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Latest revision as of 01:49, 8 October 2011

The following template variables are available for use in Actions in Components. Some template variables are not evaluated when the action is executed. In the following table:

  • "Yes" indicates that the template variable is evaluated when the action is executed
  • "--" indicates that the template variable is not evaluated when the action is executed
A warning message is displayed when a template variable is included that is of the not evaluated type.
Category Template Variable Single Record Group Action Both

Single Record


Group Action

Object {$fieldname} Yes -- Yes --
$ObjectID {$object_id} Yes Yes Yes Yes
$CUSTOM_CONTROL {$CUSTOM_CONTROL.[ComponentName]} Yes Yes Yes Yes
{$user.today} Yes Yes Yes Yes
{$user.full_name} Yes Yes Yes Yes
{$user.first_name} Yes Yes Yes Yes
{$user.last_name} Yes Yes Yes Yes
{$user.email} Yes Yes Yes Yes
{$user.phone} Yes Yes Yes Yes
{$user.city} Yes Yes Yes Yes
{$user.state} Yes Yes Yes Yes
{$user.zip} Yes Yes Yes Yes
{$user.country} Yes Yes Yes Yes
{$user.title} Yes Yes Yes Yes
{$user.division} Yes Yes Yes Yes
{$user.fax} Yes Yes Yes Yes
{$user.mobile} Yes Yes Yes Yes