JavaScript Functions and Variables

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 01:32, 23 August 2011 by imported>Aeric (→‎lj_window_src)

These Javascript functions are available for use in a JSP/HTML Page in the platform. They can also be used in Javascript defined for Action buttons.


This function displays a JSP/HTML Page as a dialog.

javascript:lj_showDialog(url,vertical_coordinate, horizontal_coordinate, "dialog-type", "title");
__TBD: Are horizontal & vertical coordinates in the right order?__
Sample Usage

This sample displays a page at the specified URL in a popup dialog that has a close button.

var url = "/networking/pages/MyPage.jsp?recordId="+someValue
        + "&returnUrl="+encodeURIComponent(lj_window_src);

top.lj_showDialog(url,300,350,"popupdialogWithCloser","My Page Title");

All parameters are coded as strings.

Parameter Description
url The URL of a JSP/HTML Page in the platform, in the form /networking/pages/SomePage.jsp with optional query parameters to pass data, in the form ?param1=abc&param2=xyz&...
vertical_coordinate Pixel location of the upper left corner, counting down from the top of the parent window.
horizontal_coordinate Pixel location of the upper left corner, counting from the left side of the parent window.
type of dialog
  • popupdialogWithCloser - Displays the page in a popup, with a close button.
__TBD: What other types of dialogs are there?__
title Displayed in the banner of the dialog.


This function/variable contains the URL of the current page. (Needs to be URL encoded when used.)

Sample Usage


This function displays a customized print dialog for a record. Use it to set defaults, to limit the available choices, and to choose the Print Template which is used. (It is only available for Custom Objects.)

Sample Usage

This code adds a [customPrint] button to a page. __TBD: Specified where?__

$("#edit_button").parent().append("<input type='button' id='customPrint' value='Custom Print' class='lj-button fg-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all' onClick=\"javascript:printDocument('default_print_layout=template&show_print_layout=no&default_print_document=jsp&default_page_orientation=landscape&default_pdf=yes&show_pdf=no&print_immediately=yes');\">");

Each option has two parameters: One to specify a default value, the other to determine whether it should be displayed so it can be overridden by the user.

By default, an option is always shown, unless explicitly hidden.

Parameter Description (default value in bold)
default_print_document Object form or JSP/HTML [Page]
show_print_document yes
default_print_layout The form layout or template page to use.
show_print_layout yes
default_page_orientation portrait or landscape
show_page_orientation yes
default_pdf yes (otherwise, an HTML page is generated)
show_pdf yes
print_immediately no (queued, instead)
show_print_immediately yes