Java API:Data Import
Using the data import APIs, an application developer can create an HTML page or Custom JSP Page that lets the end user browse the file system, choose a CSV data file, and import the contents of that file into an application object.
Return the names and IDs of the import mapping profiles for a specified object.
- Syntax
public HashMap<String,String> Functions.getMappingProfiles(objectName)
- Parameters
- objectName
- The name of the object to query.
- Returns
- A HashMap containing profile IDs (keys) and their names (values).
Upload a file and submit an import job for a specified object.
- Syntax
String job_id = Functions.importData(String objectName, String mappingProfile, PlatformFileBean fileBean);
- Parameters
- objectName
- The name of the object to import data into.
- mappingProfile
- The name of the mapping profile. That profile (defined in the platform GUI) maps the CSV data fields to fields in the object.
- fileBean
- The bean that wraps a CSV data file.
- Returns
- A string containing the ID of the submitted job. That ID can then be used to check the status of the job using the Java getStatus resource.
Example: Import data into an Account object
In this example, a system is set up that allows the user to import CSV data into the Accounts object, and check the status of the job to find out when it has completed.
- Create a page that lets the user select a CSV file.
- The mapping can be hard-coded or, since an object can have multiple import mappings, you may want to give the user a choice of mappings.
- In this example, the user is given the choice.
- Create a controller page that invokes importData
- Use the job ID returned by that API, in conjunction with the REST APIs, to set up a URL the user can visit to check the status of the job.
- Send that URL on to the next step.
- Create a destination page for the user to go to after the job has been submitted.
- In that page, display the link the user can visit to check the status of the job.
Create the Initial JSP page: AccountImport.jsp
The initial page in this example:
- Lets the user choose the CSV file.
- Gets a list of available mapping profiles for that object and give the user a list to select from (or hard code that value).
- Submits the job to the import queue.
- When done, takes the user to the "job submitted page"
To import, the data file needs to be uploaded to the server, using a multipart request. To do that a form is created that has the mediatype mutipart/form-data.
<%@ page import = "com.platform.api.Functions"%> <%@ page import = "com.platform.beans.*"%> <%@ page import = "com.platform.c123456.dataImport.*" %> <%@ page import = "java.util.*" %> <html> <% String mesg = (String)request.getParameter("MSG"); HashMap mapping = Functions.getMappingProfiles("ACCOUNT"); %> <body> <table width = "50%" align = "center"> <form name="dataImport" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="https://{domain}/networking/multipartController/com.platform.c123456.dataImport.AccountImport" method="POST"> <br> <br> <br> <br> <input type="hidden" name="object_id" value="ACCOUNT" > <td >Select a File </td> <td align="left"> <input type="File" name="importfile" size="50" class="inputForm"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Object</td> <td align="left"> Account</td></td> </tr> <tr> <tr> <td> Select mapping profile</td> <td align="left"> <select name="mapping" > <% Set mappingkeys = mapping.keySet(); Iterator it = mappingkeys.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String mappingId = (String);%> <OPTION value="<%=mapping.get(mappingId)%>"><%=mapping.get(mappingId)%> </option> <%}%> </select> </td> </tr> <td colspan="2" align = "center" > <input type="submit" value ="Submit" name="Submit"/> </form> </table> </body> </html>
Create the Page Controller:
The initial JSP page passes the data file and the name of the mapping profile to a MultiPartController that:
- Gets the path to the data file and the name of the mapping profile from the incoming request.
- Creates a PlatformFileBean using the uploaded file content.
- Adds that bean as a request parameter.
- Submits the job
- Transitions the user to the "Job Submitted" page, passing the URL the user can visit to check job status.
import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import com.platform.api.Controller; import com.platform.api.ControllerResponse; import com.platform.api.Functions; import com.platform.beans.PlatformFileBean; import com.platform.beans.CustomObjectMetaDataBean; public class AccountImport implements Controller { /** * The controller's execute() method retrieves submitted form data * and invokes the api to create the import job. * * @param params - Contains the request parameters passed from * the jsp page - AccountImport.jsp **/ public ControllerResponse execute(HashMap params) throws Exception { String import_job_id = ""; // object_id is a hidden variable. Here it is set to ACCOUNT. String objectId = (String)params.get("object_id"); String mappingName =(String) params.get("mapping"); // Retrieve the bean from fileparameter. PlatformFileBean fileBean = (PlatformFileBean) params.get("importfile"); try { if (fileBean != null) { // If present, pass the bean to the import API // (If it isn't we'll catch the fact that import_job_id is null below.) import_job_id = Functions.importData(objectId, mappingName, fileBean); } } catch (Exception e) { e.getMessage(); throw e; } // Set up to pass parameters to the next stage. ControllerResponse rs = new ControllerResponse(); rs.setData(params); if (import_job_id != null && !import_job_id.equals("")) { params.put("MSG", "File has been submitted for Import. " + "Check import status by clicking the following link: "); params.put("URL", "https://{domain}/networking/rest/status/importStatus/" + import_job_id); rs.setData(params); rs.setTargetPage("ImportScheduled.jsp"); } else { rs.setTargetPage( "AccountImport.jsp?MSG=Error in file upload. Please check the input ..."); } return rs; }
Create the Job Submitted Page: ImportScheduled.jsp
This page tells the user that the job has been submitted and displays the link the user can follow to query the job's status.
<%@ page import = "java.util.*" %> <html> <% java.util.HashMap params = (java.util.HashMap)controllerResponse.getData(); String mesg = (String)params.get("MSG"); String url = (String)params.get("URL"); %> <body bgcolor="#ffff00"> <h1 align="center">Import Status</h1> <table width = "80%" align = "center"> <form name="ImportComplete" > <% if (mesg != null) { %> <tr> <td colsize="2"> <%=mesg%></tr></td> <tr> <td colsize="2"><a href="<%=url%>"><%=url%></a></tr></td> <%} %> </form> </table> </body> </html>