From AgileApps Support Wiki
import com.platform.api.*;

public class AccountPopup
  // Initialize the custom object ID - this can be obtained after creating the object
  // Search Record
  // Functions.searchRecords(String objectId, String fields, String criteria,
  //               String sortBy, String sortOrder, String sortBy2,
  //               String sortOrder2, int offset, int numberOfRows)
  public Result search(HashMap params) throws Exception
  {, "AccountPopup");
    String objectId = (String)params.get("object_id");
    if(objectId  == null ) objectId  = "";

    String sort_by = (String)params.get("sort_by");
    if(sort_by == null || sort_by.equals("")) sort_by = "name";

    String sort_order = (String)params.get("sort_order");
    if(sort_order == null || sort_order.equals("")) sort_order = "asc";

    String no_of_rows = (String)params.get("no_of_rows");
    if(no_of_rows == null || no_of_rows.equals("")) no_of_rows = "10";

    String offset = (String)params.get("offset");
    if(offset == null || offset.equals("")) offset = "0";

    String searchType = (String)params.get("searchType");
    if(searchType == null ) searchType = "name";

    String keyword= (String)params.get("keyword");
    if(keyword== null ) keyword= "";

    Result result = null;
    if(searchType != null && !searchType.equals(""))
        if(keyword== null ||keyword.equals(""))
          result = Functions.searchRecords(objectId, "record_id,name,number,city,state,zip",
                   "", sort_by, sort_order, "", "", 
                   Integer.parseInt(offset), Integer.parseInt(no_of_rows));
          result = Functions.searchRecords(objectId,
                 searchType + " contains '" + keyword+ "'", 
                 sort_by, sort_order, "", "", 
                 Integer.parseInt(offset), Integer.parseInt(no_of_rows));
    result = Functions.searchRecords(objectId, "record_id,name,number,city,state,zip", "",
             sort_by, sort_order, "", "", 
             Integer.parseInt(offset), Integer.parseInt(no_of_rows));
    return result;