Difference between revisions of "Version 10.7 Platform"

From AgileApps Support Wiki
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==== Bug Fixes ====
==== Bug Fixes ====
:* LJP-1680
:::In the form fields of Guest User Form, rendering for the selection list is improper.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1780
:::Unable to select status field from the picklist.
:::The layout rule for the banner priority and status field was not updated in DCM application. The status field is included in the picklist, however it cannot be selected.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1513
:::Unable to capture activity-history log.
:::Restore action for files, attachments, and records from the recycle bin cannot be captured in the activity-history log.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1674
:::The link for 'return to record' on the custom form redirects to a blank page.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1639
:::Whenever Internet Explorer 11 is refreshed or logged out, pop-up displays ‘null’ value.
:::Null value appears in Internet Explorer because conventional event handling.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1864
:::Searching a value within single quote marks in Record Locator field displays no results.
:::The error occurs at the server side at the time of search.
:::This issue is resolved. Use backslash followed by the value within single quote marks.
:* LJP-1662
:::In Internet Explorer 11, border line strikes through Related Information Headers.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1891
:::‘Platform User Id’ as user id type is not displayed in view mode and edit mode of Single Sign On settings.
:::’Platform User Id’ as user id type is displayed in edit mode of single Sign On settings while ‘LongJump User Id’ as user id type is displayed in view mode of Single Sign On settings.
:::This issue is resolved. ’Platform User Id’ as user id type is displayed in edit mode and view mode of single Sign On settings.
:* LJP-1856
:::In LongJump, Create User chosen as site user in Single Sign On configuration page gets added twice.
:::When ‘Create User’ is chosen as site user in Single Sign On configuration page and ‘Portal Users and Customers’ is set as ‘Default Team’ field, the Create User as site user is added twice.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1886
:::Single Sign On configuration page does not work with offline AgileApps servers.
:::SAML response XML using SAML2.0 SXDs is validated and is working improperly on offline access of AgileApps.
:::This issue is resolved. Use the repository to validate the SAML response XML using SAML2.0 XSDs or schema instead of directly connecting to SAML URL.
:* LJP-1894
:::Single Sign On configuration page works improperly when ‘Attribute for User Id’ field is configured with wrong attribute name.
:::Providing wrong attribute name in ‘Attribute for User Id’ field should display an error, instead the system is using default name from Identity Provider and logging in. The system should pick default value from identity Provider only when there is no value in “Attribute for User Id”.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1767
:::AgileApps on premise installation uses Integration Live Email Template instead of Longjump Email Template for User Notification emails.
:::AgileApps on premise installation uses Integration Live Email Template in admin tenancy to send notification emails to add or reset or forgot user.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1840
:::Unable to process Delegation Login or Proxy Login.
:::Starting a process as proxy user displays an error.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1800
:::Unable to view Delegation Listing screen.
:::While launching the Delegation Listing screen, Service Encountered error appears. This is because the default delegation layout is not updated on all tenants.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1801
:::When the administrator changes the current application to another application, the Roles field does not get refreshed to show the new set of roles belonging to the new application.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1790
:::Webservice allows spaces in the title field.
:::In the title field of Webservice, user can input only spaces as title. While saving the title with spaces, the link to check the Webservice configuration is unavailable.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1278
:::Sending emails through AgileApps Live UI changes case object status automatically.
:::When emails are sent through AgileApps Live UI, the case status changes from New to Open automatically, if the case record status is New.
:::This issue is resolved. Now case status change is notified on clicking Submit.
:* LJP-1568
:::The Internet Explorer complaints record navigates to the top when certain fields are selected.
:::When certain fields in the complaints section of Internet Explorer are selected, the record navigates to the top of the page. This is due to the layout rule in the Internet Explorer which hides and shows certain field or section in the form.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1495
:::Records in Internet Explorer 11 contain whitespace.
:::The related information area of an application in the Internet Explorer 11 contains whitespace.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1561
:::Unable to interpret special characters in exported reports.
:::While exporting reports in CSV format, the special characters are not interpreted properly.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1837
:::Link for look up fields is obsolete.
:::While configuring hint, the look up fields were not linked properly.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1555
:::Rich-Text-Box editor executes script.
:::When a script is entered in the Rich-Text-Box editor for editing, the editor executes the script.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1845
:::The Brainstorm Single Sign On configuration is not working.
:::The Single Sign On configuration page in Brainstorm redirects to the login page when the ‘Attribute for User Id’ field is left blank.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1355
:::Updating layout rule displays an error.
:::An error is displayed while updating the layout rule of a form, if the section within the form is deleted.
:::The issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1624
:::Document preview is not opening the on-click event.
:::On-click event is removed creating accessibility issue.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1834
:::Subform records are not displayed on any Subform section.
