Edit profile

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 10:01, 3 July 2023 by Wikidevuser (talk | contribs)

User profile {Login name} > Edit profile

An active User can edit personal information associated with their user record.

In addition, several Actions are available to log in as a Proxy for the user and manage Proxy Login Permissions.

Edit Personal Information


Note: Empty fields are only displayed when editing.

To Edit Personal Information:

  1. Click Profile image (at the top right) > Edit profile. The User page appears with the current settings for your personal information.
  2. Update the desired settings.
  3. Click [Save].

Personal profile



  • Empty fields are not shown when viewing your settings. They appear only when editing.
  • For a user who is recognized via LDAP Configuration, only the Team membership, initial Application, and application Role can be changed. All other information comes from the LDAP directory, where it can be modified.

Basic Information

First Name Your first name as you would like it to appear in the platform
Last Name Your last name as you would like it to appear
Title Your professional title
Reports To Your manager or supervisor
Access Profile Your Access Profile. (Only appears if you have the privileges to change it.)
Accessibility Mode Enables Accessibility Mode for those whose vision or motor skills are impaired.
Employee Number Optional identification number for each employee

Locale Information

Time Zone Choose a time zone from the drop-down list.
Learn more: Time Zone Codes
Date Format Choose a Date Format from the drop-down list
Time Format Choose a Time Format from the drop-down list
Locale This setting determines the format used for numbers, decimal fields, and percentages.
Language Choose a language from the drop-down list.
(Only shown if multiple languages are available.)

Login Information

Email Your email address, used for sending and receiving email through the platform
Username A unique name you use to log in. Typically an email address, but it can be any alphanumeric text string.
Active Selecting this option indicates that your account is active
Mobile Access Access the platform using a mobile device.

Email Signature

Use the HTML editor to create a personalized email signature that is automatically attached to each message you send. You can also use this email signature as part of your Email template.

Address and contact information

Provide your personal contact information in this section.
Mobile Phone
Street Address
Postal/Zip Code


Change Password

You can change your password here.

Change Security Question

Configure a standard security question or define one of your own, so your identity can be authenticated when you have forgotten your password. You can also change your security question here.

Access Info

Team Memberships

The Teams you belong to. Click Add team to join additional teams.

Application Access

You can view/update the access to the applications.



You can customize or edit your preferences to show one of the following record activities.

  • All activities
  • My activities
  • Updates
  • Messages & notes
  • Files attached

Application tabs

You can customize your application tabs here, according to your requirements.

Manage Workspace for Application
Select the application for which you want to customize the tab preference.
Tab Preference
You can make select tabs appear on your application while hiding other tabs in the background.
You can use mat icons to move the tab names between Hidden and Visible blocks. The tabs names in the Hidden block are hidden while the ones in the Visible block appear in the left navigation pane of AgileApps' run-time user interface.

Landing Page

You can configure the landing page of your applications as to which page must appear as soon as you log in. The landing page can be one of these pages: Dashboard, Reports, Overview, Object, or a Web tab.
Select the application name in the Application Name checkbox, and the page you want to see as soon as you log in to your application, in the Landing page dropdown. Click Save. With no selection, the tenant provides Dashboard as the landing page for all the applications.



  • By default, when you create a tenant, it provides the landing page as Dashboard.
  • When you create a tenant, you can perform the landing page configuration in the AgileApps' Configuration > Account Management > Tenant personalization page as well. For more information, see Tenant Personalization page.
  • For any of the unconfigured applications, if you configure the landing page preference on the Tenant Personalization page, the same would get reflected in the Edit profile > Preferences > Landing page settings section as well.
  • If you configure a particular object as a landing page for an application and you hide that object in the Application tabs page, the landing page for that application is set to the tenant-level landing page by default if you make any changes to it.


Delegate your own profile or the profiles of your direct reports to somebody to who you want to delegate your role while you are away.

Recycle bin

All the deleted records of your platform are displayed here. You can view, recover, or permanently remove those deleted items in this page.