AgileApps Support Wiki Pre Release

Application Construction Wizard

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 20:18, 22 October 2012 by imported>Aeric

[My Applications] > [Create New Application] > Create Using Wizard

__TBD: in progress__

  1. Enter the Application Name: Order Processing
  2. Enter the name of the first object: Orders
  3. Click [Define Fields]
  4. Add the first fields for the Orders object:
    • Field Label: Order Number (note that the internal field name is created)
    • Field Type: Autonumber (note the many choices)
    This field gets a new, unique number every time a record is added.
  5. Add one more field, to tell where the order came from:
    • Field Label: Source
    • Field Type: Picklist
    The Values field appears. Enter a comma-separated list of values of the dropdown that will appear for the user to pick from:
  6. Click [Save]
  7. Under Key Field, select the field to use for indexing: Order Number
  8. Click [Add an Object]
  9. Enter the name of the second object: OrderItems
  10. Click [Define Fields]
  11. Add the initial OrderItems fields:
    • Field Label: Item Description
    • Field Type: Text Field
    • Field Label: Item Quantity
    • Field Type: Number
    • Field Label: Item Price
    • Field Type: Currency
    Those are all the data fields that need to be added, for the moment. The calculations on the data will be defined later.
  12. Click [Save]

Next, you'll establish the relationship between those two objects. In this case, there could be multiple OrderItems, each of which Looks up to a single Order, which defines a Lookup relationship.

  1. Click [Add a Relationship]
  2. Under Relationships fill in the blanks:
    Between Orders and OrderItems
  3. Specify the Relationship Type: One to Many
    (One Order can have many Order Items

Now it's time to save your work and create the application:

  1. Click [Create this Application]
  2. Click [Open Application]

You're now ready to explore the application objects.