:::Subform records are not seen on any Subform present in the Form Layout.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1807
:::Validation error appears in the form.
:::The owner field is not populated with the correct user data.
:::This issue is resolved. Now the owner field does not have prepopulated data in proxy login.
:* LJP-1715
:::XSS issue in Reports.
:::This issue occurs when the report folder name contains the <script> tag.
:::This issue is resolved. Script tag is now handled and displays an error.
:* LJP-1796
:::Notifications do not appear for case records in new tenants and for new users created in existing tenants.
:::This issue is resolved. Notifications are toggled based on proxy login scenarios.
:* LJP-1784
:::Wrong validation message appears on “Become delegate” dialog box.
:::Wrong validation message “Please choose Principal User and Role” appears on the “Become delegate” dialog box.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1774
:::“Become delegate” dialog box appears distorted.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1811
:::After proxy login from the "Become delegate" option, the dashboard does not appear.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1643
:::Inline error message appears for some fields in non-accessibility mode.
:::Inline error message appears for multi-check option, radio button, and lookup fields in non-accessibility mode.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1644
:::Error message does not appear for required multi-check option.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1609
:::Reports or Schedules tab in UI is distorted and not aligned.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1760
:::Accessibility Mode error message distorts the UI.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-890
:::In Accessibility Mode, the focus of the remove pinned tag is not visible.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1708
:::Headers in many pages appear distorted.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1771
:::Lookup field appears with HTML attributes in the “Update Process” screen.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1167
:::Entering non-numeric values in the currency field displays a validation message but the record is saved.
:::This issue is resolved. Now the currency field is validated to have only numeric values.
:* LJP-1782
:::Delegation Cannot be created if switch role option is disabled.
:::Default value of role is not assigned if switch role option is disabled. It results in role required error.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1230
:::Heading appears as a link.
:::Heading appears as a link because of incorrect CSS Class.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1769
:::On editing a delegation, ‘Delegate’ and ‘Delegation Roles’ values are getting reset.
:::On editing a delegation from delegation listing screen, "Delegate" and "Delegation Roles" values are cleared.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1787
:::XSS in Case records are triggering in SQL browser.
:::This issue is because the Javascript code is present in the value and the script tag was not being escaped before showing the value.
:::This issue is resolved by escaping the script tag.
:* LJP-1794
:::Email notification is not working in Delegation List screen.
:::When active checkbox is checked/unchecked, update email notification is not sent.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1770
:::Related Information Section: Related information is saved without selecting required field.
:::This is because there is no validation check present for the external data source.
:::This issue is resolved. Validation check in business object for external data source is added.
:* LJP-1688
:::Issues with SQL Syntax while adding number field to object’s record.
:::While adding number field to any object's record, MySQLSyntaxErrorException is thrown.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1775
:::Pop-up collapses on selecting a type.
:::pop-up collapses when ‘activity type’ picklist is clicked in ‘add hour’ dialog. Subsequently, clicking any picklist in other pop-ups will dismiss that pop-up.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1317
:::Multi step task pop-up collapses on the click of any element.
:::Clicking any element in multi-step task pop-up collapses the multi-step task pop-up and 'Type' option list drops down to the top-left corner of the page. Similar behaviour is observed when 'Activity type' pick-list in 'Add Hours' dialogue is clicked.
:::This issue is resolved.
:::Start time and end time not configured in Business Hours Calendar.
:::This issue is resolved. Configured Start and end time in calendar.
:* LJP-1785
:::Picklist’s list remains open even after the pop-up is closed.
:::Picklist's list options remain open even after the popup, in which the picklist was displayed, is closed.
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1749
:::Group deletion is not working at Relay Module.
:::SQL error is displayed on clicking Delete Group button.
:::This issue is resolved. There was an index related error while providing values for prepared statement parameters.
:* LJP-1181
:::While returning to previous web form, if an error occurs during submission, dependent drop down is not displaying value.
:::Web form has two drop downs, of which one is dependent on the other. Dependent drop down is getting populated based on the changes in independent or parent drop down. while submitting web form, there is an error occurring at server side. On return from error page, drop down value is not getting populated even if parent drop down is having value.
:::This issue is resolved. It was browser dependent.
:* LJP-1430
:::Duplicate fields in response for user object
:::User was getting duplicate fields in response when trying to fetch user details using REST APIs.
:::Trying to fetch user details using REST APIs resulted in duplicate fields.
:::Resolution Statement:
:::This issue is resolved.
:* LJP-1746
:::User Search lookup is not working properly.
:::Clicking ‘Reports To’ field in new user creation page displays Blank user list
:::This issue is resolved. ‘Else’ condition missing in users search (BizNetworkingUtils.java) method
:* LJP-1382
:::tc-config.xml is missing, terracotta tries to connect to instead of the node where it is running.
:::The node where terracotta server is running needs to configure correctly in tc-config.xml provided tc-config.xml is dropped in terracotta/server/bin.
:* LJP-1664
:::The name confirmation on Package deletion is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
:::When a user deletes the Package, the Name confirmation field is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
:::This issue is resolved.

