AJAX API Call Samples

From LongJump Support Wiki


DEPRECATED: The AJAX APIs are deprecated. They continue to work, for backward compatibility, but they are not being extended or enhanced. (Web pages should use AJAX and REST to carry on a conversation with the server, rather than the deprecated AJAX APIs.)

AJAX API Function Calls

Use these code samples together to Execute a Function to Retrieve Account Object Data:

Execute a Function


DEPRECATED: The AJAX APIs are deprecated. They continue to work, for backward compatibility, but they are not being extended or enhanced. (Web pages should use AJAX and REST to carry on a conversation with the server, rather than the deprecated AJAX APIs.)

For information on this deprecated functionality, see the version 8.0 platform docs:

Sample Function to Retrieve Account Object Data


DEPRECATED: Old example.

For information on this deprecated functionality, see the version 8.0 platform docs:

Lookup Scripting Examples

Lookup Scripts can be written to take an action based on an event, for example, On Change (when field data or record status is changed), or Post-Selection (after a record is selected):

On Change Event


DEPRECATED: The AJAX APIs are deprecated. They continue to work, for backward compatibility, but they are not being extended or enhanced. (Web pages should use AJAX and REST to carry on a conversation with the server, rather than the deprecated AJAX APIs.)

For information on this deprecated functionality, see the version 8.0 platform docs:

Lookup Post-Selection Event

Learn more: Post Selection JavaScript


DEPRECATED: The AJAX APIs are deprecated. They continue to work, for backward compatibility, but they are not being extended or enhanced. (Web pages should use AJAX and REST to carry on a conversation with the server, rather than the deprecated AJAX APIs.)

For information on this deprecated functionality, see the version 8.0 platform docs: