AgileApps Support Wiki Pre Release

Quick Filter

From AgileApps Support Wiki

The quick filter feature allows users to precisely search and filter data within specific columns of a records list, enabling targeted information retrieval. This feature is currently available only in new user interface.


Important: Please note that this is a premium feature for customers. To enable this feature in your project, please contact

How to use the quick filter feature?

1. Log in to AgileApps.
2. From the left navigation pane, select an object.
3. Click the dropdown (V) icon in any column of the record list to access quick filter options.
4. To search within a specific column, enter the desired text.
For example, if the column is "Account name", enter "John" to search for this name in any record.
5. Use the following options to narrow down the results:
  • To view blank fields in the filtered column, select the Check blank checkbox.
  • To clear all selected filters, click Clear all.
  • To sort the column in ascending order, click Ascending sort.
  • To sort the column in descending order, click Descending sort.
6. Once you've selected your filters, click the Apply button.
7. A blue dot icon appears next to the quick filter icon in the column once data has been filtered.


Note: Complete accessibility and screen reader support are not available.

Known issues

You might encounter the following issues with the quick filter. These will be addressed in the upcoming releases:

  • The lookup icon in lookup fields might not function as expected.
  • No results appear when a new search is performed in the same active quick filter.
  • API pagination support for subforms is not available.
  • The quick filter might not work for some fields in languages other than English.
  • The following special characters cannot be searched using the quick filter: $ * ( ) & : ; " { } ' [ ] < > | \ `
  • Partial searches might not work as expected for some fields.
  • The checkbox field in subforms might not function as expected.
  • The Check blank option is unavailable in some fields on the list page, subforms, and related information.
  • Page loading issues may occur for subforms with Date Time and Time fields with locales other than English.
  • When the related information is paginated, only filtered records from the current page are considered in the quick filter.
  • Records created in subforms are not included in the quick filter results.
  • Updates made to date and time values in the calendar might not reflect in the quick filter menu for Date, Date Time, and Time fields.
  • The quick filter is not available for multi-select picklist fields.
  • The quick filter cannot be applied to formula fields.