Revision as of 04:18, 12 October 2016

See also:

October Release (18 Oct 2016)

Ehcache as an option to memcached

AgileApps now supports Terracotta Ehcache as an option to Memcached for storing object metadata in the cache. This option is available when the user chooses to install AgileApps for on-premise environment.
For more information, see Configuring Ehcache

Delegation through Proxies

When a user is unavailable, the user has the flexibility to delegate the access profile and role to another user.
For more information, see Task Delegations

AgileApps Migration Utility

On-premise users are now provided with an upgrade utility to migrate from 10.5 to 10.6 and upwards in a side-by-side setup.

MySQL5.7 certification

AgileApps is now certified with MySQL v5.7 Community Edition.

RHEL7 certification

AgileApps is now certified on RHEL7 environment.

September Release (18 September 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • LJP-1833
The article template shows improper validation message.
The validation message shown in the article template is improper because the template field names do not match with the data base field names.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1839
Clicking the 'send test email' button in the campaign page displays an error.
This issue is resolved. The 'send test email' and 'refresh campaign' buttons are removed from campaign page.
  • LJP-1336
Business rule to add a team in the TenantManagement application displays an error.
When adding a team to a class of a tenant in the TenantManagement application, the business rule to trigger
that method displays an error.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1904
Running the aggregate functions in MySQL returns null.
This is due to a space character in the select clause.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1849
Cannot enable the 'Act as Delegate' option for user settings and the 'Manage-Delegation' option for Access Profile
If the administrative permissions are not available for the admin Access Profile, then the ‘Act as Delegate' option under user settings and the 'Manage Delegation' option for Access Profile cannot be enabled.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1620
Enabling self-registration flag in service portal configuration page is mandatory.
The user creation through Single Sign On in the service portal requires enabling the self-registration flag. If the self-registration flag is disabled, the system displays an error and redirects to AgileApps login page.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1981
Unable to configure messaging channel in AgileApps.
An error occurs while creating messaging channel with the error message ""Error accessgin datastore"".
This issue is resolved. The script related to the messaging channel is modified.
  • LJP-1443
Dashboard name is not correctly translated when the language is changed to French.
On providing a dashboard name for French translation, the Service Desk application dashboard does not display the name after single quotes.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1838
Able to select a user as delegate without 'Act as Delegation Proxy' permission.
Users without 'Act as Delegate' permission are displayed on auto suggest feature in the new Proxy Configuration screen.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1873
In Delegations view, Show more and Show less text is not localized.
Show more and Show less text is not localized even after changing
the language from English to other language.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1411
Cache layer receives repeated requests for the same key.
The cache layer receives repeated requests for the same key when trying to access the case form layout.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1985
Delegates inherit the role set while attempting proxy login.
When two delegates are assigned for the same user, proxy login using one delegate selects the roles of that delegate. However, the roles are inherited to both the delegates.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-2006
Built-in form script blocks the recordPlatform browser page.
When trying to create a new record for an object in the recordPlatform, the built-in script for the record blocks the browser page.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-995
Tenant specific background color cannot be applied.
When the background header color is removed in the main domain URL, the tenant specific
background color is not applied. The background header color turns black instead.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1740
The application focus order is partly incoherent.
The tab sequence does not correspond to the visual display and logical work order. Also, the elements which do not interact
are focussed while navigating through the application. Due to this, it is difficult for the visually impaired users to navigate through the applications using the tab key.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1900
