AgileApps Support Wiki Pre Release

CUI Components

From AgileApps Support Wiki



It will list down all the objects and web tabs which are configured in users tab preferences.
Selector: <ace-app-nav-list>
Use the following code to render the component:



Following attribute is available for ace-app-nav-list tag.

Attribute Description
css-classlist It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate Multiple css classes.

Following events are dispatched by the ace-app-tabs-list tag:

Event Description
selectionchange Event dispatched on clicking a row.
load Event dispatched on loading the component. This provides the list of objects for the active application.

Sample code

<a id="selection-change"></a>


<ace-app-nav-list id="appTabsInstance"></ace-app-nav-list>
const appTabsIns = document.querySelector('#appTabsInstance');
appTabsIns.addEventListener('selectionchange', function (event) {
 //Perform your action here
 const tabData = event['detail'];


    canAdd: "${true/false}",
    id: "${id}",
    title: "${title}",
    uri: "${uri}", // for webtabs
    webtabname: "${webtab name}", // for webtabs

<a id="load"></a>


<ace-app-nav-list id="appTabs"></ace-app-nav-list>
document.querySelector('#appTabs').addEventListener('load', (event) => {console.log(event['detail'])});


		id: "cases"
		title: "Cases"
		singularTitle: "Case"
		canAdd: true
		type: "object"

Important Note: Only the properties mentioned here are supported.



This displays the bookmarked item corresponding to the user as a custom component.
Selector: <ace-bookmark-list>
Use the following code to render the component:


Following attributes are available for the ace-bookmark-list tag.

Attribute Description
search If the value is true, then it displays the search box for bookmark list. If the value is false, it hides the search input.
Default value: 'true'
group-ids Displays only the list of selected group ID items. User needs to pass comma separated group IDs.
css-classlist It helps to specify css class(es) for the tag. Use whitespace to separate multiple css classes.

Following events are dispatched by the ace-bookmark-list tag:

Event Description
selectionchange Event dispatched on clicking a bookmark item.
load Event dispatched on loading the component. This provides the list of bookmarked data.

Following are the tag instance methods:

Method Description
clearAll() Removes all the data present in the bookmarked list.
setGroupOrder(arrayofGroupIDs) Sort the group by group IDs. Only the IDs mentioned in parameter are sorted and others will remain in the same order.
removeItem(groupId, itemId) Removes the item mentioned from the specific group.
removeGroup(groupId) Removes the specific group from the list by passing the group ID.
getListData() Get bookmarked list data for the active user.
reload() Does a refresh of the bookmarked list with updated bookmarked data.
isItemPresent(groupId, itemId) Returns true if the item is present inside a group ID. If not, returns false.