AgileApps Support Wiki Pre Release

Capturing Log Information in AgileApps Platform

From AgileApps Support Wiki


AgileApps platform supports logging feature to capture and print the log messages. Use this feature to debug and analyze the log messages for any environmental issues or any user enforced errors. It uses the Log4j2 technology to log the messages and generate the relationals.log file.

To change the default configurations, modify the log4j2 configuration file, available at {AGILEAPPS-INSTALL-DIR}/profiles/IS_default/configuration/tomcat/conf/RN.


Following details provide information for managing or changing the default logging configurations in the AgileApps platform:


  • Default value = info

To define the log-level, you can change the value of this property. We recommend that you do not configure it with DEBUG unless it is required. This results in avoiding issues with disk space. Allowed values include debug, info, warn, error, and fatal.


  • Default value = ${catalina.home}/../../logs/relationals.log

Change the value of this property to define the path of the relationals.log file. Here, the default location of relationals logs is considered as {AGILEAPPS-INSTALL-DIR}/profiles/IS_default/logs. Please note, the {catalina.home} place-holder is replaced dynamically by the platform with the corresponding path as per the home-directory that you choose when installing AgileApps.


Note: We recommend that you do not change this path.


  • Default value = 100 MB

You can modify the value of this property to define the size of relationals log file after which the roll-over strategy will be applied.


  • Default value = %d{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss} %-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n

You can modify the value of this property to define a valid log message pattern.


Note: The default value provided is sufficient to debug or analyze the AgileApps logs. Avoid changing this value if you do not have any specific requirements.

  • Default value =, com.platform, com.lj

You can change the value of this property to define more loggers. However, the currently defined loggers are sufficient for the AgileApps platform.


Note: We recommend that you do not change this value. This property contains all the packages/logger-names to print the log messages into the relationals.log file and add packages as logger-names delimited with comma (,)


  • Default value = 30

This property defines the maximum number of relationals.log files generated and maintained daily with the configured roll-over strategy.


Note: We recommend that you do not configure smaller numbers because if the compressed archives exceed this number, the older ones get deleted from the system. 30 will be sufficient if the daily generated log size is up to 3 GB.


  • Default value = 365d

This property defines the retention period for AgileApps relationals.log files. After this period, the relationals logs are deleted from the system. Use d to denote the days and m to denote the minutes. For example, 6 months is defined as 180d.


  • Do not modify any other property in the file that would result in unexpected behavior of log files.
  • In case of any errors while loading or when generating the relationals.log file, view the sag-osgi.log or wrapper.log files.
  • Use the value of appender.rolling_aa.strategy.max property to maintain the count of roll-over files. The older ones are deleted, if the roll-over file count exceeds this number.
  • Post roll-over, the log files are generated and saved in the following format - relationals.<CURRENT_DATE>_<INDEX_COUNTER>.log.gz. For example, relationals.2020-09-17_1.log.gz, relationals.2020-09-17_2.log.gz, relationals.2020-09-17_3.log.gz & relationals.2020-09-18_1.log.gz, relationals.2020-09-18_2.log.gz, and so on.
  • For more details on the log4j2 configuration and roll-over strategies, visit