The starting number of the Auto-number field must be an integer.
The Starting Number of a customer field of type Auto-number must be an integer. However, providing characters in the
Auto-number field is not displaying an error message.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1709
The email application is slow.
Having large number of emails in the mail box slows down the email application. This results in the failure of the quartz job
and causes OutOfMemory issues.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1844
Unable to include owner field in an object form.
Including owner field in an object form displays an error if the owner field is not focussed.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1954
Upgrade utility program works improperly and displays command failed error during database backup of installed version of AgileApps.
This is because of inadequate permissions available to the database user to run the upgrade utility program.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1982
Unable to display the list of available users.
Clicking the lookup search in the user lookup does not display the list of available users.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1915
Unable to display success message.
After creating an application or an object using a wizard, the success message is not displayed if the application title
or the object title contains a string.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1613
Site user gets disconnected if the application window is inactive.
If the password policy setting for inactive session timeout is set as 'never', the application can remain inactive. However, if the application window is inactive beyond 45 minutes, the site user gets disconnected and is converted to a guest user.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1984
Unable to display success message.
After creating an application or an object using a wizard, the success message is not displayed if the application title
or the object title contains a string.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1901
Check box field default value is not working for 'true'.
If the default value for the check box is set as 'true' in a new record, the check box is checked by default. However the default check is not working for true value.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1698
REST API for fetching process task details for case objects does not return any record.
REST API returns success code but not any record.
This issue is resolved. REST API returns records successfully.
  • LJP-1962
Unable to view child object record.
The child object created from a parent record does not show the child object record while clicking on it.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1937
User detail attribute is renamed.
The 'customer_id' field part of the user detail attribute is renamed to 'customerId'. The customer_id' field part is not available in the user detail map but its value is accessible using 'customerId'.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1940
The custom script for HideActionsMenuItems runs inconsistently.
The custom script for on-load event containing multiple instances of hideActionsMenuItems runs inconsistently.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1701
Unable to display dependent picklist.
The dependent picklist cannot be displayed when a process model with decision switch is created.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-418
‘Remember me on this computer’ option is not working for Chrome and Firefox browsers.
As part of the security processes, the 'Remember me on this computer' option has been removed from the browser's login page.
This issue is resolved. :::
  • LJP-1970
Unable to create 'New Related Information' in the Default form.
Creating 'New Related Information' in the Default form displays an error even if all the fields are filled with proper data.
This issue is resolved. :::
  • LJP-2071
Unable to perform proxy login for 'Customer Support Login.'
The link for ‘Customer Support Login’ in LongJump screen is obsolete. The link redirects to a page which displays an error message.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-944
Special characters in the PDF reports are not displayed properly.
The special characters or multi-byte characters present in the report chart created through Scheduled Report are not displayed properly.
This issue is resolved. :::
  • LJP-2044
The login screen scrollbar is not working.
After increasing the text size, the link to the guest user form is displayed outside the visible area. The user is unable to scroll outside the visible area to click the link.
This issue is resolved.:::
  • LJP-1975
AgileApps profile menu popup has CSS issue.
The tick icon shown beside the active role in the profile menu is not aligned properly. If the role name is long and the role is active, then the tick icon is misplaced.
This issue is resolved.

