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Tenant Capabilities

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 03:07, 16 January 2015 by imported>Aeric (→‎Tenant Capabilities)

Service Provider URL: http://{yourDomain}/networking/Service?t=1&targetpage=ViewPort.jsp
Tenant Management System > Tenants > {Tenant} > Quick Links > Manage Tenant Capabilities

Available to Service Providers, this option provides the ability to configure platform options for service subscribers.

About Tenant Management

This feature enables real-time management of tenants in the AgileApps Cloud platform, providing Service Providers (ISVs) with the ability to:

  • Analyze accounts, set up custom branding, and act as tiered support for clients
  • Set up client capabilities, proxy login to customer accounts (for support, setup or management control), and provides a full view of managed tenants
  • Create branding for email templates and messaging, login pages, headers and footers
  • Due to the specialized nature of these features and the associated resource commitments, consider deploying only the options that are necessary to each tenant.

Managing Tenant Capabilities


ISV users in Roles with Proxy Login Access permission can grant/revoke options for Tenants  

Logging In

To administer the features in your instance of the AgileApps Cloud platform, you need to log in as a user with administration privileges.

The initial login account is:

(Additional users may also be assigned Roles that have been granted administration privileges.)

Deactivating a Tenant

  1. Visit the Service Provider URL: http://{yourDomain}/networking/Service?t=1&targetpage=ViewPort.jsp.
  2. In the sidebar under Workspace, click Tenants
  3. Navigate to the tenant (customer) of interest.
  4. In the Quick Links section, click the Manage Tenant Capabilities link.
  5. Click [Edit]
  6. Under Billing Information turn off the Active checkbox.
  7. Click [Save]

Configuring Tenants

To enable/change Tenant Configuration Options
  1. Visit the Service Provider URL: http://{yourDomain}/networking/Service?t=1&targetpage=ViewPort.jsp.
  2. In the sidebar under Workspace, click Tenants
  3. Navigate to the tenant (customer) of interest.
  4. In the Quick Links section, click the Manage Tenant Capabilities link.
  5. Click [Edit]
  6. Change the features available to this customer.
  7. Click [Save]

Tenant Capabilities

Default Settings

This table summarizes the default settings for new tenants in On-Premise installations and in the cloud:

Option On-Premise Default Cloud Default
Create Application off On
Create Objects On On
Collision Warnings for All Objects off off
Concurrent Sessions Limit off off
Custom Access Criteria off On
Developer Tools On On
Install Package from File off On
Manage Sites off On
Mass Deployment of Packages to Tenants off off
Mobile Access On On
Multiple Languages off off
Object Inheritance off On
Overwrite Previous Package off off
Publish Package off On
(Synchronous) Rollup Summary Fields off off
Sandboxes off off
Single Sign-On off On
Execution Limits
Maximum number of Rollup Summary Fields
The maximum number of Rollup Summary Fields allowed in the platform. (Each carries out operations in the background to keep the value up-to-date across the database, increasing the load on the system.)
Max. Job Count
The maximum number of scheduled jobs that can be executed per day. (This value only affects legacy customers enrolled in old billing plans. It is ignored for newer customers for whom Block Pricing is in force.)
Rest API bulk operation max limit
The maximum number of records that can be in included in one call to the REST API:bulk record Resource. Default is 25.
Determines whether the tenancy is active. Unchecking this box prevents that tenant's users from logging in.
Java Code Governors
Apply governors in Java code?
Turns tenant-level Governance ON or OFF. The default is ON.
  • If unchecked, tenant has effectively unlimited use of Java resources. (Protections against runaway code are still in place, but the ceiling is very high.)
  • These governors apply to each execution request--a request for platform execution resources that begins when tenant code executes (Java code in a Data Policy, Java code in a JSP page, or JavaScript code in an HTML page), and ends when that code terminates.
Apply custom limits for tenant
Used to set individual limits for the tenant. The default is OFF. When off, global settings are used. When on, values can be specified for:
  • Tenant level string size - The total size of all strings allocated in the Java heap space during an execution request.
  • Tenant level statement count - The maximum number of Java code statements that can be run during an execution request.
  • Tenant level CPU time - The maximum number of CPU milliseconds that can be consumed during an execution request.
Learn more: Governors on Java Code

Setting up a Development Environment

These options are typically enabled together to set up a development environment: