form}.
| is-readonly || When this value is set to "true", the form appears in the read-only mode. If set to "false", then the form is editable.</br> Default value: 'false'
{{Note| * indicates required attributes.}}
Following events are dispatched by the ace-record-form tag:
:{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"|
|- align="center"
! Event !! | Description
| load || Event dispatched on loading a form.
| save || Event dispatched on saving a form.
| reset || Event dispatched on resetting a form.
| openlookuprecord || Event dispatched on clicking the lookup field navigation link.
Following are the tag instance methods:
:{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"|
|- align="center"
! Method !! | Description
| saveRecord() || Performs the save action for the form instance.
| resetRecord() || Performs the reset action for the form instance.
| getRecordData() || Gets the record data from the form instance.
| setRecordData(object) || Sets the record data to the form instance.
| isValid() || Checks if the record form is valid or not.
<!-- | field-display-mode            | These are the different display modes for the field. In view mode fields are not //editable. </br><b>Available values: </b> '' \|  'view'. </br><b>Default value: </b> ''|   
| form-display-mode     | These are the different display modes for the form. In print mode display sections in expansion panel </br><b>Available values: </b> '' \| 'printmode'. </br><b>Default value:</b> ''| | 
| show-spinner-on-load | TIf value is true then It will show the spinner on load of the form. </br><b>Available values: </b> 'true' \| 'false'. </br><b>Default value:</b> 'false'|
| record-form-extras                     | Record form extras should be a string and will accept key value pairs seperated with colon (:) and properties will be seperate with comma. <br> **Usage**: record-form-extras=“skipLocationChange:true” <br> Here skipLocationChange is true is used to prevent the navigation of lookup field and it will give the information of selected record in the lookup field.| -->
| navigateToLookupRecord | On click on the lookup field navigation link will give the selected record information. record-form-extras input should have skipLocationChange:true  |[Sample code](#navigate-To-LookupRecord)|
| isRecordFormValid()    | This method is useful to verify whether the form can be submitted or not. This will return a Boolean value.  |[Sample code](#is-valid-form) |
===Sample code===
<code><a id="load"></a></code>
<ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="43334342" id="recordFormId">
const rfEle = document.querySelector('#recordFormId');
rfEle.addEventListener('load', function (eventData) {
const onLoadData = eventData['detail'];
id: "${record_id}",
field_name: "field_value",
field_name1: "field_value",
...      :  ...
...      :  ...
<code><a id="save"></a></code>
<ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="43334342" id="recordFormId">
const rfEle = document.querySelector('#recordFormId');
rfEle.addEventListener('save', function (eventData) {
const onSaveData = eventData['detail'];
status: "success",
data  :  {
    id: "${record_id}",
    field_name: "field_value",
    field_name1: "field_value",
    ...      :  ...
    ...      :  ...
<code><a id="reset"></a></code>
<ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="43334342" id="recordFormId">
const rfEle = document.querySelector('#recordFormId');
rfEle.addEventListener('reset', function (eventData) {
const onResetData = eventData['detail'];
id: "${record_id}",
field_name: "field_value",
field_name1: "field_value",
field_name2: "field_value",
...      :  ...
...      :  ...
<code><a id="openlookuprecord"></a></code>
<ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="43334342" id="recordFormId">
const rfEle = document.querySelector('#recordFormId');
rfEleme.addEventListener('openlookuprecord', function (eventData) {
      const lookupRecordInfo = eventData['detail'];
objectId: "${object_id}",
recordId: "${record_id}",
row: {
        id: "${record_id}",
        field_name: "field_value",
        field_name1: "field_value",
        ...      :  ...
        ...      :  ...
'''Component Instance Methods'''
<code><a id="save-record-method"></a></code>
<button onclick="saveRecordFormInstance()">Save Form</button>
<ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="-1" id="formInstance"></ace-record-form>
const recordFormIns = document.querySelector('#formInstance');
function saveRecordFormInstance(){
<code><a id="reset-record-method"></a></code>
<button type="button" onclick="cancelChanges()">Reset</button>
<ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="1026401569" id="formInstance"></ace-record-form>
function cancelChanges(){
const recordFormIns = document.querySelector('#formInstance');
<code><a id="get-record-data"></a></code>
<button type="button" class="btn" onclick="getRecordDataFromFormInstance()">Get Data</button>
<ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="1026401569" id="newformInstance"></ace-record-form>
const recordFormIns = document.querySelector('#newformInstance');
function getRecordDataFromFormInstance(){
    const sourceObject = recordFormIns.getRecordData();
<code><a id="set-record-data"></a></code>
<button type="button" onclick="setRecordDataToFormInstance()">Set record data</button>
<ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="1026401569" id="newformInstance"></ace-record-form>
const recordFormIns = document.querySelector('#newformInstance');
function setRecordDataToFormInstance(){
    const sourceObject = recordFormIns.getRecordData();
====Input Object====
id: "${record_id}",
field_name: "field_value",
field_name1: "field_value",
...      :  ...
...      :  ...
<code><a id="is-valid"></a></code>
<button type="button" onclick="saveRecord()">Save</button>
<ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="-1" id="rfId">
const rfId = document.querySelector('#rfId');
function saveRecord(){
// submit the record when it does not have errors.   
'''Note''': Only the properties mentioned here are supported.
<a id="navigate-To-LookupRecord"></a>
### navigateToLookupRecord
<ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="43334342" id="formInstance"></ace-record-form>
const rfEle = document.querySelector('#formInstance');
rfEleme.addEventListener('navigateToLookupRecord', function (event) {
// Perform your action here.
    const lookupRecordInfo = event['detail'];
console.log('login Success', loggedInUserInfo);
#### Response:
ObjectId: "cases",
RecordId: "${recordID}",
Row: {
        field_name: "field_value",
    ...      :  ...
    ...      :  ...
<a id="is-valid-form"></a>
### isRecordFormValid()
<button type="button" class="btn" onclick="saveRecordFormInstance()">Save</button>
<ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="-1" id="rfId"></ace-record-form>
const rfId = document.querySelector('#rfId');
function saveRecordFormInstance() {
    // submit the record when it does not have errors.
==related info==
A related record is a record which is linked to the current record through a lookup field. While viewing a record, you can see the related records associated with it. You can add more related records by using this tag.
'''Selector''': <code><ace-related-info\></code>
Use the following code to render the component:
<ace-related-info object-id="cases" record-id="801173855"></ace-related-info>
Following attributes are available for ace-related-info tag.
:{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"|
|- align="center"
! Attribute !! | Description
| object-id <span class="mandatory">*</span> || Provide the object id.
| record-id <span class="mandatory">*</span> || Provide the record id.
| css-classlist || It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Multiple css classes should be separated by white space.
{{Note| * indicates required attributes.}}
:{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"|
|- align="center"
! Event !! | Description
| selectrecord || Event dispatched on selecting a record. This will give the selected record information from related records table.
| load || Event dispatched on loading a component. This provides the list of related information for a particular record.
===Sample code===
<code><a id="selectrecord"></a></code>
<ace-related-info id="relatedObj" object-id="cases" record-id="131054879" css-classlist="ace-bg-white"></ace-related-info>
const relatedObjElem = document.querySelector('#relatedObj');
relatedObjElem.addEventListener('selectrecord', function (eventData) {
const currentRecord = eventData['detail'];
relatedObjectId: "a024f93ebd53447fa80dc5d0ed958057",
rowId: "1559589289",
rowInfo: {
subject: "sub276",
text_field: "",
id: "1559589289"
<code><a id="load"></a></code>
<ace-related-info id="relatedObj" object-id="cases" record-id="xxxx"></ace-related-info>
document.querySelector('#relatedObj').addEventListener('load', (event) => {console.log(event['detail'])});
city: ""
phone: ""
description: ""
id: "1784450029"
object_id: {name: "accounts", id: "accounts"}
id: "1048688946"
test1: "dsj"
emailf: ""
object_id: {name: "Object_1", id: "487ceddfe6644751a6fdfe90e281d477"}
'''Note''': Only the properties mentioned here are supported.
==role switcher==
Use this component to list all the roles configured for the application users to switch their role.
'''Selector''': <code><ace-role-switcher\></code>
Use the following code to render the component:
Following attributes are available for the ace-role-switcher component.
:{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"|
|- align="center"
! Attribute !! | Description
| type || Use this parameter to set how you want to display the user roles. Pass this value inside the component.</br> Available types: "list"; "dropdown"</br> Defaut value: "list"
| css-classlist || It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate multiple css classes.
<!-- **Note: <span class="mandatory">*</span> indicates as required attributes** -->
Following events are dispatched by the ace-role-switcher tag:
:{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"|
|- align="center"
! Event !! | Description
| rolechange || Event dispatched upon role change.
| load || Event dispatched on loading the component. This event provides you the list of roles of an active user.
<!-- | display-type | Display mode for listing user roles.<br><b>Available values:</b> 'list' \| 'dropdown'<br><b>Default value:</b> 'list'| -->
===Sample code===
<code><a id="rolechange"></a></code>
<ace-role-switcher id="roleSwitcherIns"></ace-role-switcher>
const roleSwitcher = document.querySelector('#roleSwitcherIns');
roleSwitcher.addEventListener('rolechange', function (event) {
  // Perform your action here.
  const currentRoleInfo = event['detail'];
  console.log('User role is changed', currentRoleInfo);
  roleId: "49a47b32804c4932a252c7c36c95999e",
  roleName: "Manager"
<code><a id="load"></a></code>
<ace-role-switcher id="roleSwitch" display-type="list"></ace-role-switcher>
document.querySelector('#roleSwitch').addEventListener('load', (event) => {console.log(event['detail'])});
activeRole: {name: 'Agent', id: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'},
roleList: [
{name: 'Agent', id: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'},
{name: 'Manager', id: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'},
{name: 'Admin', id: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'},
{name: 'My Role', id: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'}
'''Note''': Only the properties mentioned here are supported.
==table grid==
Use this component to display the list of object records in a table. Some aspects of this table grid component are as follows:
* It initially has 25 records. You can configure this value.
* It supports pagination.
* It has filters where you can provide an input.
* You can sort the grid headers with or without a filter.
* When you search without providing any input, it resets the grid result.
'''Selector''': <code><ace-table-grid\></code>
Use the following code to render the component:
<ace-table-grid object-id="cases"></ace-table-grid>
Following attributes are available for ace-table-grid tag:
:{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"|
|- align="center"
! Attribute !! | Description
| object-id <span class="mandatory">*</span> || Provide the object ID.
| column-meta || Provide the information for the list of columns. The field metadata is separated by '@\|@' in the following manner.<br>Format: field1_name:field1_Label:field_type:IsSortable:isHidden@\|@field2_name:field2_Labe2:field_type:isSortable:isHidden<br>Usage: subject:Subject:STRING:true:false@\|@description:Description:STRING:false:true@\|@status:Status:PICK_LIST:false:true<br>Here, you can sort the subject column and is not hidden. The description column is hidden.
