ServiceDesk Features

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 00:13, 12 July 2013 by imported>Aeric

These features are unique to the ServiceDesk application. Most of them are centered around the ability to interact with your customers in the most efficient and friendly manner possible.

  • Service Portal - The Service Portal lets your customers file cases and track them. It also provides:
  • Knowledge Base - A way to publish articles your customers can use
  • Community - A way for users to help themselves, that lets an agent quickly create a case from a community post
  • Social Channels - Every Dynamic Case Management application hosted on the AgileApps Cloud platform platform lets you interact with customers using email and Web Forms hosted on an external site. But ServiceDesk gives you even more:
  • Account-specific SLAs - Every Dynamic Case Management comes with default SLAs that can be customized. Those Service Level Agreements define response and resolution times that cause reminders to be sent out at appropriate intervals. The ServiceDesk application goes one better, and lets you define different SLAs for different Accounts--for situations in which your contracts define times you are committed to, generally with penalties when those agreements are breached.
  • Enhanced Email Integration
  • Pre-configured Email Templates - When a case comes in on a given channel, the Email Template to use for responses is pre-defined. Any text an agent types is plugged into the template, and the resulting message is sent to the customer.
  • Quick Text - The ability to define standard "boilerplate" text and plug it into a message with a mouse click is provided by Quick Text.
  • Knowledge Base Integration - Search for knowledge base articles and insert a link into a message, all with the click of the mouse.