August Release (18 August 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • LJP-1680
In the form fields of Guest User Form, rendering for the selection list is improper.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1780
Unable to select status field from the picklist.
The layout rule for the banner priority and status field was not updated in DCM application. The status field is included in the picklist, however it cannot be selected.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1513
Unable to capture activity-history log.
Restore action for files, attachments, and records from the recycle bin cannot be captured in the activity-history log.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1674
The link for 'return to record' on the custom form redirects to a blank page.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1639
Whenever Internet Explorer 11 is refreshed or logged out, pop-up displays ‘null’ value.
Null value appears in Internet Explorer because conventional event handling.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1864
Searching a value within single quote marks in Record Locator field displays no results.
The error occurs at the server side at the time of search.
This issue is resolved. Use backslash followed by the value within single quote marks.
  • LJP-1662
In Internet Explorer 11, border line strikes through Related Information Headers.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1891
‘Platform User Id’ as user id type is not displayed in view mode and edit mode of Single Sign On settings.
’Platform User Id’ as user id type is displayed in edit mode of single Sign On settings while ‘LongJump User Id’ as user id type is displayed in view mode of Single Sign On settings.
This issue is resolved. ’Platform User Id’ as user id type is displayed in edit mode and view mode of single Sign On settings.
  • LJP-1856
In LongJump, Create User chosen as site user in Single Sign On configuration page gets added twice.
When ‘Create User’ is chosen as site user in Single Sign On configuration page and ‘Portal Users and Customers’ is set as ‘Default Team’ field, the Create User as site user is added twice.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1886
Single Sign On configuration page does not work with offline AgileApps servers.
SAML response XML using SAML2.0 SXDs is validated and is working improperly on offline access of AgileApps.
This issue is resolved. Use the repository to validate the SAML response XML using SAML2.0 XSDs or schema instead of directly connecting to SAML URL.
  • LJP-1894
Single Sign On configuration page works improperly when ‘Attribute for User Id’ field is configured with wrong attribute name.
Providing wrong attribute name in ‘Attribute for User Id’ field should display an error, instead the system is using default name from Identity Provider and logging in. The system should pick default value from identity Provider only when there is no value in “Attribute for User Id”.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1767
AgileApps on premise installation uses Integration Live Email Template instead of Longjump Email Template for User Notification emails.
AgileApps on premise installation uses Integration Live Email Template in admin tenancy to send notification emails to add or reset or forgot user.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1840
Unable to process Delegation Login or Proxy Login.
Starting a process as proxy user displays an error.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1800
Unable to view Delegation Listing screen.
While launching the Delegation Listing screen, Service Encountered error appears. This is because the default delegation layout is not updated on all tenants.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1801
When the administrator changes the current application to another application, the Roles field does not get refreshed to show the new set of roles belonging to the new application.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1790
Webservice allows spaces in the title field.
In the title field of Webservice, user can input only spaces as title. While saving the title with spaces, the link to check the Webservice configuration is unavailable.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1278
Sending emails through AgileApps Live UI changes case object status automatically.
When emails are sent through AgileApps Live UI, the case status changes from New to Open automatically, if the case record status is New.
This issue is resolved. Now case status change is notified on clicking Submit.
  • LJP-1568
The Internet Explorer complaints record navigates to the top when certain fields are selected.
When certain fields in the complaints section of Internet Explorer are selected, the record navigates to the top of the page. This is due to the layout rule in the Internet Explorer which hides and shows certain field or section in the form.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1495
Records in Internet Explorer 11 contain whitespace.
The related information area of an application in the Internet Explorer 11 contains whitespace.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1561
Unable to interpret special characters in exported reports.
While exporting reports in CSV format, the special characters are not interpreted properly.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1837
Link for look up fields is obsolete.
While configuring hint, the look up fields were not linked properly.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1555
Rich-Text-Box editor executes script.
When a script is entered in the Rich-Text-Box editor for editing, the editor executes the script.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1845
The Brainstorm Single Sign On configuration is not working.
The Single Sign On configuration page in Brainstorm redirects to the login page when the ‘Attribute for User Id’ field is left blank.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1355
Updating layout rule displays an error.
An error is displayed while updating the layout rule of a form, if the section within the form is deleted.
The issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1624
Document preview is not opening the on-click event.
On-click event is removed creating accessibility issue.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1834
Subform records are not displayed on any Subform section.
Subform records are not seen on any Subform present in the Form Layout.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1807