| css-classlist || It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate the multiple css classes.
| page-size || Provide the number of records to display per page. The value of page-size attribute should be a positive integer.<br>Default value: 25
| page-index || This parameters allows you to set the page index which defines which group of records are to be shown in the table. For example, if you provide a value of 2 for page-index, the user will see the 3rd page of records as the page-index value starts from 0. The value of page-index attribute should be a positive integer.<br> Default value: 0
| display-search || This allows the user to provide a filter (search) functionality for the grid data.<br> Available values: true; false<br>Default value: false
| display-macros || When this value is set to "true", you can show the extra column in the table which is the Action column. In this column, you can run the macro action assigned to the record in a particular row.<br>Available values: true; false<br> Default value: false
| expandable-row || When this value is set to "true", you can provide an expansion for a row to show more details for any record. At any time, you can expand only one table row.<br> Available values: true; false<br> Default value: false
| hide-selection-column || When this value is set to "true", you can hide the record locator column from the table. By default, the record locator column is displayed on the table.
| selection-column-title || This parameter allows you to change the name of the record locator column in the table.
| pagination || This allows the user to show or hide the paginator.<br> Available values: true; false<br> Default value: true
| sort-by || This sorts the data based on the field name you provide.<br> Default value: date_modified
| sort-order || It sets the sorting order for the fields you provide.<br> Available values: asc; desc<br> Default value: desc
| filter-query || This is used to set a filter initially.<br> Usage: filter-query="subject equals account"<br>This shows all the records whose subject field value matches the "account"
| paginator-position || This sets the pagination position to either the top or the bottom of the table.<br> Available values: top; bottom<br> Default value: top
| multi-select || User can select multiple records.<br> Available values: true; false<br> Default value: false
{{Note| * indicates required attributes.}}
Following events are dispatched by the ace-table-grid tag:
:{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"|
|- align="center"
! Event !! | Description
| selectrecord || Event dispatched on selecting a record using a record locator.
| selectrecords || Event dispatched on selecting multiple records using a check box.
| pagesortchange || Event dispatched on sorting of a column or a page change.
| togglerow || Event dispatched on expanding or collapsing a row.
| macroexecution || Event dispatched on executing a macro action for a record.
| load || Event dispatched on loading a component.
Following is a tag instance method:
:{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"|
|- align="center"
! Method !! | Description
| reload() || This method reloads the component.
|is-macro-action-shown | This will show the extra column in table i.e. Action column. where user can run the macros which are applied for that record.<br><b>Available values:</b> true \| false<br><b>Default value:</b> false|
|is-toggle-row | This will provide the expansion of the selected row to show more details.<br><b>Available values:</b> true \| false<br><b>Default value:</b> false|
|hide-record-locator | This will hide the record locator column from the table.<br><b>Available values:</b> true \| false<br><b>Default value:</b> false|
| toggleRowEvent  | On expansion/collapse of row it will give information of the row.|[Sample Code](#toggleRowEvent) |
| macroExecutionEvent  | This will provides the information of macro execution whether it is success or not along with record details.|[Sample Code](#macroExecutionEvent) |
<!-- | input-filter | It provides the filter(search) functionality for grid data.<br><b>Available values:</b> true \| false<br><b>Default value:</b> true| -->
===Sample code===
<code><a id="selectrecord"></a></code>
<ace-table-grid id="tableGridId" object-id="cases"
const tableGridElem = document.querySelector('#tableGridId');
tableGridElem.addEventListener('selectrecord', function (data) {
const selectionData = data.detail;
if (selectionData.length) {
id: "${record_id}",
field_name: "field_value",
field_name1: "field_value",
... : ...,
... : ...
<code><a id="selectrecords"></a></code>
<ace-table-grid id="tableGridId" object-id="cases"
const tableGridElem = document.querySelector('#tableGridId');
tableGridElem.addEventListener('selectrecords', function (data) {
const selectionData = data.detail;
if (selectionData.length) {
id: "${record_id}",
field_name: "field_value",
field_name1: "field_value",
... : ...,
... : ...
id: "${record_id}",
        field_name: "field_value",
    field_name1: "field_value",
    ... : ...,
    ... : ...
<code><a id="pagesortchange"></a></code>
<ace-table-grid id="tableGridId" object-id="cases"
page-size="7"  pagination="true" sort-by="subject" sort-order="asc">
const tableGridElem = document.querySelector('#tableGridId');
tableGridElem.addEventListener('pagesortchange', function (data) {
      const selectionData = data.detail;
pageIndex: 0,
pageSize: 7,
pageTotalLength: 37,
sortActive: "subject",
sortDirection: "desc"
<code><a id="togglerow"></a></code>
<ace-table-grid id="tableGridId" object-id="cases"
const tableGridElem = document.querySelector('#tableGridId');
tableGridElem.addEventListener('togglerow', function (data) {
const toggleRowEventData = data.detail;
if (toggleRowEventData.toggleType == 'expand') {
  console.log("On row expansion");
console.log("On row collapse");
toggleType: ToggleType, rowDetails: object,
<code><a id="macroexecution"></a></code>
<ace-table-grid id="tableGridId" object-id="cases"
const tableGridElem = document.querySelector('#tableGridId');
tableGridElem.addEventListener('macroexecution', function (data) {
const macroExecutionEventData = data.detail;
if (macroExecutionEventData.type == 'Successful') {
  console.log("Macro successfully executed.");
}else if(macroExecutionEventData.type == 'Failed'){
console.log("Failed while executing macro action.");
type: 'Successful' || 'Failed',
apiRes: object;
recordDetails: object;
<code><a id="load"></a></code>
<ace-table-grid id="tableGridId" object-id="xxx" column-meta="xxx"></ace-table-grid>
document.querySelector('#tableGridId').addEventListener('load', (event) =>
data: [
        description: "Agileapp demo"
        id: "662499464"
        record_locator: "000058"
        subject: "Agileapp demo"
totalRecordCount: 1
// type is either 'Successful' or 'Failed',
'''Component Instance Method'''
<code><a id="reload"></a></code>
<button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="tableGridReload()">Reload Table Grid</button>
<ace-table-grid id="tableGridId" object-id="xxx" column-meta="xxx"></ace-table-grid>
function tableGridReload() {
'''Note''': Only the properties mentioned here are supported.
<a id="toggleRowEvent"></a>
### toggleRowEvent
<ace-table-grid id="tableGridId" object-id="cases"
const tableGridElem = document.querySelector('#tableGridId');
tableGridElem.addEventListener('toggleRowEvent', function (data) {
    const toggleRowEventData = data.detail;
if(toggleRowEventData['toggleType'] === "expand"){
// perform the actions on expand
} else if(toggleRowEventData['toggleType'] === "collapse") {
// perform the actions on collapse
#### Response:
toggleType: "expand",
rowDetails: {
description: "Change the status to new",
id: "1534793829",
record_locator: "000997 - Change the status to new",
subject: "Change the status to new"
// toggleType is either 'expand' or 'collapse'
==user profile==
Use this component to get the basic information of the logged in user. Basic information includes profile picture, user name, and user role.
This component has the following features:
* It is a read-only component. Only the details related to user profile picture, user name, and user role are available with this component.
* Using certain tag values, you can modify the display property of all these components.
* It inherits the size (height and width) attributes from the parent.
'''Selector''': <code><ace-user-profile\></code>
Use the following code to render the component:
Following are the input attributes for ace-user-profile component:
:{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"|
|- align="center"
! Attribute !! | Description
| profile-picture || Displays the profile picture of the logged in user. If you want to hide the image, set this attribute value to false.<br> Available values: true; false<br> Default value: true
| name || Displays the user name of the logged in user. If you want to hide the user name, set this attribute value to false.<br>Available values: true; false<br> Default value: true
| active-role || Displays the active role name for the logged in user. If you want to hide the role name, set this attribute value to false.<br>Available values: true; false<br> Default value: true
Following event is dispatched by the ace-user-profile tag:
:{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"|
|- align="center"
! Event !! | Description
| load || Event dispatched on loading the component. This event provides you the basic details of the active user.
===Sample code===
<code><a id="load"></a></code>
<ace-user-profile id="userProfileRef"></ace-user-profile>
  document.getElementById('userProfileRef').addEventListener('load', (event) => {
name: "john john",
imgId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
role: "CaseDeny"
'''Note''': Only the properties mentioned here are supported.
==view configuration==
Use this component to configure a new view or to edit an existing view of an object.
'''Selector''': <code><ace-view-configuration\></code>
Use the following code to render the component:
<ace-view-configuration object-id="cases" view-id='-1'></ace-view-configuration>
Following attributes are available for the ace-view-configuration component.
:{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"|
|- align="center"
! Attribute !! | Description
| object-id <span class="mandatory">*</span> || Provide the object ID.
| view-id <span class="mandatory">*</span> || Provide the view ID. In case of a new view, use "-1".
| css-classlist || It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespaces to separate multiple css classes.
{{Note| * indicates required attributes.}}
Following event is dispatched by the ace-view-configuration tag:
:{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"|
|- align="center"
! Event !! | Description
| saveView || Event dispatched upon success or failure of view creation.
Following are the instance methods:
:{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1"|
|- align="center"
! Method !! | Description
| submitViewData() || Performs the save action for the view instance.
| saveAsNewView() || Performs the save action for the existing view instance.
===Sample code===
<code><a id="save-view-event"></a></code>
<ace-view-configuration id="viewConfigIns" object-id="cases" view-id='-1'></ace-view-configuration>
var viewConfigInstance = document.querySelector('#viewConfigIns')
viewConfigInstance.addEventListener('saveView', function (event) {
    // Perform your action here.
    const viewInfo = event['detail'];
    console.log("view saved successfully", viewInfo)
    data: {...},
    Message: "${id} of the view saved view."
<code><a id="submit-view-data"></a></code>
<button type="button" id="create-view">Create View</button>
<ace-view-configuration id="viewConfigIns" object-id="cases" view-id='-1'></ace-view-configuration>
const viewConfigInstance= document.querySelector('#viewConfigIns');
const createViewButton = document.querySelector('#create-view');
createViewButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
<code><a id="save-new-view"></a></code>
<button id="save-as-new">Save as new View</button>
<ace-view-configuration id="viewConfigIns" object-id="cases" view-id='${view-id}'></ace-view-configuration>
const viewConfigInstance= document.querySelector('#viewConfigIns');
const saveAsNewButton = document.querySelector('#save-as-new');
saveAsNewButton.addEventListener('click', function() {

