AgileApps Support Wiki Pre Release

Version 10.15 Installable (webMethods Suite Version 10.11)

From AgileApps Support Wiki

Release Notes for the installable version of the AgileApps Cloud platform.

See also:

About the Installable Version

The installable version of the AgileApps Cloud platform allows you to create and manage a private cloud behind your firewall. AgileApps Cloud platform also helps you to set up a public cloud with a shared application and global data.

What's NewIcon new.png

To view the list of fixes, see Version 10.15.2 (December 2021).

Features in 10.15 Release

Following is the list of features that are part of the 10.15 release.

Features in 10.15.2 Patch Release (December 2021)

Search results pagination in AgileApps new user interface

Search results are now displayed with pagination in AgileApps new user interface. A particular number of a page from the list can be selected, with 10/20/30/40/50 items per page displayed at once.

Features in 10.15.1 Patch Release (September 2021)

User sync via SSO from Identity Providers

AgileApps now supports synchronizing user detail changes from identity providers.

Case analytics

AgileApps now supports Case Analytics dashboard for the service desk application, in the new UI.

Header sort functionality

AgileApps now supports dynamic header sort functionality in SubForms and Related Information sections.

Support for Secure LDAP

AgileApps platform now supports secure LDAP.

Support for Office365

It is now possible to use an office365 saved document as document template in AgileApps.

Froala based Rich Text Area Editor

AgileApps platform now supports rich text editing capabilities in the Rich Text Area field type, using a Froala editor.

Translation entries export by Application

AgileApps platform now supports application wise export of translation entries.

Improved record list view and pagination

AgileApps record list view now has improved pagination experience.

Default password change for AgileApps during installation

AgileApps platform now has improved security, with default password change triggered during Software AG installer.

Bug Fixes

Following are the fixes available.

Version 10.15.2 (December 2022)Icon new.png

Following are the fixes available with this patch:

  • SI#5454692
Chinese characters are not replaced and rendered properly while printing the HTML document template.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5458029
Login report does not provide information related to SSO users.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5458265
If user "A" has created or modified a record, all the information modified or created by user "A" becomes blank when user "A" profile gets deleted.
Any record assigned to user "B" from user "A" is also not visible to any other users when user "A" profile gets deleted.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5458343
Timer Rules issue tasks not being created:
Whenever there is a load on Scheduler, if the timer rules execution is passed, then the execution is skipped.
The issue is resolved. Post the fix if the Scheduler is busy, the timer rules are not skipped anymore.
  • SI#5458684
Translation workbench application specific export does not work as expected, as it includes fields and labels from other applications as well.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5458799
"Field(s) too long" error is encountered when saving records of some objects in existing applications.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5458888
Subforms do not display the records in spite of the user having the right team data sharing permissions, post AgileApps fix upgrade to 10.13.15.
This issue is resolved. Team id required for team data sharing is now considered in subform permissions.
  • SI#5459318
The mark-up of checkboxes "label" incorrectly placed away from a "label-container" division in the new AgileApps runtime user interface.
However, "label" is supposed to be inside a "label container" division like every other field, which looks correct.
The issue is resolved.
  • SI#5459071
Rich text area field does not contain the font size menu to edit font size.
This issue is resolved. This issue is not observed with the Froala editor online, it is only applicable to the AgileApps editor. "Font Size" menu is now available in the rich text field toolbar.
  • SI#5459789
When a layout rule is enabled for "number with decimal " field, it results in an incorrect display of decimal value, when the record is saved.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5461447
When creating a numbered list and changing the font list to bold, the numbers themselves do not change to bold.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5461585
The lookup field in the subform is not sorting the users or teams.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5461442
RTA field doesn't have a full screen button to edit in full screen mode.
This issue is resolved by providing control.
  • SI#5461635
When a child Object record is accessed through another Object related information, it gets navigated to a parent object and shown with parent form. However, it should navigate to a child object and show the child form.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#1252131
When a record gets updated by the system and sorted through "Modified by" accending to descending, they are not sorting in order.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5461500
In the Productive environment, the attached files and images do not work after several days.
The issue is resolved
  • SI#450233
Regular user access profile has limitations. A user assigned with this profile can access a few administrative URLs and can make changes. Now, administrative access is restricted. Whenever the permission is allowed to a tenant, then only the user can access these URLs.
This Issue is resolved.
  • SI#450228
JSP page controller with the "pi" parameter has a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
The issue is resolved.
  • SI#450234
In a given parameter, the document selection dialog has a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#450236
In a given parameter, the multi-user lookup selection dialog has a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#450934
1)The new UI lookup grid records do not show the translated German word JA and NEIN for checkbox field values. Instead, it is showing YES and NO. This issue will be resolved in the 10.13.19 release
2)Similarly, for Views and reports, the YES word is not translated to the German word "JA". This issue will be resolved in the next translation cycle as the message is added in messageDB, which will be in January 2022.
This issue is resolved
  • SI#452368
When a user creates the assigned value to the picklist layout rule in the record form, as per the enumeration order provided in the picklist field configuration, the order of the picklist values display is not correct.
The issue is solved.
  • SI#452373
In Agileapps new UI, a filter does not work if applied in the Report data within the below conditions:
1) Manual input of date (not from date picker).
2) 30 or 28 days from the current month.
3) Fixed start or end date with the value 31.
This issue is Resolved.
  • SI#452854
When the owner field record is set to OpenOwnership and user language is set to other languages than English, the record can not be saved.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#452874
If the user has the same first name and last name and different email ID, the user selected is NOT the one saved to the system. It saves the other user with the same first and last name.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5457648
The recipients added through an email address and bcc in the scheduled report were able to receive reports and see the data through email, irrespective of permissions.
This issue is resolved by removing the BCC and Email address, for new reports creation has been done for security reasons. On saving existing reports, these email addresses will no longer receive messages.
  • SI#448967
When a "Subform" gets added to the "Main object" and data is saved from the Subform (which has a file field), the file name is not displayed back when a user selects the edit button next time from the Subform. However, the file name is visible when the save button is used from the Main object.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5457685
Problem Statement: Records are not showing after adding in the subform which is present under another subform in New-UI.
Solution Description: The issue is fixed.
  • SI#450089
New UI does not allow report filter BLANK when filtering an empty Data Field.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5453999
Non-administrative regular user is not able to edit dashboard or assign the visibility of the dashboard, created by him.
This issue is resolved. Dashboard creator now has edit permissions.
  • SI#1452157
The contrast of the arrow icon element and calendar header buttons in AgileApps runtime user interface, has less contrast ratio as per the W3C recommendations when working in accessibility mode.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5641081
One typo error is detected in AgileApps new runtime user interface. Error is "Error while initilaizing record list" to be corrected to "Error while initializing record list"
The issue is resolved.
  • SI#450143
A User can not activate an inactive delegation from the delegation list view page. Platform throws an error "*null" when selecting the delegation list view page.
This issue is resolved.

