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About Records

Open any record in the AgileApps Cloud platform, and you'll find a data entry Form, configured with fields, ready for data entry. (You can customize it however you like, but a default form is always created for you, ready to use.)

Records are data rows in an Object. A record might contain account or contact information, a task or appointment, or other information vital to your work.

Records are always owned by a User who is part of a Team. Typically, each team is led by someone who has the ability to define how the team operates and can see what all the other team members are doing, via Roles. (Defining teams, roles, and users can be a cyclical process, at times. You should be prepared to make adjustments as your needs change.)

About Record Owners

A Record Owner is a User who owns a record in an object. Records are assigned to an owner. The owner can be the person who created the record, or has been assigned ownership by another user who has permission to transfer ownership. For example, a team member or team manager might assign a task to a user. In that case, the task is a record, and the user has ownership.

Compare to: Record Creator


"My Records"

In many areas of the platform, (Views, Reports and Filters, for example) a My Records option is displayed. Choosing My Records includes all records owned by you (the logged in User). As record ownership is changed, the records displayed via the My Records filter also change.


When a User creates a record, their User name is displayed in the Created By field, which never changes.

Owner Fields in Record Forms

By default, the Record Owner field is displayed in the Basic Information section of a Form. Optionally, the Record Owner field can be moved to a different section, or deleted from the layout.

Change Record Ownership

To transfer record ownership:

  1. Visit the record to be transferred.
  2. In the sidebar, click the arrow next to the Owner.
    (Alternatively, click the Actions dropdown.)
  3. Choose the assignment option:
    • Claim - This option appears for records that are unassigned or assigned to a team. Use it to take ownership yourself.
    • Assign to User- Make another user the owner.
    • Assign to Team- Give ownership to a team. Any member of the team can then claim the record.
  4. For Cases and Tasks, you can also add a comment.
    The comment becomes part of the case record, and is included in the notification message that goes to the new owner.


Tip: Drag the bottom right corner of the box to make a larger area to type into.

Learn more: Transfer Ownership for a Group of Records

About Owning Teams

Records are visible to Team Members in Views and Reports, based on their Role.


To allow users to view records they do not own, consider creating a Data Sharing Policy.

Record Operations

New Record

To add a record to an object:

  1. Select the object (tab) of interest
  2. Click the [New {objectName] button to add a record. For example: [New Case]
    Tip for Designers:
    The singular version of the object's Display Label is used for the button. That label can be changed in Object Properties.
  3. Complete the fields under each section in the form
  4. Click [Save] to save the new record or the [Save & New] button to save the current record and create a new one

A detail page for the new record opens, showing the information that was entered.

After a record is created, a number of basic actions can be performed on the record, including editing, printing, or deleting the record. A Related Information section is automatically created.


Tip: When entering multiple new records, you may want to complete just the required fields, and click the [Save & New] button to create the next record. The details can be completed by editing the records at a later time.

Edit a Record

Once you have created a record, you can modify or update any of the information as necessary.

To edit a record:

  1. Click the tab that contains the record you want to edit.
    Learn more: Accessing Records
  2. Click - View Details -
  3. Change whatever information is necessary in the record. Each record contains different types of information.
  4. Click [Save]

Send an Email Message

To send an email message from a record:

  1. Open the tab that contains the record of interest
  2. Click the record to open it
  3. In the area that says, "Email or Add a note", begin typing your message.
    • The area expands to display an editor window and additional buttons.
    • The default is Private Note, which records your comments in the record history.
  4. Click Email to send your comments as a message, as well
    • For anything other than the Cases object, a Subject field appears above the message area.
      (For Cases, the subject field is pre-defined.)
  5. Optionally, choose an Email Template
    • The subject field is then pre-filled from the Template.
    • If text already exists in the subject field, text from the template is appended to it
  6. When finished, click [Submit].
    A message appears confirming that the email has been sent, and the message is recorded in the record history.


Users can also send a message from a Report.
Learn more: Reports#Email a Report.

Record Actions List

In the sidebar, while viewing a record, click Actions to reveal a list of additional actions that can be taken on the record.


This option appears for any record that does not currently have a Record Owner.

Assign to Owner

Use this option to select a User as the owner of the record.

Assign to Team

Use this option to assign the record to a Team.


If you permissions permit it, you can use this option to delete a record, automatically moving it to the Recycle Bin, where it is held for 30 days.

Learn more: Delete Records


Use this option to produce a formatted version of record data, either in a new window or in a Word, PowerPoint, or PDF file, depending on the type of template.

Learn more: Print a Record

Merge Records

This option appears for Cases. Use it to eliminate duplication by merging two records into one.

Learn more: Case Merge


This option appears for Tasks. Use it to mark a Task as completed.


Macros defined for this object appear here.