'''Note''': Only the properties mentioned here are supported.
'''Note''': Only the properties mentioned here are supported.

Latest revision as of 06:18, 17 May 2024



It will list down all the objects and web tabs which are configured in users tab preferences.
Selector: <ace-app-nav-list>
Use the following code to render the component:



Following attribute is available for ace-app-nav-list tag.

Attribute Description
css-classlist It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate Multiple css classes.

Following events are dispatched by the ace-app-tabs-list tag:

Event Description
selectionchange Event dispatched on clicking a row.
load Event dispatched on loading the component. This provides the list of objects for the active application.

Sample code

<a id="selection-change"></a>


<ace-app-nav-list id="appTabsInstance"></ace-app-nav-list>
const appTabsIns = document.querySelector('#appTabsInstance');
appTabsIns.addEventListener('selectionchange', function (event) {
 //Perform your action here
 const tabData = event['detail'];


    canAdd: "${true/false}",
    id: "${id}",
    title: "${title}",
    uri: "${uri}", // for webtabs
    webtabname: "${webtab name}", // for webtabs

<a id="load"></a>


<ace-app-nav-list id="appTabs"></ace-app-nav-list>
document.querySelector('#appTabs').addEventListener('load', (event) => {console.log(event['detail'])});


		id: "cases"
		title: "Cases"
		singularTitle: "Case"
		canAdd: true
		type: "object"

Important Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.



This displays the bookmarked item corresponding to the user as a custom component.
Selector: <ace-bookmark-list>
Use the following code to render the component:


Following attributes are available for the ace-bookmark-list tag.

Attribute Description
search If the value is true, then it displays the search box for bookmark list. If the value is false, it hides the search input.
Default value: 'true'
group-ids Displays only the list of selected group ID items. User needs to pass comma separated group IDs.
css-classlist It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate multiple css classes.

Following events are dispatched by the ace-bookmark-list tag:

Event Description
selectionchange Event dispatched on clicking a bookmark item.
load Event dispatched on loading the component. This provides the list of bookmarked data.

Following are the tag instance methods:

Method Description
clearAll() Removes all the data present in the bookmarked list.
setGroupOrder(arrayofGroupIDs) Sort the group by group IDs. Only the IDs mentioned in parameter are sorted and others will remain in the same order.
removeItem(groupId, itemId) Removes the item mentioned from the specific group.
removeGroup(groupId) Removes the specific group from the list by passing the group ID.
getListData() Get bookmarked list data for the active user.
reload() Does a refresh of the bookmarked list with updated bookmarked data.
isItemPresent(groupId, itemId) Returns true if the item is present inside a group ID. If not, returns false.

Bookmark register service

Use this service to register the item or group for a bookmark component. User should be logged in to register an item in the bookmark.


Note: At the least any one of the CUI components should be present in the DOM to register the item in the bookmark list.

An example for registering a bookmark is as follows:

aceLib.bookmark.addGroup({id:'test',displayTitle:'Group 1'});

Following are the methods available in the bookmark library:

Methods Description
addGroup Add a new group in the list.
  • Syntax: addGroup({id, displayTitle})
  • id: Group ID where the user wants to add the item. This value is Mandatory.
  • displayTitle: Displays the value of the group
  • updateGroup Update the group information.
  • Syntax: updateGroup({id, displayTitle})
  • id: Group ID where the user wants to update the item. This value is Mandatory.
  • displayTitle: Displays the value of the group
  • removeGroup Removes the group from the list by passing the group ID.
  • Syntax: removeGroup(id)
  • id: Group ID where the user wants to remove the item. This value is Mandatory.
  • addItem Add an item to the bookmark list corresponding to a group ID.
  • Syntax: addItem({groupId, id, displayTitle, category, value})
  • id: item ID. This value is Mandatory.
  • groupId: Group ID where the user wants to add the item. This value is Mandatory.
  • displayTitle: Displays the value of the item.
  • category: Type of item. It can be Record, Report or user-defined type.
  • value: Value of the item.
  • updateItem Update the bookmark list item.
  • Syntax: updateItem({groupId, id, displayTitle, category, value})
  • id: item ID. This value is Mandatory.
  • groupId: Group ID where the user wants to add the item. This value is Mandatory.
  • displayTitle: Displays the value of the item.
  • category: Type of item. It can be Record, Report or user-defined type.
  • value: Value of the item.
  • removeItem Remove an item from the bookmark list corresponding to the group ID.
  • Syntax: removeItem(groupId, id)
  • groupId: Group ID where the user wants to delete the item. This value is Mandatory. If the group ID is not a match with an existing group, then it throws an error message.
  • id: ID of the item to delete. This value is Mandatory.
  • refresh Refresh the bookmark list.
  • Syntax: aceLib.bookmark.refresh();
  • Note: Some considerations are as follows:

    • Any white-spaces present are removed (trimmed) from groupIds and itemIds. For example, if you pass the ID as "Agile apps", then it is converted to "Agileapps".
    • All the IDs are considered as case-sensitive. For example, if you pass the ID as "agileapps" and "Agileapps", then both are considered as separate IDs.

