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Workspace > {object} > Wrench icon File:WrenchIcon.jpg > Edit this View

The default Object View displays all records in the Object. A custom View lets you determine which records are visible, which fields are displayed, and who can use that View. Such Views let you organize your data in a way that is meaningful, along with optional settings to customize and save views for reference or analysis.

About Views

With your data loaded into the platform, you can start creating custom views to convey specific information you want your team to see. By selecting the fields you want and assigning a variety of filters, you can isolate key information quickly and easily.

Users can define new views, so an entire team or a select group can share information. Multiple Views compartmentalize information about an object for quick access to records.

Views offer Visibility controls that grant view and edit rights to specific Users, Teams or Roles.

View Types

View Display Types

View Display Type

Using Views

Inline Editing of Rows in a List View

Inline Editing of Rows in a List View


Use the Search bar at the top of the window select records whose contents contain the value you specify:



Use the Filter icon File:FilterIcon.jpg to bring up a dialog you can use to do sophisticated filtering based on field contents, by specifying fields, operators, and values:

Learn more:Complex Expressions


Note: This filter is not saved with the view. For details on how to include a filter in a View and save it for future use, see Filters.

To filter the current View:

  1. Click the Wrench icon File:WrenchIcon.jpg
  2. Select the Filter this View option
  3. Choose one of the following:
    Apply the filter criteria to all records in the Object
    Search within Selected View Only
    Limit the search to records in the current view
    Search My Records Only
    Limit the search to the records you own



  • To apply a filter to a checkbox, use "1" for Yes/True and "0" for No/False values.
  • Specify multiple values using the pipe "|" character. For example: "State equals CA|NY|MN"
  • Specify an empty numeric field using BLANK. For example: "Phone equals BLANK"
  • Specify an empty string field using two single-quotes with nothing between them: ('').

Working with Views

View Options

Use the Wrench icon to customize the current view or build new views for you and your team.

  • Edit this View - Make changes to the current view
  • New View - Create a new View of this Object
  • Delete this View - Delete the view, putting it into the Recycle Bin
  • Make this My Default View - Use this View whenever you visit this object
  • Print this View - Generate an HTML you can print or download from your browser.
  • Export to Excel - Generate an Excel file you can open or download from your browser.
  • Display Record Counts - Display the number of records in the current view and total the number of records stored in the database for this object.


Note: If your view of an Object has limits, the Record Count dialog displays the number of records you have permission to view, as well as the total number of records in the database.

Learn more: Role Based Access Permissions.

Edit this View

Although users can edit both Standard Views and My Views, it is strongly recommended that Standard Views not be changed. If necessary, save the Standard View with a new name, and make the changes there.

Learn more: View Types


Users that have the Create/Delete Views/Reports/Homepages permission can edit Standard Views 

To edit a view:

  1. Open any object
  2. Select a View
  3. Click the Wrench icon File:WrenchIcon.jpg and select Edit this View

Edit/New View

New View

To create a New View:

  1. Open any object
  2. Select a View
  3. Click the Wrench icon File:WrenchIcon.jpg and select New View

Edit/New View

View Settings

  1. In the Fields tab, choose the View Display Type
    • Select the fields to include in the view (each selected field becomes available in the resulting view)
    • Optionally, create Computed Fields
  2. In the Order tab, change the column order for the view; Select a field and use the up/down arrows to change the order
    • Optionally, select the sort criteria for up to two fields, and choose Ascending or Descending order for each
    • Optionally, set individual column widths by unchecking the Shrink Columns to Fit checkbox and clicking the Set Column Width link.
  3. In the Filter tab, restrict the population by ownership, date or field criteria:


Note: Several action buttons are available during this process:

  • [Preview] - display the view before saving<br.(For the Calendar Display View Type, the preview option displays the records in a list - the actual view displays the data in a calendar format.)
  • [Previous] - move backward to the previous tab
  • [Next] - move forward to the next tab

Other settings tabs depend on the kind of View you're working with. For example:

  • In the Color Code tab, you can conditionally color-code rows based on field criteria.
    (Not avaialable for Thumbnail and Calendar views.)
  • In the Summary tab, you can select options to create computations on numeric fields.
    (This tab only appears if the numeric values are visible in the View, and the view allows totals to be calculated.)

Finally, each View has tabs that provide settings that are unique to that view. (Those tabs are explained below.)

List Display

In a List Display, records are displayed as rows and columns in a table.

  • The List Display Type is selected from the Fields tab when creating or editing a View
Learn More: View Options
  • The List Display offers the following options to customize the view: Fields, Order, Filter, Color Code

Tree Display

In a Tree Display, a navigation sidebar displayed, which presents groups of records. Choose a folder in the sidebar to display groups of records as rows and columns in a table.

  • In the Group tab, select up to three levels of grouping.
  • The Tree Display Type is selected from the Fields tab when creating or editing a View
Learn More: View Options
  • The Tree Display offers the following options to customize the view: Fields, Order, Filter, Color Code, Group and Summary tabs

Thumbnail Display

In the Thumbnail Display, a thumbnail icon is displayed for each record. Thumbnail images can be associated with user-defined criteria (for example, to display an icon that indicates some status condition).

  • The Thumbnail Display Type is selected from the Fields tab when creating or editing a View
Learn More: View Options
  • The Thumbnail Display has several tabs:
    • Fields - Choose which fields to display
    • Order - Choose the order in which the fields are shown, as well as the order in which records are sorted.
    • Filter - Specify filter criteria to determine which records are shown.
    • Thumbnail - Specify the criteria that determines which thumbnail image is displayed
      • Thumbnail images are selected from the image available in the Documents object
      • If no image is specified, the default thumbnail image is displayed (file folder icon)

Example criteria settings for a Thumbnail Display:


Calendar Display

In the Calendar Display, records are presented in a calendar, based on a selected date field. A typical use is in an Events Management application, to show deadlines or other critical dates in a calendar view.

  • The Calendar Display Type is selected from the Fields tab when creating or editing a View
Learn More: View Options
Note: The Record Identifier Fields are displayed in the heading bar of each record, so if these values are changed, it will be reflected throughout the platform
  • The Calendar Display offers the following options to customize the view: Fields, Order, Filter.

Delete this View

You can delete any standard or custom views that you have created.

  1. Click the object tab associated with the view you want to delete. The main page for that tab opens.
  2. In the View list, select the name of the view you want to delete. The view you selected becomes the current view.
  3. In the View list, select Delete View. A message appears, asking you to confirm the deletion of this view.
  4. Click [OK]. The view is deleted from the View list.

Views, Reports and Object Inheritance

When creating Views or Reports in objects that are part of an Object Inheritance model, it is important to consider the following:

A Report or View that has no Filters will return all records from the designated object, including records from all parent object(s) in the hierarchy (following the path up to the root level).

To restrict the View or Report to only the desired objects, include the Object Name field in the Selected Fields list, and create a Filter on Object Name field to select only the objects of interest. [[Category:Template:Features]]