AgileApps Support Wiki Pre Release

Version 10.0 Platform

From AgileApps Support Wiki
Revision as of 01:47, 4 October 2013 by imported>Aeric (→‎Web Service Enhancements (beta))

Coming Soon

Scheduled Reports

Schedule reports for a future date, and run them at regular intervals.
Learn more: Scheduled Reports

Oct 4, 2013

Mobile Enhancements (beta)

Mobile access to the platform has been further enhanced with a newer, localized interface, object tabs, the ability to complete process tasks, and the ability to search for records. To use the mobile interface, visit this URL in your browser or mobile device: https://{yourDomain}/m
Learn more: Mobile Access

Web Service Enhancements (beta)

The integration of Web Services into Process Models has been improved:
  • Use Authenticated Services
Web Services protected by basic username/password authentication can be utilized.
  • Download WSDLs
WSDLs can be downloaded from the web, as well as uploaded from the file system.
Learn more: Web Services Integration#Creating a Web Service
  • Process Model Variables
Information gathered from a Web Service can be stored in one or more Process Variables, and used later when invoking another Web Service or in a Decision Switch.
Learn more: Process Variables

Process Modeling Enhancements

  • When a process model needs to invoke a Rule Set that doesn't yet exist, an empty Rule Set can be created right on the spot, without leaving the process-modeler window. You can then add Rules to the Rule Set after you finish modeling the process.
  • Similarly, in a Send Email step, you create a new Template by specifying a couple of fields. The template is created using reasonable defaults, so it works right away. You can then refine it later, after you finish.
Learn more: Process Models#Process Tasks and Flow Control

Greater Convenience when Adding Objects

After adding objects to an application, the platform now stays in the design view so you can begin to customize them immediately.
Learn more: Objects#Add a New Object

Programmatic Access to Files, Attachments, Notes, and Tasks

Guidelines for programmatically adding and accessing files, attachments, and private notes, as well as tasks that are related to a record have been added.
Learn more:

Sep 13, 2013

Web Services Integration (beta)

The AgileApps Cloud platform can be configured to use a wide variety of web services, allowing for sophisticated interchange of data without any platform programming. (The WebMethods integration server is recommended.) In addition, an IT admin can make the Web Service interface as simple as possible for the application designer to use.
Learn more: Web Services Integration

Task-Completion Forms

The standard dialog that completes a task lets the user add an optional comment. With this enhancement, a Process Model step can require a comment, and it can include a Form for the record the Task is attached to, allowing the user to modify that data, as well. (For example, when completing a Task attached to a Case, the case data can be adjusted.)
Learn more: Process Model User Tasks and Approval Steps

Loop Variables Easier to Use in Templates

When defining a template, related records (records that have a Lookup to the current record) need to be processed in a loop, because multiple records in the related object could be pointing to the current record. Such variables are easier to spot, because related objects are listed at the end of the Template Variables category list, under the heading "Related". And they're easier to use, because they include the entire loop syntax. The entire line of code can then be pasted into the template or, if a loop is already in place, you can paste only the part that is needed.
Learn more: Processing Related Records in a Template

Initial Class Template and Debugging Tips

An initial class template has been added to the wiki, to make it easier to code your next Java class. An additional snippet shows how to list incoming parameters. A page with debugging tips has also been added.
Learn more:

Aug 23, 2013

Menu Reorganization

The gear menu changes to create a clearer separation between administration and customization activities.
Learn more: Using the Agent Portal

Localized Formats for Numbers and Currencies

As part of a large, multi-national organization, AgileApps Live has taken a significant step forward in its support for international standards.
As in the past, a company can specify the default format for dates and times. Users can choose the format they are most comfortable with. The platform then does the formatting, allowing reports, records, and database views to present data in the most readable way possible.
Now, though, a company can do even more:
  • The company can specify the default format for numbers, allowing users to choose the format they're familiar with. As with dates, formatting is performed automatically by the program.
  • Perhaps even more importantly for a wide variety of applications, the company can specify the currency format, so that data entry forms and reports use the format appropriate to the company's locale.
Learn more: Localization

Specify "Reply above this line" Text

When a message goes out, recipients are instructed to type their message at the top of the reply. The text that tells them to do so can be customized by designers.
Learn more: End of Message Marker

"Global" Email Templates Relocated

Rather than having two different locations where an Email template might be found, all email templates are now found in the object they apply to -- so the templates formerly known as "Global" are now found in the Dynamic Case Management application's Cases Object.

Aug 3, 2013

Selectively Trigger Rules during Record Updates

It is now possible to trigger rules when updating records, as well as when adding them. The default when adding is to trigger any rules that exist, since that behavior is typically desired. But when updating a record, it is entirely possible to create a vicious circle of updates that does not end. For that reason, triggering of rules is disabled by default for updates. But the behavior can be enabled, as needed.
Learn more: Rule Actions

Trigger Rules Before of After a Record is Imported

Previously, it was possible to trigger a rule before a record was imported, but not after. It is not possible to do both.
Learn more: Event Rules

Selectively Disable Quick Text Entries

By default, Quick Text entries are available for use. But it is now possible to disable them, so they are not visible to users. For example, you might do that when creating entries for use in the future.

Prefill Form Data using Simple URLs

It is now possible to create a link in a JSP page (for example) and--assuming the user has a platform login--open a data entry Form that has one or more fields pre-filled when the user clicks on that link. That makes it possible to set up several links that "do the right thing", depending on which one the user clicks.
Learn more: Prefill Form Fields

July 2013

Ability to Create New Dynamic Case Management Applications

You now have two ways to create a new Dynamic Case Management (DCM) application. The first is to customize the (one and only) ServiceDesk application. That lets you take advantage of special ServiceDesk Features for customer interactions, but you can only have one such application installed at any given time. For other kinds of cases, you can create a new Dynamic Case Management Application, and have as many of those as you like.
Learn more: Application Construction Wizard

Global Email Templates

Previously, email templates were created for each object (for example, the Cases object). That capability still exists but now, global email templates can be created. Those templates can be used when sending a message from any record in the system (for example, from records in the Contacts or Tasks objects.

User-Role Function

A new function can be used to see if the current user has a given Role. That function can be used in Form Layout Rules for example, to vary the appearance of the form based on the user's role.

May 2013

Multi Step Tasks

Case Agents can now create an "ad hoc" process while managing a case, by creating a Multi Step task.
Learn more: Multi Step Tasks

Role-based Process Control

The ability to start and stop a given process can now be determined by a user's Role.
Learn more: Process Settings

Custom Form Actions in Case Forms

Action buttons can now be added to Case Forms, and to Forms created for records in other objects.
Learn more: Custom Form Actions

Rules for Import Events

It is now possible to trigger rules when records are imported. Rules can be triggered by individual records, or by the import process as a whole.
Learn more: Event Rules

Print Cases and Other Records

When you're viewing a record and you open the list of Actions in the sidebar, you now have a Print option. You can choose the Form or Document Template to use for printing, choose Portrait or Landscape mode, and choose whether to save the document or view it online.
Learn more: Use a Template to Print a Record

Customizable Auto Completion

It is now possible to determine how Auto Completion works. You can specify which fields are searched for the text the user types, and which fields are displayed to help the user determine which record to select.
Learn more: Auto Completion