    Sample code

    <a id="selection-change"></a>


    <ace-bookmark-list id="aceBookmarksList"></ace-bookmark-list>
    const bookmarkIns = document.querySelector('#aceBookmarksList');
    bookmarkIns.addEventListener('selectionchange', function (event) {
     //Perform your action here
     const bookmarkItemData = event['detail'];


    	id: string,
    	groupId: string,
    	displayTitle: string,
    	category: string,

    <a id="load"></a>


    <ace-bookmark-list id="aceBookmarksList"></ace-bookmark-list>
    const bookmarkIns = document.querySelector('#aceBookmarksList');
    bookmarkIns.addEventListener('load', (event) => {


            displayTitle: "Case Records",
            groupId: "caseRecord",
            items: [{
                displayTitle: "Record name",
                id: "123456",
    			category: "record",
                value: "storted value data"

    <a id="clear-all-method"></a>


    <button type="button" onclick="clearAllHandler()">Clear all</button>
    <ace-bookmark-list id="aceBookmarksList"></ace-bookmark-list>
    function clearAllHandler(){
    	const bookmarkListIns = document.querySelector('#aceBookmarksList');

    <a id="set-group-order-method"></a>


    <button type="button" onclick="setGroupOrderHandler()">Set Group Order</button>
    <ace-bookmark-list id="aceBookmarksList"></ace-bookmark-list>
    function setGroupOrderHandler(){
    	const bookmarkListIns = document.querySelector('#aceBookmarksList');
    	const listOfGroupIds = ['caseRecord','reports','dashboard'];

    <a id="remove-item-method"></a>


    <button type="button" onclick="removeItemHandler()">Remove Item</button>
    <ace-bookmark-list id="aceBookmarksList"></ace-bookmark-list>
    function removeItemHandler(){
    	const bookmarkListIns = document.querySelector('#aceBookmarksList');

    <a id="remove-group-method"></a>


    <button type="button" onclick="removeGroupHandler()">Remove Group</button>
    <ace-bookmark-list id="aceBookmarksList"></ace-bookmark-list>
    function removeGroupHandler(){
    	const bookmarkListIns = document.querySelector('#aceBookmarksList');

    <a id="get-list-data-method"></a>


    <button type="button" onclick="getListDataHandler()">Get bookmark list data</button>
    <ace-bookmark-list id="aceBookmarksList"></ace-bookmark-list>
    function getListDataHandler(){
    	const bookmarkListIns = document.querySelector('#aceBookmarksList');

    <a id="reload-method"></a>


    <button type="button" onclick="reloadHandler()">Reload list</button>
    <ace-bookmark-list id="aceBookmarksList"></ace-bookmark-list>
    function reloadHandler(){
    	const bookmarkListIns = document.querySelector('#aceBookmarksList');

    <a id="is-item-present"></a>


    <button type="button" onclick="isItemPresentHandler()">Is Item Present</button>
    <ace-bookmark-list id="aceBookmarksList"></ace-bookmark-list>
    function isItemPresentHandler(){
    	const bookmarkListIns = document.querySelector('#aceBookmarksList');
    	const isItemPresent = bookmarkListIns.isItemPresentHandler('caseRecord','recordId');

    <a id="registerService"></a>


    //Add Group data
    const addGroupInfo = {
        id: 'caseRecord',
        displayTitle: 'Case Record'
    //Update Group display title
    const updateGroupInfo = {
        id: 'caseRecord',
        displayTitle: 'Update Case Record'
    // Add Item inside above group
    const addItemInfo = {
     groupId: 'caseRecord',
     id: 'recordId',
     displayTitle: 'Record title',
     category: 'record',
     value: 'http://agileappscloud.info/'
    // Update Item data
    const updateItemInfo = {
     groupId: 'caseRecord',
     id: 'recordId',
     displayTitle: 'Update Record title'
    // remove item from a group
    //remove group

    Important Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.



    This component allows you to add attachments to a record and to display the attached files. It also displays the list of files attached through the Notes Editor component.
    Selector: <ace-record-attachment>
    Use the following code to render the component:

    <ace-record-attachment id="recordAttachmentRef" object-id="cases" record-id="23232234">


    Following are the input attributes for ace-record-attachment component:

    Attribute Description
    object-id * Provide the object ID. You can obtain the Object ID from Application Tab list.
    record-id * Provide the record id of the object in which user wants to see the attachment. You can obtain it from Records view.
    css-classlist Override the styling of attachment by passing the list of classes with space separator.
    can-delete Allows you to show or hide the attachment delete button. When set to 'true', you can see the attachment delete button.
    Available values: 'true'; 'false'.
    Default value: 'false'.


    Note: * indicates required attributes.

    Following event is dispatched by the ace-record-attachment tag:

    Event Description
    load Event dispatched on loading the component. This provides the list of attachments for a particular record.

    Following are the component methods for ace-record-attachment component

    Method Description
    addNewAttachment() This method allows you to add an attachment to a corresponding record.

    Sample code


    <a id="load"></a>


    <ace-record-attachment id="attachment" object-id="xxxxx" record-id="xxxxx"></ace-record-attachment>
     document.querySelector('#attachment').addEventListener('load', (event) => {console.log(event['detail'])});


    	date_created_v: "03.23.2020 06:20 AM"
    	file_field: [{
    	name: "download.png"
    	id: "c6dcebe0cc2a470d90fd4dc0aeb28c90"
    	type: "jpeg"
    	date_created: "Uploaded a few moments ago by xxxx"
    	creatorName: "xxxx"
    	tag: "via Email"
    	id: "799011377"
    	title: "download.png"
    	image: "image"

    Component Instance Methods

    <a id="addNewAttachment"></a>


    <button onclick="openDialog()">Open Attachment Dialog</button>
    <ace-record-attachment id="attachment" object-id="cases"
    const recordAttachment = document.querySelector('#attachment');
    function openDialog() {

    <a id="deleteattachment"></a>


    <button onclick="deleteAttachment()">Delete Attachment</button>
    <ace-record-attachment id="attachment" css-classlist="bg-white" object-id="cases" record-id="12455689">
    	const recordAttachment = document.querySelector('#attachment');
    	function deleteAttachment() {

    Important Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.



    Use this component to show the list of processes associated with the respective records. Individual process can have respective action items like Start, Stop, and Remove if not completed.

    Selector: <ace-record-process>

    Use the following code to render the component:

    <ace-record-process object-id="cases" record-id="23232234"></ace-record-process>


    Following are the input attributes for ace-record-process component:

    Attribute Description
    object-id * Provide the object ID.
    record-id * Provide the record ID.
    css-classlist It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate multiple css classes.


    Note: * indicates required attributes.

    Following event is dispatched by the ace-records-table-view tag:

    Event Description
    load Event dispatched on loading the component. This provides the list of processes for a particular record.

    Following is a tag instance method:

    Method Description
    reload() This method reloads the component.

    Sample code


    <a id="load"></a>


    <ace-record-process id="recordProcessRef" object-id="xxx" record-id="xxx"></ace-record-process>
    document.querySelector('#recordProcessRef').addEventListener('load', (event) => {console.log(event['detail'])});


    			process_id: "73e06a90b7fa4736a81509ef2cae1fe4"
    			modified_id: ""
    			_canDoProcessActions: "true"
    			is_subprocess: "0"
    			object_id: ""
    			required: "0"
    			enabled: "1"
    			case_record_id: "1734412475"
    			date_modified: ""
    			duedate: ""
    			parent_id: ""
    			proc_inst_id: ""
    			activity_id: "895a86615d214166b47efc813d4d24e4"
    			name: "Test 3"
    			date_completed: ""
    			id: ""
    			date_started: ""
    			status: "Ready"
    			dbo_process: false

    Component Instance Method

    <a id="reload"></a>


    <button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="reloadProcess()">Reload Process</button>
    <ace-record-process id="recordProcessRef" object-id="xxx" record-id="xxx"></ace-record-process>
    function reloadProcess() {

    Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.



    Use this component to show the list of records that are displayed in a grid-like spreadsheet. You should specify the object-id and the view-id to render the list of records.

    Selector: <ace-records-table-view>

    Use the following code to render the component:

    <ace-records-table-view object-id="cases" view-id="c8b87852af5f4828977ab6c9c8bec8fc"></ace-records-table-view>


    Following attributes are available for the ace-records-table-view tag.

    Attribute Description
    object-id * Provide the object ID.
    view-id * Provide the view ID.
    css-classlist It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate multiple css classes.
    sorting Enable or disable sorting by setting a value for this attribute.
    Possible values: 'true'; 'false'.
    Default value: 'true'.
    sort-by Provide the field name as value to this attribute to sort the record table.
    Default value: 'date_modified'
    Available values: ${field_name}.
    sort-order Provide the order by setting this attribute as (asc/desc).
    Available Values: 'asc'; 'desc'
    Default value: 'desc'.
    selection-column-title The value you provide here is shown as the name for the Record Locator column heading title in the table.
    Default value: "".
    hide-selection-column Use this parameter to hide the Record Locator column. When you hide this column, the entire row acts as a Record Locator.
    Available Values: 'true'; 'false'
    Default value: 'false'.


    Note: * indicates required attributes.

    Following events are dispatched by the ace-records-table-view tag:

    Event Description
    selectrecord Event dispatched on clicking the record locator link for a record or selecting View details from the Actions menu.
    selectrecords Event dispatched on selecting the checkbox for the record(s). Applicable only for Task and Case Type objects.
    load Event dispatched on loading the component. This provides the list of records of the corresponding view for a particular object.

    Following is a tag instance method:

    Method Description
    reload() This method reloads the component.

    Sample code


    <a id="selectrecord"></a>


    <ace-records-table-view id="viewInstance" object-id="cases" view-id="c8b87852af5f4828977ab6c9c8bec8fc">
    const recordTableViewInstance = document.querySelector('#viewInstance');
    recordTableViewInstance.addEventListener('selectrecord', function (event) {
        // Perform your action here.
        const recordData = event['detail'];
        console.log('Record data:', recordData);


        objectId: "value",
        recordId: "value",
        row :listOfRecordSelected: [{
            field_name1: "field_value",
    		field_name2: "field_value",
            ....       : ....
            ....       : ....

