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Company Information

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 09:46, 2 May 2017 by imported>Aeric (→‎Task Ownership Settings)

GearIcon.png > Administration > Account Management > Company Information

About Company Information

This page defines settings the company uses across all applications in the platform.


Users that have the Manage Company Capabilities permission can edit Company Information 

Working with Company Information

To edit company information:

  1. Click GearIcon.png > Administration > Account Management > Company Information
  2. Click the [Edit] button.
    The Update Company Information page appears.
  3. Specify Company Information Settings.
  4. When complete, click [Save]

Company Information Settings

Basic Information

Tenant ID (also known as Account ID)
The unique ID assigned to your organization's tenancy on the platform.
(This identifier is occasionally needed when using the platform APIs.)
Company Name
The name of the company. This field accepts only alphanumerics, spaces, and hyphens (-).
The street address of the company
The city where the company is located
The state where the company is located
Postal/Zip Code
The postal or zip code for the company
The country where the company is located

Locale Information

Specify user defaults for:

Time Zone
Choose your time zone from the drop-down list
Date Format
Choose a Date Format from the drop-down list.
Time Format
Choose a Time Format from the drop-down list.
Default Locale
A user's initial locale setting. Determines the format for numbers, decimal fields, and percentages.
Currency Locale
The locale used to format currencies. This field appears only in the Company Information page. It is a company-wide setting that applies to all users. (Users cannot change this setting. The platform does not support currency conversions.)
Default Language
Choose from among the default list of Supported Languages.

Customer Support Setup

Copy Support Emails To
The email addresses of individuals who will be informed regarding any support-related communication with users. You can add multiple email addresses, separated by commas.

Email Settings

System Notification Email Addresses
Enter an address or list of addresses to receive system notifications. Such notifications can occur, for example, when a connection to the system mailbox fails after repeated attempts.
Compliance Bcc Email(s)
Enter an address or list of addresses to receive a "blind", or hidden, copy of all outbound messages. (Typically, the address goes to an archive where messages are stored, to document compliance with various government-mandated standards.)
  • This setting does not apply to user-related outgoing messages--for example, those pertaining to password and registrations.

Application Settings

Starting Application
Choose the application a new user sees after logging in.
Expand Details
When displaying a record, expand the "Details" section to allow editing.
Date/DateTime format
Choose the way that Date and DateTime fields are displayed.
This setting applies to dates in the record history and to dates displayed in a record list.
Actual date and time
Display actual date and time (for example: 27 Mar 2014, 11:14am).
Relative duration
(default) Display a relative duration (for example: in 5 hours", or "4 days ago").
  • The Relative duration format is used only when viewing a record.
It does not apply to search results, record lists, reports, generated documents, or exports.
  • It is used only for system fields that show due dates and activity dates.
It does not apply to custom fields defined in an application, or to other system fields.
Switch User Roles
Requires users with multiple roles to specify which role is active at any given time.
Learn more: Switch User Roles

Task Ownership Settings

When the record owner is changed, changes in the ownership of open tasks or incomplete tasks owned by the existing record owner can be assigned to the new record owner or retain it to the existing owner.


Note: The task owner should be the same as record owner.

Assign To New Record Owner
Select the Assign To New Record Owner button to assign open tasks to the new record owner.
Retain To Existing Record Owner
Select the Retain To Existing Record Owner button to retain open tasks to the existing record owner.


Service Level Agreement tasks are not eligible for Task Ownership settings. Ownership of Service Level Agreement tasks are always transferred to the new record owner during record ownership change.

Logging All Access Settings

Log All Record Access
If checked, logs all record access attempts in the Audit_Log
Log All Access Violations
If checked, logs all access violations in the Audit Log

Available Language Settings

This section appears when Multiple Languages have been enabled by the Service Provider.

Use the lookup Lookupicon.gif icon to select from the list of Supported Languages.
The result is the list of languages that users will be able to choose.
Learn more: Language Translation

ServiceDesk Case Settings

These settings apply to Cases created in the ServiceDesk application.

  • New Case Notification Email
    Provide a list of email addresses for people to be informed when a new case arrives.
  • New Question Notification Email
    Provide a list of email addresses for people to be informed when a new question is posted to the Community forum.
  • Assign ownership on first response
    Enable this feature to automatically assign a Case to the first agent who responds with a public comment.
    When the Case is assigned, the status is also changed, from New to Open.
  • Open the case on first response
    Enable this feature to automatically Open the Case to the first agent who responds with a public comment.
    This will trigger the status change from New to Open.

Record Information

This section records the date and time that the company information record was created, when it was modified, and by whom.

Financial Periods

A list of fiscal years is displayed. Choose any year and select the starting day of each period in the year. In your organization, the fiscal year might start on January 1, April 1 or September 1. A thirteenth month is provided for fiscal years that do not match a 12-month calendar year beginning in January.

The periods defined here are used when reporting by financial period.

Learn more: Report Filter#Filter by Date