Validation error appears in the form.
The owner field is not populated with the correct user data.
This issue is resolved. Now the owner field does not have prepopulated data in proxy login.
  • LJP-1715
XSS issue in Reports.
This issue occurs when the report folder name contains the <script> tag.
This issue is resolved. Script tag is now handled and displays an error.
  • LJP-1796
Notifications do not appear for case records in new tenants and for new users created in existing tenants.
This issue is resolved. Notifications are toggled based on proxy login scenarios.
  • LJP-1784
Wrong validation message appears on “Become delegate” dialog box.
Wrong validation message “Please choose Principal User and Role” appears on the “Become delegate” dialog box.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1774
“Become delegate” dialog box appears distorted.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1811
After proxy login from the "Become delegate" option, the dashboard does not appear.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1643
Inline error message appears for some fields in non-accessibility mode.
Inline error message appears for multi-check option, radio button, and lookup fields in non-accessibility mode.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1644
Error message does not appear for required multi-check option.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1609
Reports or Schedules tab in UI is distorted and not aligned.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1760
Accessibility Mode error message distorts the UI.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-890
In Accessibility Mode, the focus of the remove pinned tag is not visible.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1708
Headers in many pages appear distorted.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1771
Lookup field appears with HTML attributes in the “Update Process” screen.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1167
Entering non-numeric values in the currency field displays a validation message but the record is saved.
This issue is resolved. Now the currency field is validated to have only numeric values.
  • LJP-1782
Delegation Cannot be created if switch role option is disabled.
Default value of role is not assigned if switch role option is disabled. It results in role required error.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1230
Heading appears as a link.
Heading appears as a link because of incorrect CSS Class.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1769
On editing a delegation, ‘Delegate’ and ‘Delegation Roles’ values are getting reset.
On editing a delegation from delegation listing screen, "Delegate" and "Delegation Roles" values are cleared.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1787
XSS in Case records are triggering in SQL browser.
This issue is because the Javascript code is present in the value and the script tag was not being escaped before showing the value.
This issue is resolved by escaping the script tag.
  • LJP-1794
Email notification is not working in Delegation List screen.
When active checkbox is checked/unchecked, update email notification is not sent.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1770
Related Information Section: Related information is saved without selecting required field.
This is because there is no validation check present for the external data source.
This issue is resolved. Validation check in business object for external data source is added.
  • LJP-1688
Issues with SQL Syntax while adding number field to object’s record.
While adding number field to any object's record, MySQLSyntaxErrorException is thrown.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1775
Pop-up collapses on selecting a type.
pop-up collapses when ‘activity type’ picklist is clicked in ‘add hour’ dialog. Subsequently, clicking any picklist in other pop-ups will dismiss that pop-up.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1317
Multi step task pop-up collapses on the click of any element.
Clicking any element in multi-step task pop-up collapses the multi-step task pop-up and 'Type' option list drops down to the top-left corner of the page. Similar behaviour is observed when 'Activity type' pick-list in 'Add Hours' dialogue is clicked.
This issue is resolved.
Start time and end time not configured in Business Hours Calendar.
This issue is resolved. Configured Start and end time in calendar.
  • LJP-1785
Picklist’s list remains open even after the pop-up is closed.
Picklist's list options remain open even after the popup, in which the picklist was displayed, is closed.
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1749
Group deletion is not working at Relay Module.
SQL error is displayed on clicking Delete Group button.
This issue is resolved. There was an index related error while providing values for prepared statement parameters.
  • LJP-1181
While returning to previous web form, if an error occurs during submission, dependent drop down is not displaying value.
Web form has two drop downs, of which one is dependent on the other. Dependent drop down is getting populated based on the changes in independent or parent drop down. while submitting web form, there is an error occurring at server side. On return from error page, drop down value is not getting populated even if parent drop down is having value.
This issue is resolved. It was browser dependent.
  • LJP-1430
Duplicate fields in response for user object
User was getting duplicate fields in response when trying to fetch user details using REST APIs.
Trying to fetch user details using REST APIs resulted in duplicate fields.
Resolution Statement:
This issue is resolved.
  • LJP-1746
User Search lookup is not working properly.
Clicking ‘Reports To’ field in new user creation page displays Blank user list
This issue is resolved. ‘Else’ condition missing in users search (BizNetworkingUtils.java) method
  • LJP-1382
tc-config.xml is missing, terracotta tries to connect to instead of the node where it is running.
The node where terracotta server is running needs to configure correctly in tc-config.xml provided tc-config.xml is dropped in terracotta/server/bin.
  • LJP-1664
The name confirmation on Package deletion is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
When a user deletes the Package, the Name confirmation field is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
This issue is resolved.