    <a id="selectrecords"></a>


    <ace-records-table-view id="viewInstance" object-id="cases" view-id="c8b87852af5f4828977ab6c9c8bec8fc">
    const recordTableViewInstance = document.querySelector('#viewInstance');
    recordTableViewInstance.addEventListener('selectrecords', function (event) {
        // Perform your action here.
        const recordData = event['detail'];
        console.log('Record data:', recordData);


        isAllSelected: false,
        listOfRecordSelected: [{
            field_name1: "field_value",
    		field_name2: "field_value",
            ....       : ....
            ....       : ....
        numberOfRecordsSelected: 1

    <a id="load"></a>


    <ace-records-table-view id="recordsTableView" object-id="xxx" view-id="xxx"></ace-records-table-view>
    document.querySelector('#recordsTableView').addEventListener('load', (event) => {console.log(event['detail'])});


        	modified_id: {name: "john john", id: "4f4fed76497d4591924b4f8edaec225a"}
    		owner_id: {name: "john john", id: "4f4fed76497d4591924b4f8edaec225a"}
    		priority_value: "3"
    		priority: "P3"
    		from_name: "john john"
    		object_id: "cases"
    		_graph: {priority: "P3", number: "000068", header_css: "case_new case_id_box", tab_css: "grey_menu"}
    		date_modified: "12 days ago"
    		record_locator: "000068"
    		case_number: "000068"
    		submitter_photo_id: "fd317c1c10a64a56883e937663605cde"
    		id: "1234052308"
    		date_modified_v: "03.10.2020 10:08 PM"
    		notifications: []
    		status: "New"

    Component Instance Method

    <a id="reload"></a>


    <button onclick="reloadRecordView()">Reload record view table</button>
    <ace-records-table-view id="recordsTableView" object-id="xxx" view-id="xxx"></ace-records-table-view>
    function reloadRecordView() {

    Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.



    Use this component to create a task related for a record, where you can create the following:

    • Single step task
    • Multi step task
    • Task form

    Single step task and each step of the multi-step task are like a quick card of the task form, where you can add minimal information and create the tasks. However, a task form shows all the fields of the task object form. You can complete, approve, or reject a task using this component.

    Selector: <ace-record-task-view>

    Use the following code to render the component:

    <ace-record-task-view object-id="cases" record-id="23232234" [safeFlag]="'true'"></ace-record-task-view>


    Following attributes are available for the ace-record-task-view component:

    Attribute Description
    object-id * Provide the object ID.
    record-id * Provide the record ID.
    [safeFlag] Use this parameter to complete or approve any task depending on the user role.
    Available Types: 'true'; 'false'
    Default value: 'false'
    hide-header Use this parameter to hide the Task Header which includes the + icon.
    Available Types: 'true'; 'false'
    Default value: 'false'
    css-classlist It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate multiple css classes.


    Note: * indicates required attributes.

    Following events are dispatched for the ace-record-task-view component:

    Event Description
    taskstatuschange Event dispatched upon success or failure of a task which is completed, approved, or rejected.
    opentaskrecord Event dispatched upon clicking a task record.
    load Event dispatched on loading the component. This provides the list of tasks for a particular record.

    Following is a tag instance method:

    Method Description
    reload() This method reloads the component.

    Sample code


    <a id="taskstatuschange"></a>


    <ace-record-task-view id="recordTaskView" object-id="cases" record-id="407302262"></ace-record-task-view>
    const taskComponent = document.querySelector('#recordTaskView');
    taskComponent.addEventListener('taskstatuschange', function (eventData) {
    	const saveData = eventData['detail'];


        "message": "Task completed successfully.", "data": {...}

    <a id="opentaskrecord"></a>


    <ace-record-task-view id="recordTaskView" object-id="cases" record-id="407302262"></ace-record-task-view>
    const taskComponent = document.querySelector('#recordTaskView');
    taskComponent.addEventListener('opentaskrecord', function (eventData) {
    	const taskDetailObj = eventData['detail'];


        objectId: "tasks",
        recordId: "758312596"

    <a id="load"></a>


    <ace-record-task-view id="recordTaskViewRef" object-id="cases" record-id="xxxx"></ace-record-task-view>
    document.querySelector('#recordTaskViewRef').addEventListener('load', (event) => {console.log(event['detail'])});


    	myTasks: [],
    	otherTasks: [
    			owner_id: {name: "Open Ownership", id: "4"}
    			_canDoTaskActions: "true"
    			subject: "ajslkajslak"
    			date_completed: ""
    			_cmt_reqd: "0"
    			sla_id: ""
    			overdue_flag: "false"
    			type: ""
    			description: ""
    			form_id: ""
    			id: "1743974231"
    			actionExpanded: false
    			completeFocusIndex: 0
    	completedTasks: []

    Component Instance Method

    <a id="reload"></a>


    <button onclick="reloadTask()">Reload Task Component</button>
    <ace-record-task-view id="recordTaskViewRef" object-id="cases" record-id="610149483"></ace-record-task-view>
    function reloadTask() {

    Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.



    Activity history allows you to show the activities performed on a record. Each entry in the activity history provides details about who performed which action and when. The history shows:

    • Emails sent by the platform user or by the user.
    • Messages received through the Email Channel (generally as a reply to a message that was sent).
    • Private notes added to the record.
    • For Cases, all fields are audited by default. For example, any change to the Status or Priority of a case record, or any other field in the record, is automatically recorded in the case history. You must explicitly enable 'Field Audit' for the non-case Objects, and specific fields are selected for audit.

    Selector: <ace-activity-history>

    Use the following code to render the component:

    <ace-activity-history object-id="cases" record-id="23232234"></ace-activity-history>


    Following attributes are available for ace-activity-history component:

    Attribute Description
    object-id * Provide the object id.
    record-id * Provide the record id.
    css-classlist It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate Multiple css classes.


    Note: * indicates required attributes.

    Following event is dispatched by the ace-records-table-view tag:

    Event Description
    load Event dispatched on loading the component. This provides the list of activities for a related record on loading the component.

    Following is a tag instance method:

    Method Description
    reload() This method reloads the component.

    Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.

    Sample code


    <a id="load"></a>


    <ace-activity-history object-id="xxx" record-id="xxx" id="activityHistoryRef"></ace-activity-history>
    document.querySelector('#activityHistoryRef').addEventListener('load', (event) => {console.log(event['detail'])});


    				date: "03.23.2020",	
    				data: [
    				userName: "john john"
    				title: "john john opened this case"
    				description: "000068"
    				viewHTMLLink: 0
    				subjectIcon: ""
    				photoID: "fd317c1c10a64a56883e937663605cde"
    				visibleToCustomer: "0"
    				isDescContainHTMLTags: false
    				id: "1104963726"
    				relativeDate: "12 days ago"
    				activityDate: "03.10.2020"
    				activityTime: "10:08 PM"
    				attachmentArray: ""
    				imageType: "userImage"
    		isMoreActivityPresent: false

    Component Instance Method

    <a id="reload"></a>


    <button onclick="reloadActivityHistory()">Reload Activity History</button>
    <ace-activity-history object-id="xxx" record-id="xxx" id="activityHistoryRef"></ace-activity-history>
    const ahElem = document.querySelector('#activityHistoryRef');
    function reloadActivityHistory() {

    Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.

    app tabs list


    It will list down all the objects and web tabs which are configured in users tab preferences.

    Selector: <ace-app-tabs-list>

    Use below code to render the component:



    Following attribute is available for ace-app-tabs-list tag.

    Attribute Description
    css-classlist It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Multiple css classes should be separated by white space.

    Following events are dispatched by the ace-app-tabs-list tag:

    Event Description
    selectionChange Dispatch event upon clicking a row.
    load Event dispatched on loading the component. This provides the list of objects for the active application.

    Sample code


    <a id="selection-change"></a>


    <ace-app-tabs-list id="appTabsInstance"></ace-app-tabs-list>
    const appTabsIns = document.querySelector('#appTabsInstance');
    appTabsIns.addEventListener('selectionChange', function (event) {
     //Perform your action here
     const tabData = event['detail'];


        canAdd: "${true/false}",
        id: "${id}",
        title: "${title}",
        uri: "${uri}", // for webtabs
        webtabname: "${webtab name}", // for webtabs

    <a id="load"></a>


    <ace-app-tabs-list id="appTabs"></ace-app-tabs-list>
    document.querySelector('#appTabs').addEventListener('load', (event) => {console.log(event['detail'])});


    		id: "cases"
    		title: "Cases"
    		singularTitle: "Case"
    		canAdd: true
    		type: "object"

    Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.



    Use this tag to create an article for any object record.

    This tag maps with the following fields of a record:

    • Article Title
    • Created date
    • Author of the article
    • Content of the article

    Note: All these fields can be dynamic or static.

    Selector: <ace-article\>

    Use the following code to render the component:

    <ace-article object-id="cases" record-id="973489109" 


    Following attributes are available for the ace-article tag:

    Attribute Description
    object-id * Provide the object id.
    record-id * Provide the record id.
    content-map * Provide the list of fields separate with '@'.


    Note: * indicates required attributes.

    API description

    <a id="content-map"></a>


    Provide the list of fields separated with '@'. If author and date mapping is not present, the application displays empty values with labels.

    <ace-article content-map="title:field_name/static_data@author:field_name/static_data@date:field_name/static_data@content:field_name/static_data"></ace-article>


    • title:subject@author:created_id@date:created_date@content:cases_test_rta_423691479
    • title:My Article@author:John doe@date:01/01/2020@content:cases_test_rta_423691479


    • If the content is mapped to a field other than Rich text area, then user can also set html content to it. For example, if content is mapped to a text area or a text field and its content is <i\>my text\</i\>, then the content appears with html encoded content like my text.
    • Only the properties mentioned here are supported.



