Object Type Identifier

From AgileApps Support Wiki
(Redirected from ObjectId)

An object type identifier uniquely identifies an object type. It is used to specify object types in APIs.

There are two kinds of type identifiers:

  • objectName: This identifier is a human-readable name for both System Objects and Custom Objects.
  • objectID: This identifier is a human-readable name for System Objects (e.g. "cases"), but for Custom Objects, it is a computer-generated string with no humanly-interpretable semantic value (e.g. 123qwe456rty).
See also:

To find an object type identifier:

  1. Click GearIcon.png > Customization > Objects
  2. In the Display Title column, find the object you're looking for.
  3. The Object Name column has the identifier you need.


  1. Go to GearIcon.png > Customization > Objects > {object}
  2. Click Properties
  3. The object name appears at the top of the page

