AgileApps Support Wiki Pre Release

History object

From AgileApps Support Wiki

The History object keeps track of activities related to a record. In the UI, history is shown below the record details.

Learn more: Activity History


Although it is possible to define Rules on the History object, events are not propogated for the History object, so the Rules are not triggered.

History Fields

Label Field name Notes
Category category Identifies the type of activity.
For example:
  • 2 - Updated this case*
  • 4 - Closed this case
  • 11 - Completed this task
  • 25 - Changed field value* (only applies to Audited Fields)
  • 29 - Added a note.
  • 61 - Sent mail
*Category 25 is used when a case field is modified. Category 2 does not appear to be used.

For a complete list, see GearIcon.png > Customization > Global Picklists > History Category'

Description description

Varies, depending on the activity category. For category 25 (audited field modified), the structure is:


^Original case title
^Revised case title

(If multiple audited fields were modified during a record update, there is one history entry per field.)

Related To related_to {object_id}:{record_id}
History Created By history_created_by For an incoming email, the history record's created_by field has the system ID. This field records the ID of the sender, if the from address is recognized.
Submitter Photo ID submitter_photo_id The reference ID for the user photo that appears to the left of the activity note in the history.
Enumerated Field Tracker enumerated_field_tracker Internal. Tracks changes in case status, for use when calculating the display values for the Case Analytics dashboard.
Entity Id entity_id Internal. Identifies the source of an activity record that originated outside the system.
Resolved resolved not used
Visible to Customer visible_to_customer This flag is true for activity notes that are shown in the service portal, where a portal user (as distinct from an internal user) can see them.
Helpful Count helpful_count

These counts are used for comments on articles posted in the knowledge base, where users can vote them up or down.

Unhelpful Count unhelpful_count
Hours Spent hours_spent not used
From User ID from_user_id Sender's ID, for outgoing messages
Original Message original_email_message Incoming email fields.
Sender Name from_name
Attachments attachments
Email Headers email_headers

Standard Fields

These fields are predefined in all Objects. They:

  • Created automatically when an object is created.
  • Populated automatically when a record is added or updated in the GUI.
  • Required when a record is added or updated using an API.
Label Field Name REST Search Name Display Type Description
Object ID object_id object_id Number Unique identifier for the object. (This field is always present, but is only displayed when examining Object metadata (the data that defines the object).
Record ID id id Number Unique record identifier
Owner owner_id OWNERID String Unique identifier of the record's owner
Created By created_id CREATEDID String Unique identifier of the user who created the record
Date Created date_created DATECREATED String Date the record was created:
Modified By modified_id MODIFIEDID String Unique identifier of the user who last modified the record
Date Modified date_modified DATEMODIFIED String Date the record was last modified:

See also: Standard Parameters