    You can use the Login Form component for AgileApps tenant login page. You can write your own logic using the success or failure handlers of this component.

    Selector: <ace-login-form\>

    Use the following code to render the component:

    <ace-login-form css-classlist="ace-bg-white"></ace-login-form>


    Following attribute is available for ace-login-form tag.

    Attribute Description
    css-classlist It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate multiple css classes.

    Following events are dispatched by the ace-app-tabs-list tag:

    Event Description
    loginSuccess Event dispatched upon successful login. Logged in user information is available as an object.
    loginError Event dispatched upon login failure with an error message.

    Sample code

    <a id="login-success-event"></a>


    <ace-login-form id="LoginForm"></ace-login-form>
    document.querySelector('#LoginForm').addEventListener('loginSuccess', function (event) {
      // Perform your action here.
      const loggedInUserInfo = event.detail;
      console.log('login Success', loggedInUserInfo);


       "id": "${userId}",
       "profile": {...},
       "preferences": {...},

    <a id="login-failure-event"></a>


    <ace-login-form id="LoginForm"></ace-login-form>
    document.querySelector('#LoginForm').addEventListener('loginError', function (event) {
       // perform login error action here.
       const loginErrorInfo = event.detail;
       const loginErrorMesssage = loginErrorInfo['__exception_msg__'];
       console.log('login Error:', loginErrorMesssage); 


       __exception_msg__: "${Login error message}"

    Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.



    Use the Logout component to get the logout functionality from the current login account. This component has the following features:

    • It is like a placeholder with certain functionality.
    • You can inject elements into this component to get customized content.
    • It fits as per the inside content.

    Selector: <ace-logout\>

    Use the following code to render the component:



    Following event is dispatched by the ace-logout tag:

    Event Description
    logoutEvent Event dispatch on logout.

    Sample code

    <a id="logout-event"></a>


    <ace-logout id="acelogoutTag">
        <button type="buttton">Logout</button>
    var logoutElement = document.querySelector('#acelogoutTag');
    logoutElement.addEventListener('logoutEvent', function (event){
    	// perform any action on trigger of this event.


    	status: "success" | "failure"

    Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.

    notes editor


    Notes editor may be Private notes or Email messages. You can create these when you view a case record, or some other record.

    The differences are:

    • A Private Note does not result in an email being sent to anyone.
    • When internal users (normal users who log into the platform) view a record, they can see all email messages and notes recorded in the history. Their privileges and team memberships may or may not allow them to see the record. However, if they can see it, they have access to its entire history).
      • For the Case object, email responses are stored in the history, as well as sent messages.
      • For other objects, only sent messages are recorded.
    • When external users (users accessing records using the Service Portal) view a record, they see only those messages in the record history in which they were a sender or a recipient.

    Selector: <ace-notes-editor\>

    Use the following code to render the component:

    <ace-notes-editor object-id="cases" record-id="23334543"></ace-notes-editor>


    Following attributes are available for ace-notes-editor tag:

    Attribute Description
    object-id * Provide the object ID.
    record-id * Provide the record ID.
    css-classlist It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate multiple css classes.


    Note: * indicates required attributes.

    Following event is dispatched by the ace-notes-editor tag:

    Event Description
    saveNote This provides the success or failure message with data object on saving the notes.

    Sample code

    <a id="save-note-event"></a>


    <ace-notes-editor id="noteseditor" object-id="cases" record-id="23334543"></ace-notes-editor>
        const notesEditor = document.querySelector('#noteseditor');
        notesEditor.addEventListener('saveNote', function (event) {
            // Perform action after save a note.
            const saveNoteData = event['detail'];


    	message: "success",
    	data: {
            objectId: "cases",
            recordId: "1234567890",
            noteType: "Private Note",
            attachedFileName: [],
            emailRecipients: [],
            noteSubject: "",
            noteText: "<p>Abcdef</p>"

    Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.

    object views list


    Use this component to list all the views inside an object with record count.

    Selector: <ace-object-views-list\>

    Use the following code to render the component:

    <ace-object-views-list object-id="cases"></ace-object-views-list>


    Following attributes are available for ace-object-views-list tag:

    Attribute Description
    object-id * Provide the object ID.
    css-classlist It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate multiple css classes.


    Note: * indicates required attributes.

    Following events are dispatched by ace-object-views-list tag:

    Event Description
    selectionChange Event dispatched on view selection.
    load Event dispatched on loading the component. This provides you the list of views for the related object.

    Following is a tag instance method:

    Method Description
    reload This method reloads the component.

    Sample code


    <a id="selection-change"></a>


    <ace-object-views-list object-id="cases" id="listOfViews"></ace-object-views-list>
    	const objectViewList = document.querySelector('#listOfViews');
    	objectViewList.addEventListener('selectionChange', function(event){
    		// Perform action on selection
    		const recordData = event['detail'];


    	count: "12",
    	default: "0",
    	id: "cases",
    	name: "All Active Cases",
    	sortBy: "last_activity",
    	sortOrder: "desc"

    <a id="load"></a>


    <ace-object-views-list object-id="cases" id="objectViewsRef"></ace-object-views-list>
    document.querySelector('#objectViewsRef').addEventListener('load', (event) => {console.log(event['detail'])});


    	default: "0"
    	id: "00d76e74f7754a8881608cf935fd54e7"
    	name: "All Active Cases"
    	sortBy: "last_activity"
    	sortOrder: "desc"
    	count: "5"
    	default: "1"
    	id: "5d5032e48c8041348e2b8fc0a1a1ddf2"
    	name: "All Cases"
    	sortBy: "date_modified"
    	sortOrder: "desc"
    	count: "6"

    Component Instance Method

    <a id="reload"></a>


    <button onclick="reloadObjectView()">Reload Object View</button>
    <ace-object-views-list object-id="xxxx" id="objectViewsRef"></ace-object-views-list>
    function reloadObjectView() {

    Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.

    owner assignment


    Use this component to assign a record to a user or a team or to assign the record to yourself. It auto suggests the names while typing in the Assignee field. The Assign to me link assigns the record to the logged-in (current) user.

    Selector: <ace-change-ownership\>

    Use the following code to render the component

    <ace-change-ownership object-id="cases" record-id="1554361346"></ace-change-ownership>



    Following attributes are available for ace-change-ownership tag:

    Attribute Description
    object-id * Provide the object id.
    record-id * Provide the record id.
    show-users It decides whether to show the users list or not.
    Available values: 'true'; 'false'.
    Default value: 'true'
    show-teams It decides whether to show the list of teams or not.
    Available values: 'true'; 'false'.
    Default value: 'true'
    show-claim It decides whether to show the Assign to me link or not.
    Available values: 'true'; 'false'.
    Default value: 'true'
    css-classlist It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate multiple css classes.


    Note: * indicates required attributes.

    Following events are dispatched by the ace-change-ownership tag:

    Event Description
    assignrecord Event dispatched on owner change.
    load Event dispatched on loading the component. This event provides the user with the details of the assigned user for the particular record.

    Sample code


    <a id="assignrecord"></a>


    <ace-change-ownership id="ownerAssign" object-id="cases" record-id="1554361346" show-users="true" show-claim="true"></ace-change-ownership>
    const ownerComponent = document.querySelector('#ownerAssign');
    ownerComponent.addEventListener('assignrecord', function (event) {
        // perform the action after assign record.


        message: "Record assigned successfully.", 
        data: "${recordId}"

    <a id="load"></a>


    <ace-change-ownership id="ownerAssignRef" object-id="xxxx" record-id="xxxx"></ace-change-ownership>
    document.getElementById('ownerAssignRef').addEventListener('load', (event) => {console.log(event['detail']);


    	name: "john john"
    	thumb_photo_id: "fd317c1c10a64a56883e937663605cde"
    	id: "4f4fed76497d4591924b4f8edaec225a"
    	owner_type: "U"
    	email: "johnjohn@softwareag.com"

    Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.

    record actions


    Use this component to list all the record actions such as Basic (Delete, Merge, and Print), Macros and Custom Form Actions (CFA).

    Selector: <ace-record-actions\>

    Use the following code to render the component:

    <ace-record-actions object-id="cases" record-id="810599828"></ace-record-actions>


    Following attributes are available for ace-record-actions tag:

    Attribute Description
    object-id * Provide the object ID.
    record-id * Provide the record ID.
    css-classlist It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate multiple css classes.
    types Use this parameter to display the various action types in a group.
    Available types: "BASIC"; "MACRO"; "CFA"
    Default value: All types are listed by default.
    hide-actions Provide the actions IDs that you want to hide from the list of actions. Use comma separated values while specifying the IDs. IDs for basic actions are as follows:
    > Delete: 1
    > Merge: 3
    > Print: 12
    For example, hide-actions = "1, 3"
    confirm-actions Provide the actions IDs for which you want to show the confirmation dialog box. By default, it is always enabled for the Delete action. This is applicable for the following types of actions:
    > Macro
    > Custom Form Actions excluding Invoke page.


    Note: * indicates required attributes.

    Following events are dispatched by the ace-record-actions tag:

    Event Description
    executedaction Event dispatched on executing the action. This provides the JSON object with status information for the executed action.
    load Event dispatched on loading the component. This provides the list of actions for the corresponding record.

