AgileApps Support Wiki Pre Release

Working with Teams

From AgileApps Support Wiki


Users that have the User Management permission can manage teams in the platform. 

Add or Edit a Team

  1. Click the expand button [+] to show teams, subteams and team members
  2. Click the collapse button [-] to hide teams, subteams and members
  3. Choose one of the following options:
    • To add a team, click the [New Team] button
    • To edit a team, click the Folder icon FolderIcon.png next to the Team to be modified
  4. Fill in the team settings below
  5. Click [Save]
Team Name The name of the team as it will appear in the platform.
Parent Team A larger team that includes this team.
Click the Lookup icon Lookupicon.gif to select a team from the list, or start typing
into the field to take advantage of Auto Completion.


Account and Contact objects have an additional value.
Learn more: Opportunities Grid in Log Activity

Attach a Child Team

Note: A nested team or Child Team takes on the permissions of its Parent Team.

  1. Click the [Attach Team] button
  2. Fill in the team settings below.
  3. Click [Save]
Team Name The name of the team as it will appear in the platform.
Parent Team A larger team that includes this team.
Click the Lookup icon Lookupicon.gif to select a team from the list, or start typing
into the field to take advantage of Auto Completion.

Add a User to the Team

This action can also be performed from the Users page.

From the Team page:

  1. Click the [Attach User] button, and edit these fields:
    Click the Lookup icon Lookupicon.gif to select the new team member, or start typing into the field to take advantage of the Auto Completion capability for Lookup fields.
    Click the Lookup icon Lookupicon.gif to select the new team, or start typing into the field to take advantage of the Auto Completion capability for Lookup fields.
    Primary Team
    Select the check box to make this the user's primary team;
    All users must be associated with a primary team
    Enter any notes you want to include about this user
  2. Click [Save]

Add a Team Data Sharing Policy

  1. To add a new Team Data Sharing Policy, click the [New Policy] button
  2. Fill in the required fields
  3. Click [Save]

Delete a Team

In order to delete a team, you must remove all child teams associated with the team, and remove (unattach) all users from the team. If you attempt to delete a team that has attached users or child teams, you will get an error message, and will be prevented from completing the action. Follow these steps to delete a team:


In order to delete a team, the following conditions must be true:

Select or Deselect a Primary Team

  1. Click the Folder icon FolderIcon.png next to the Team to be modified
  2. In the Members section, click the Edit link next to the name of the User to change
  3. Click the Primary Team checkbox to toggle between select/deselect
  4. Optionally, use the Role [Lookup] icon Lookupicon.gif to select a new role
  5. Enter any Notes you want to retain with this team assignment
  6. Click [Save]

Remove a Child Team

  1. On the main Team page, click the Folder icon FolderIcon.png next to the team name.
  2. In the detail page for that team, remove any users from the team.
    • Click the Edit link next to the user's name.
    • In the Update User Attachment page, click the [Delete] button. Make sure the Primary Team option is not selected. If it is, see the previous procedures for assigning the user to another primary team.
    • Confirm your action about deleting the user with the team.
  3. When all users are removed from the child team, click the [Delete] button in the detail page for that team, and confirm your action. The child team is now deleted from the platform.

Delete/Replace Team Members

  1. Click the click the Folder icon FolderIcon.png next to the team to be modified
  2. In the Team Page, click the Edit link next to the User Name in the Members section.
    The detail page for the user opens.
  3. Click the [Delete] button to delete the user from the team (unattach the user)
  4. Optionally, Add a User to the Team

Delete the Team

This action will be successful when these conditions are true - See Preparation.

  1. Click the Folder icon FolderIcon.png next to the name of the team you want to delete
  2. The Team's detail page appears.
  3. Click the [Delete] button.
    A confirmation dialog appears.
  4. Click [OK].
    The team is removed from the platform.