AgileApps Support Wiki Pre Release

Part 1: Create an Application from an Excel Spreadsheet

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 11:24, 11 December 2022 by Wikieditor (talk | contribs)

In this part, you will create a basic webMethods AgileApps Cloud application based on data extracted from an Excel document (.CSV file). The first row of data in the spreadsheet determines the name of the table columns in the AgileApps application. Perform the following steps to create an Application from an Excel Spreadsheet:

  1. Go to the Configuration page, under the Administration tile, click Applications. Click the Create New Application button.
  2. On the Create by Import tab, select From File and browse for the file: <workshop_dir>\CustAddressData.csv
    Create New Application Window - Browse.png
  3. Click Next. The data import page appears. By default, all of the field types are set to the Text field.
    Create New Application Window - Import.png
  4. Change the field types of the following fields to the appropriate webMethods AgileApps Cloud field types (in parenthesis):
    • Phone (Phone/Fax)
    • Fax (Phone/Fax)
    • Email (Email Address)
    • Web (URL)
  5. Name the application (Object) MyCustomer.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the window, click Create this Application, click Ok, and finally confirm to leave the page.
    The MyCustomer application opens in the browser:
    MyCustomer Application Dashboard.PNG
  7. Notice that the new application is now available in the Application drop-down list at the top of the browser:
    Application drop-down.PNG
  8. Try adding a new fictitious customer record by clicking the Add a new MyCustomer Record link in the Dashboard tab.