    Sample code

    Events <a id="executedaction"></a>


    <ace-record-actions id="recordActionsRef" object-id="cases" record-id="810599828"></ace-record-actions>
    	const recordActions= document.querySelector('#recordActionsRef');
    	recordActions.addEventListener('executedaction', function (event) {
    	// perform the event after execute form action


    	id: "6090657b58ca4766a2e500964eceb6c9",
    	name: "Macro Send Email",
    	status: "Success"

    <a id="load"></a>


    <ace-record-actions id="actionsRef" object-id="xxxx" record-id="xxxx"></ace-record-actions>
     document.querySelector('#actionsRef').addEventListener('load', (event) => {console.log(event['detail'])});


    	standard: [
    	{name: "delete", type: "standard", title: "Delete", id: "1"},
    	{name: "merge", type: "standard", title: "Merge", id: "3"},
    	{name: "print", title: "Print", type: "standard", id: "12"}
    	macros: [],
    	CFA: []

    Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.

    record form


    Use the Record Form tag to create or update a record for a supported object in the AgileApps application.

    Selector: <ace-record-form\>

    Use the following code to render the component:

    <ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="43334342"></ace-record-form>


    Following attributes are available for the ace-record-form tag.

    Attribute Description
    object-id * Provide the object ID.
    record-id * Provide the record ID. In case of a new record use "-1"
    css-classlist It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate multiple css classes.
    layout-type Display mode for form sections
    Available values: 'accordion'; 'tab'.
    Default value: 'tab'
    layout-id This is the layout ID for a form. You can obtain the form layout from the Designer screen. To view the form layout, go to Settings > Customization > Objects > {object} > Forms > {form}.
    is-readonly When this value is set to "true", the form appears in the read-only mode. If set to "false", then the form is editable.
    Default value: 'false'


    Note: * indicates required attributes.

    Following events are dispatched by the ace-record-form tag:

    Event Description
    load Event dispatched on loading a form.
    save Event dispatched on saving a form.
    reset Event dispatched on resetting a form.
    openlookuprecord Event dispatched on clicking the lookup field navigation link.

    Following are the tag instance methods:

    Method Description
    saveRecord() Performs the save action for the form instance.
    resetRecord() Performs the reset action for the form instance.
    getRecordData() Gets the record data from the form instance.
    setRecordData(object) Sets the record data to the form instance.
    isValid() Checks if the record form is valid or not.

    Sample code


    <a id="load"></a>


    <ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="43334342" id="recordFormId">
    const rfEle = document.querySelector('#recordFormId');
    rfEle.addEventListener('load', function (eventData) {
     const onLoadData = eventData['detail'];


    	id: "${record_id}",
    	field_name: "field_value",
    	field_name1: "field_value",
    	...       :  ...
    	...       :  ...

    <a id="save"></a>


    <ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="43334342" id="recordFormId">
    const rfEle = document.querySelector('#recordFormId');
    rfEle.addEventListener('save', function (eventData) {
     const onSaveData = eventData['detail'];


    	status: "success",
    	data   :  {
        	id: "${record_id}",
    	    field_name: "field_value",
    	    field_name1: "field_value",
    	    ...       :  ...
    	    ...       :  ...

    <a id="reset"></a>


    <ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="43334342" id="recordFormId">
    const rfEle = document.querySelector('#recordFormId');
    rfEle.addEventListener('reset', function (eventData) {
     const onResetData = eventData['detail'];


    	id: "${record_id}",
    	field_name: "field_value",
    	field_name1: "field_value",
    	field_name2: "field_value",
    	...       :  ...
    	...       :  ...

    <a id="openlookuprecord"></a>


    <ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="43334342" id="recordFormId">
    const rfEle = document.querySelector('#recordFormId');
    rfEleme.addEventListener('openlookuprecord', function (eventData) {
           const lookupRecordInfo = eventData['detail'];


    objectId: "${object_id}",
    recordId: "${record_id}",
    row: {
            id: "${record_id}",
            field_name: "field_value",
            field_name1: "field_value",
            ...       :  ...
            ...       :  ...

    Component Instance Methods

    <a id="save-record-method"></a>


    <button onclick="saveRecordFormInstance()">Save Form</button>
    <ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="-1" id="formInstance"></ace-record-form>
    const recordFormIns = document.querySelector('#formInstance');
    function saveRecordFormInstance(){

    <a id="reset-record-method"></a>


    <button type="button" onclick="cancelChanges()">Reset</button>
    <ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="1026401569" id="formInstance"></ace-record-form>
    function cancelChanges(){
    	const recordFormIns = document.querySelector('#formInstance');

    <a id="get-record-data"></a>


    <button type="button" class="btn" onclick="getRecordDataFromFormInstance()">Get Data</button>
    <ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="1026401569" id="newformInstance"></ace-record-form>
     const recordFormIns = document.querySelector('#newformInstance');
     function getRecordDataFromFormInstance(){
        const sourceObject = recordFormIns.getRecordData();

    <a id="set-record-data"></a>


    <button type="button" onclick="setRecordDataToFormInstance()">Set record data</button>
    <ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="1026401569" id="newformInstance"></ace-record-form>
    const recordFormIns = document.querySelector('#newformInstance');
    function setRecordDataToFormInstance(){
        const sourceObject = recordFormIns.getRecordData();

    Input Object

    	id: "${record_id}",
    	field_name: "field_value",
    	field_name1: "field_value",
    	...       :  ...
    	...       :  ...

    <a id="is-valid"></a>


    <button type="button" onclick="saveRecord()">Save</button>
    <ace-record-form object-id="cases" record-id="-1" id="rfId">
    const rfId = document.querySelector('#rfId');
     function saveRecord(){
    // submit the record when it does not have errors.     

    Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.

    related info


    A related record is a record which is linked to the current record through a lookup field. While viewing a record, you can see the related records associated with it. You can add more related records by using this tag.

    Selector: <ace-related-info\>

    Use the following code to render the component:

    <ace-related-info object-id="cases" record-id="801173855"></ace-related-info>


    Following attributes are available for ace-related-info tag.

    Attribute Description
    object-id * Provide the object id.
    record-id * Provide the record id.
    css-classlist It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Multiple css classes should be separated by white space.


    Note: * indicates required attributes.

    Event Description
    selectrecord Event dispatched on selecting a record. This will give the selected record information from related records table.
    load Event dispatched on loading a component. This provides the list of related information for a particular record.

    Sample code


    <a id="selectrecord"></a>


    <ace-related-info id="relatedObj" object-id="cases" record-id="131054879" css-classlist="ace-bg-white"></ace-related-info>
    const relatedObjElem = document.querySelector('#relatedObj');
    relatedObjElem.addEventListener('selectrecord', function (eventData) {
    const currentRecord = eventData['detail'];


    relatedObjectId: "a024f93ebd53447fa80dc5d0ed958057",
    rowId: "1559589289",
    rowInfo: {
    	subject: "sub276",
    	text_field: "",
    	 id: "1559589289"

    <a id="load"></a>


    <ace-related-info id="relatedObj" object-id="cases" record-id="xxxx"></ace-related-info>
    document.querySelector('#relatedObj').addEventListener('load', (event) => {console.log(event['detail'])});


    		city: ""
    		phone: ""
    		description: ""
    		id: "1784450029"
    		object_id: {name: "accounts", id: "accounts"}
    		id: "1048688946"
    		test1: "dsj"
    		emailf: ""
    		object_id: {name: "Object_1", id: "487ceddfe6644751a6fdfe90e281d477"}

    Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.

    role switcher


    Use this component to list all the roles configured for the application users to switch their role.

    Selector: <ace-role-switcher\>

    Use the following code to render the component:



    Following attributes are available for the ace-role-switcher component.

    Attribute Description
    type Use this parameter to set how you want to display the user roles. Pass this value inside the component.
    Available types: "list"; "dropdown"
    Defaut value: "list"
    css-classlist It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate multiple css classes.

    Following events are dispatched by the ace-role-switcher tag:

    Event Description
    rolechange Event dispatched upon role change.
    load Event dispatched on loading the component. This event provides you the list of roles of an active user.

    Sample code


    <a id="rolechange"></a>


    <ace-role-switcher id="roleSwitcherIns"></ace-role-switcher>
    const roleSwitcher = document.querySelector('#roleSwitcherIns');
    roleSwitcher.addEventListener('rolechange', function (event) { 
       // Perform your action here.
       const currentRoleInfo = event['detail']; 
       console.log('User role is changed', currentRoleInfo);


       roleId: "49a47b32804c4932a252c7c36c95999e",
       roleName: "Manager"

    <a id="load"></a>


    <ace-role-switcher id="roleSwitch" display-type="list"></ace-role-switcher>
     document.querySelector('#roleSwitch').addEventListener('load', (event) => {console.log(event['detail'])});


    	activeRole: {name: 'Agent', id: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'},
    	roleList: [
    		{name: 'Agent', id: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'},
    		{name: 'Manager', id: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'},
    		{name: 'Admin', id: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'},
    		{name: 'My Role', id: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'}

    Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.

    table grid


    Use this component to display the list of object records in a table. Some aspects of this table grid component are as follows:

    • It initially has 25 records. You can configure this value.
    • It supports pagination.
    • It has filters where you can provide an input.
    • You can sort the grid headers with or without a filter.
    • When you search without providing any input, it resets the grid result.

