Exercise 10: Using Packages for Deployment

From AgileApps Support Wiki


Deploying a webMethods AgileApps Application

  • A webMethods AgileApps Cloud application can be deployed:
    • On the AgileApps public PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) cloud
      • Where you have been executing the course exercises within your own (trial) Tenant
    • On-premise installation into an organization’s network environment
      • The tenancy structure is still possible
  • To deploy an AgileApps Cloud application:
  1. Publish a Package (a zip file)
    • The Package can contain an entire application, or parts of one
    • The Package contains the structure of the application, NOT the data
  2. Make the Package available to others
    • Add the application to the “Marketplace”, where other Tenants can install it
    • Put the zip file on the Web or in an email

Application Deployment Scenario #1 (of 2)

Publishing Application to "Subscriber" Tenants

  • Applications can be shared with Subscribers (other Tenants)
  • You publish, they install
  • You update, they upgrade

Application Deployment Scenario1.png

Application Deplayment Scenario #2 (of 2)

From "Dev" to "Test" to "Prod"

  • In this scenario, each Tenant environment represents a different stage in the application development and deployment lifecycle
    • New things are created in the development (“Dev”) environment
    • The “Test” environment is used to ensure that everything continues to work as expected
    • When fully tested, the application is rolled out to end-user’s production (“Prod”) environment
  • Sandboxes are designed for that purpose
    • Each “Sandbox” is a separate sub Tenant
      • Configuration > Administration > Account Management > Sandboxes
      • Sandboxes are not available by default - you request it from AgileApps Cloud support
    • A Package is directly deployed (rather than waiting for optional subscribe/update)
    • Distribution paths can be defined - so a development Tenant can deploy to the test environment, but cannot deploy directly to production


  • Features
    • Dependencies are automatically included
      • A Package always contains what it needs to run
    • The packaging system was designed to allow a software provider to share an application with subscribers (scenario #1)
      • Other Tenants who have installed an earlier version of the Package
  • Limitations
    • The design did not take into account the need to publish from a development system to a test system, and from test to production (Scenario #2)
    • Some things that need to be overwritten in that scenario are left intact, while some that should be left alone are overwritten. For example:
      • Email Templates and Team definitions are not overwritten
      • Web Services are overwritten (good, except for server targets and login details)
      • Global Template Variables are not included in a Package
  • Compatibility between cloud and on-premise applications
    • To install a Package created on the cloud, you must make sure that the on-premise installation version is the same version as the one on the could when the application Package is generated
  • Learn More:



In this exercise, you create a Package to back up your new Application and all the components that you have developed during this class.
To do so, you will use the Packages component of “Account Management” to enable packaging, versioning, and promotion of collections of Objects through the application development lifecycle.


  1. Navigate to Configuration > Administration > Account Management > Packages and click New Package.
  2. Type a Name as <your_subdomain>MyOrdersApp and provide a Description as shown:

    New Package johnrichardsMyOrders App.PNG

  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Add Item.
  5. Choose Item Type as Application and check the box next to the MyOrders application. Click Add to Package.

    Add Item to Package johnrichardsMyOrdersApp.PNG

  6. Review the Objects that are part of the application:

    Package johnrichardsMyOrders App.PNG

  7. Click Publish and click Save.

    Packaged App johnrichardsMyOrders App.PNG