Version 10.15.1 (September 2021)

Following are the fixes available with this patch:

  • SI#5456985
Download attachment from open office viewer fails, in AgileApps new user interface.
This issue is resolved. This issue is not observed with upload attachment.
  • ZenDesk Ticket
When user has assigned his locale with Dutch or Bulgarian, user is not able to see the saved date/datetime/time field values on the UI.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5456277
Report configuration page does not load correctly when custom formula fields are created and configured in the color coding of the report.
This issue also causes un-editable reports due to invisible fields. This issue is only observed in new user interface.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#1453091
Lexical error is encountered due to JJTree stream's inability to recognize characters other than extended ASCII set.
This issue is resolved. Placeholders now send query to JJTree stream. These placeholders are replaced with actual un-supported literals post get query.
  • SI#5455885
AgileApps sets the HSTS header with incorrect syntax, separating the parameters by a comma instead of a semi-colon.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5455282
Date fields always display in yyyy-mm-dd format in subform grid records, regardless of the user date format setting.
This issue is resolved. This issue is not observed in the related information section.
  • SI#5455018
AgileApps new user interface JavaScript API ""getDataOnPostSave()"" fails the intended operation of reject promise when the form is invalid.
It resolves the promise on success API call.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5453846
Direct access of the portal using URL ""/networking/servicedesk/index.jsp?lang=en#_portal"", is not allowed when Activate New User Interface
flag is enabled in company information. This issue results in a redirection to ""../agileapps/ui-redirect?hashString=portal/articles"".
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5453491
DateTime field is wrong by -2 hours when set to 00:00 . This issue is observed when the date time value is printed from the java class invoked from a macro.
This issue is not observed with any other time value.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5453981
DOM reference variables gets overwritten
After opening subform records and while creating new related info record, the DOM reference variables in parent record's
custom script context, gets overwritten. It would overwrite references for _sdForm and other related variable values.
This issue is now fixed.
  • SI#5453103
DateTime field renders incorrectly in the dashboard bar chart.
This issue is resolved. This issue is not observed in certain locales such as Albanian.
  • SI#5453509
Company Information REST API currency format response always displays ""$"" irrespective of currency locale chosen.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5447903
AgileApps Timer Rules fail to execute when concurrently creating a large number of new services.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5452974
AgileApps platform throws data truncation error or field too long error, when more fields are selected in the search field of record locator.
This issue also results in index out of bond error in DTag environment.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5452567
AgileApps native dialog fails to load for the process view of a case that appears on the right hand side menu of the detail view.
A full screen image is loaded instead without any interaction options.
This issue is resolved. This issue is caused by a dependency on the open office enabled status. This check has now been removed.
  • SI#5452440
"Invalid Field ID specified for Summary Formula field {0}." error encountered when adding summary formulas
in the new user interface report editor.
This issue is resolved. This issue is not observed in old user interface.
  • SI#5442768
A lookup field type is not updated, when the field type is changed or the field is deleted. This is applicable to picklist field type as well.
For the existing fields with reset fields populated - issue will still persist, but once the field is updated the fix will be applied.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5449479
SAVE, SAVEAS, SORTING and FILTERING functionalities do not work on reports when the report filter is configured for ""Specific team""
or ""Specific users"". This issue is only observed in AgileApps new runtime user interface.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5451583
Number with decimals value is incorrectly copied from the lookup field when layout rule is present on that copy field.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5448399
Multiple server restarts are required due to error accessing datastore while creating a record. This is caused by deletion
of fields such as ""request_type"", resulting in a stale cache entry.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5456378
Filter does not work in Junction object lookup for all languages other than English.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5455559
Office365 word document generated using AgileApps Document Template functionality, shows a warning message on being opened.
This issue is resolved.
  • SI#5454692
Chinese characters are not replaced and rendered properly while printing the HTML document template.
This issue is resolved.