    Selector: <ace-table-grid\>

    Use the following code to render the component:

    <ace-table-grid object-id="cases"></ace-table-grid>


    Following attributes are available for ace-table-grid tag:

    Attribute Description
    object-id * Provide the object ID.
    column-meta @' in the following manner.
    Format: field1_name:field1_Label:field_type:IsSortable:isHidden@\|@field2_name:field2_Labe2:field_type:isSortable:isHidden
    Usage: subject:Subject:STRING:true:false@\|@description:Description:STRING:false:true@\|@status:Status:PICK_LIST:false:true
    Here, you can sort the subject column and is not hidden. The description column is hidden.
    css-classlist It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate the multiple css classes.
    page-size Provide the number of records to display per page. The value of page-size attribute should be a positive integer.
    Default value: 25
    page-index This parameters allows you to set the page index which defines which group of records are to be shown in the table. For example, if you provide a value of 2 for page-index, the user will see the 3rd page of records as the page-index value starts from 0. The value of page-index attribute should be a positive integer.
    Default value: 0
    display-search This allows the user to provide a filter (search) functionality for the grid data.
    Available values: true; false
    Default value: false
    display-macros When this value is set to "true", you can show the extra column in the table which is the Action column. In this column, you can run the macro action assigned to the record in a particular row.
    Available values: true; false
    Default value: false
    expandable-row When this value is set to "true", you can provide an expansion for a row to show more details for any record. At any time, you can expand only one table row.
    Available values: true; false
    Default value: false
    hide-selection-column When this value is set to "true", you can hide the record locator column from the table. By default, the record locator column is displayed on the table.
    selection-column-title This parameter allows you to change the name of the record locator column in the table.
    pagination This allows the user to show or hide the paginator.
    Available values: true; false
    Default value: true
    sort-by This sorts the data based on the field name you provide.
    Default value: date_modified
    sort-order It sets the sorting order for the fields you provide.
    Available values: asc; desc
    Default value: desc
    filter-query This is used to set a filter initially.
    Usage: filter-query="subject equals account"
    This shows all the records whose subject field value matches the "account"
    paginator-position This sets the pagination position to either the top or the bottom of the table.
    Available values: top; bottom
    Default value: top
    multi-select User can select multiple records.
    Available values: true; false
    Default value: false


    Note: * indicates required attributes.

    Following events are dispatched by the ace-table-grid tag:

    Event Description
    selectrecord Event dispatched on selecting a record using a record locator.
    selectrecords Event dispatched on selecting multiple records using a check box.
    pagesortchange Event dispatched on sorting of a column or a page change.
    togglerow Event dispatched on expanding or collapsing a row.
    macroexecution Event dispatched on executing a macro action for a record.
    load Event dispatched on loading a component.

    Following is a tag instance method:

    Method Description
    reload() This method reloads the component.

    Sample code


    <a id="selectrecord"></a>


    <ace-table-grid id="tableGridId" object-id="cases"
    const tableGridElem = document.querySelector('#tableGridId');
    tableGridElem.addEventListener('selectrecord', function (data) {
    const selectionData = data.detail;
    if (selectionData.length) {


    		id: "${record_id}", 
    		field_name: "field_value",
    		field_name1: "field_value",
    		... : ...,
    		... : ... 

    <a id="selectrecords"></a>


    <ace-table-grid id="tableGridId" object-id="cases"
    const tableGridElem = document.querySelector('#tableGridId');
    tableGridElem.addEventListener('selectrecords', function (data) {
    	const selectionData = data.detail;
    	if (selectionData.length) {


    		id: "${record_id}", 
    		field_name: "field_value",
    		field_name1: "field_value",
    		... : ...,
    		... : ... 
    		id: "${record_id}",
            field_name: "field_value",
         	field_name1: "field_value",
        	... : ...,
        	... : ... 

    <a id="pagesortchange"></a>


    <ace-table-grid id="tableGridId" object-id="cases"
    page-size="7"  pagination="true" sort-by="subject" sort-order="asc">
    const tableGridElem = document.querySelector('#tableGridId');
    tableGridElem.addEventListener('pagesortchange', function (data) {
          const selectionData = data.detail;


    	pageIndex: 0,
    	pageSize: 7,
    	pageTotalLength: 37,
    	sortActive: "subject",
    	sortDirection: "desc"

    <a id="togglerow"></a>


    <ace-table-grid id="tableGridId" object-id="cases"
    const tableGridElem = document.querySelector('#tableGridId');
    tableGridElem.addEventListener('togglerow', function (data) {
    const toggleRowEventData = data.detail;
    if (toggleRowEventData.toggleType == 'expand') {
      console.log("On row expansion");
    console.log("On row collapse");


    	toggleType: ToggleType, rowDetails: object,

    <a id="macroexecution"></a>


    <ace-table-grid id="tableGridId" object-id="cases"
    const tableGridElem = document.querySelector('#tableGridId');
    tableGridElem.addEventListener('macroexecution', function (data) {
    const macroExecutionEventData = data.detail;
    if (macroExecutionEventData.type == 'Successful') {
      console.log("Macro successfully executed.");
    }else if(macroExecutionEventData.type == 'Failed'){
    console.log("Failed while executing macro action.");


    	type: 'Successful' || 'Failed',
    	apiRes: object; 
    	recordDetails: object;

    <a id="load"></a>


    <ace-table-grid id="tableGridId" object-id="xxx" column-meta="xxx"></ace-table-grid>
    document.querySelector('#tableGridId').addEventListener('load', (event) => 


    	data: [
    	        description: "Agileapp demo"
    	        id: "662499464"
    	        record_locator: "000058"
    	        subject: "Agileapp demo"
    	totalRecordCount: 1
    // type is either 'Successful' or 'Failed',

    Component Instance Method

    <a id="reload"></a>


    <button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="tableGridReload()">Reload Table Grid</button>
    <ace-table-grid id="tableGridId" object-id="xxx" column-meta="xxx"></ace-table-grid>
    function tableGridReload() {

    Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.

    user profile


    Use this component to get the basic information of the logged in user. Basic information includes profile picture, user name, and user role.

    This component has the following features:

    • It is a read-only component. Only the details related to user profile picture, user name, and user role are available with this component.
    • Using certain tag values, you can modify the display property of all these components.
    • It inherits the size (height and width) attributes from the parent.

    Selector: <ace-user-profile\>

    Use the following code to render the component:



    Following are the input attributes for ace-user-profile component:

    Attribute Description
    profile-picture Displays the profile picture of the logged in user. If you want to hide the image, set this attribute value to false.
    Available values: true; false
    Default value: true
    name Displays the user name of the logged in user. If you want to hide the user name, set this attribute value to false.
    Available values: true; false
    Default value: true
    active-role Displays the active role name for the logged in user. If you want to hide the role name, set this attribute value to false.
    Available values: true; false
    Default value: true

    Following event is dispatched by the ace-user-profile tag:

    Event Description
    load Event dispatched on loading the component. This event provides you the basic details of the active user.

    Sample code

    <a id="load"></a>


    <ace-user-profile id="userProfileRef"></ace-user-profile>
       document.getElementById('userProfileRef').addEventListener('load', (event) => {


    	name: "john john",
    	imgId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    	role: "CaseDeny"

    Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.

    view configuration


    Use this component to configure a new view or to edit an existing view of an object.

    Selector: <ace-view-configuration\>

    Use the following code to render the component:

    <ace-view-configuration object-id="cases" view-id='-1'></ace-view-configuration>


    Following attributes are available for the ace-view-configuration component.

    Attribute Description
    object-id * Provide the object ID.
    view-id * Provide the view ID. In case of a new view, use "-1".
    css-classlist It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespaces to separate multiple css classes.


    Note: * indicates required attributes.

    Following event is dispatched by the ace-view-configuration tag:

    Event Description
    saveView Event dispatched upon success or failure of view creation.

    Following are the instance methods:

    Method Description
    submitViewData() Performs the save action for the view instance.
    saveAsNewView() Performs the save action for the existing view instance.

    Sample code

    <a id="save-view-event"></a>


    <ace-view-configuration id="viewConfigIns" object-id="cases" view-id='-1'></ace-view-configuration>
    var viewConfigInstance = document.querySelector('#viewConfigIns')
    viewConfigInstance.addEventListener('saveView', function (event) {
        // Perform your action here.
        const viewInfo = event['detail'];
        console.log("view saved successfully", viewInfo) 


        data: {...},
        Message: "${id} of the view saved view."

    <a id="submit-view-data"></a>


    <button type="button" id="create-view">Create View</button>
    <ace-view-configuration id="viewConfigIns" object-id="cases" view-id='-1'></ace-view-configuration>
    const viewConfigInstance= document.querySelector('#viewConfigIns');
    const createViewButton = document.querySelector('#create-view');
    createViewButton.addEventListener('click', function() {

    <a id="save-new-view"></a>


    <button id="save-as-new">Save as new View</button>
    <ace-view-configuration id="viewConfigIns" object-id="cases" view-id='${view-id}'></ace-view-configuration>
    const viewConfigInstance= document.querySelector('#viewConfigIns');
    const saveAsNewButton = document.querySelector('#save-as-new');
    saveAsNewButton.addEventListener('click', function() {

    Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.